How did I not know where Rosamunde was...? This calls for a series reread! [act]hurries towards her bookshelf, snuggie in hand[/act]
I dont think Dameon is in love with Elspeth... in the sense you mean. I think they're just really good friends and I think Carmody won't have them fall in love because she will want to make a point about how it is possible for a woman and a man to just be friends. I think (hope) Dameon does survive and falls in love with someone during the last book. I really dont want him to die, but I've got a slight feeling that Carmody likes bitter-sweet or tragic endings and am a little worried that I will spend the whole time crying through the final book. :S
IC has said in interviews that she hadn't meant for Dameon to fall romantically in love with Elspeth when she started writing Obernewtyn but that it happened of it's own accord.
That doesn't mean that there aren't examples of men and women just being good friends in the books. Consider Elf and Matthew, as well as the dude with the limp in TSK and his friend who runs the food stall. Probably some others but I can't remember.