It was quite a logical dream actually. She was signing books somewhere and so I went up to get my book signed except it was suddenly no longer a book and instead it was a was a key ring. So I apoligised for making her sign something weird. She then just started talking about how once someone got her to sign a watch and we started laughing because in dreamland this is very funny business.
I know stuff got a lot more interesting after that, but unfortunately I can no longer remember it.

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
The funny thing is, I bet if you presented IC with a key ring in reality, she'd do her best to sign it for you :P :)
You know she was in my dream once too! It was pretty normal too. I was looking at the ocean, (i think i'd just climbed out of a treehouse full of tigers and books) and i just saw her getting out of a van near the sea and i got all excited and went up to her and started talking about her books. I think i asked when Darkbane is coming out and she said it was coming out really soon and that made me happy :)
I know i kept talking to her in the dream after that but i cant remember what about.