My interpretation is that that is exactly what is happening in Ember's vision when Glynn falls off the cliff. It is heavily implied that it is on Darkfall and we can hear at least a reasonable sized skirmish going on. We also know that Solen is there, breaking the rule of no Keltan men, so we can assume that the 'bad guys' broke the rule first and are the other ones fighting.
The ision also then tells us that something either will (or almost will) happen to Solen because we see Glynn's reaction to it. My feeling is that it won't be (permanently) fatal though; Glyn has earned her happy ending. For the other characters, I think that either Fayt or Tareed will die heroically, most likely Tareed. I'm not sure about anyone else, I'm having trouble thinking of anyone who is both important and expendable enough, although Hella is a possibility.
From the way the rest of the series is working out, I'm thinking that the fighting will end when the main Antagonists have been killed and the Unykorn returns. At face value it seems a bit silly that a unicorn is able to stop the fighting, but the Unykorn is much more powerful than most examples and combined with Shenavyre (or Ember) is a well entrenched symbol in their culture, even for those who don't believe it is real. Once the Chaos agents and real fanatics are gone, I think the others would be to shocked to do anything one it turns up. That said, knowing IC I expect it will still take quite a lot of time and effort to finish sorting things out and restructing them afterwards.