Well I thought I would post in a couple different locations tonight, and this is one of my last stops.
maybe you could help with these connected dreams I had last week.
The first one started out with me sitting on the corner of a wall watching a group of people moving toward an opening in the wall further up when a throw a stick (dont ask me where I got it) at one of the people, He begins to chase me, and as I run around the corner, the place morphs into my street and as I run past my neighbours house she walks out, by this time the person that was chasing me had almost caught up and swung at me - missing me by metres and making my neighbour duck. I run straight throw my house to the backyard whilst he apologises to m neighbour, thats the end of that dream.
The following night I dream that I am running towards something in an indistinct location but it is important to get there, though I was running with someone that felt really familiar in my dream but I could not see them properly.
That is slightly odd. I've had that happen to me before. None to pleasent (well my dreams weren't anyway). I;m not to great at interpretations but Ill give it a shot. [act]gestures for WK to lie down on her therapy couch[/act] Are you under any pressure at the moment due to work, Uni or family? That may explain you being chased if you are. A nd maybe the stick throwing may have something to do with a minor rebellion you may be having with a friend or maybe even yourself [act]consults dream reading handbook[/act]. The familiar dream the night after may have something to do with you spending alot of time thinking about the disagreement with a friend/family member/uni tutor etc. (assuming that has happened, of course). That is about everything Ive got. I hope it made sense :P