Thank you to EI for my Runes reading. :) Thanks also to Deb for my horoscope and Tarot card reading; looks like I'll be happy with my subjects next year. ^^;
Thanks for my tarot reding Deb. It was exactly what I needed to hear. :)
thank for my reading EI very interesting :)
and loren thanks for my flip a coin am going to be seeing what i do so many choices
12 years ago
Wed Oct 31 2012, 07:11pm
Thank you to Loren for flipping a coin for me. We'll see how it goes. (Followed him on instagram, does that count?) :P And thanks again to Loren for asking asking the Magic 8 Ball. Fingers crossed, it's wrong this time. ~:|
Thank you EI, for my Angel Card reading and Dream Analysis. Quite accurate in relation to my waking life. :)

Mystic Ward
12 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Thanks EI, what a wonderful job you've done.
Thanks for my dream analysis and oracle cards EI. The fairy oracle card was particularly appropriate. :)
Thanks Everyone who was involved in this did a great job :)
Thank you all for my wonderful readings! They were really interesting and some were quite accurate! Thanks again. :)