Greetings to all Obernetters! Here is a description of how to request one of the Mystics wonderful fortunes.
When posting your question for us, please start a
new thread and include the following information:
Guild - or you won't get the 1 point per post. The max points you can get are 5 in this event - after that you can continue to post questions, but you won't get the points.
Question - we already know why you're here, but it is not in our nature to patronise.
The way you phrase your question is most critical to the way your Futureteller will interpret it.
Mode of Futuretelling - We have the following options available:
1. Tarot -
Min, EI, Deb, Ariadne2. Magic 8 Balls -
Eeyore, Loren, Meza, Min3. Fortune Cookies -
Eeyore, Loren, Meza, Min, Deb4. Oracle Cards (Angels or Fairies) -
Ariadne, EI5. Runes -
Min, EI6. Dream Analysis -
Eeyore, Loren, Min, EI 7. Flip a Coin -
Eeyore, Loren, Meza, Min, Deb8. Horoscopes -
Eeyore, Loren, Meza, Min, DebIf you don't choose a mode, one will be decided for you by the Futureteller who scries for you.
PointageYou may ask as many questions as you wish of the Futuretellers. You will receive
1 point each question you ask, to a maximum of
5 points per person. However, you may only ask
1 question per day. If you break this rule, your post will be deleted and you must ask your question again the following day.
BONUS: If you ask a question of each different method (nine different questions for each of the nine methods listed above), you will get 10 points (max).
Final Note: They need to be *reasonable* questions. Don't ask just anything to grab points. The giving of points per each question will be left to the discretion of the fortune teller.
If your question isn't deemed 'reasonable', a fortune teller might ask you to rephrase it.
Also, once you have asked over 5 questions, others that are asked after yours will be given priority. This will ensure our fortunetellers don't get too pressured to do everything at once.
For the sanity of those doing the readings...once one has been completed we are locking the thread.
If you would like to make a reply to your reading but it is locked before you can do so, please PM Min, Deb, Ari or ElspethInnle and we can open the thread for your comment/queries about a reading. If they are just general well-wishes, please direct them to the
commenting thread.
Most of all, have a wonderful Moonfair! :D