There's two new galleries open and waiting for submissions in a new gallery category called "Costumes, Cosplay and Clothing":
Cosplay photos: ~Link~ (viewable to members only, with obvious / standard disclaimer about making sure who you're posting is okay about having their photo online)
Clothing designs from Isobelle's books: ~Link~ (viewable by everyone, for any designs of clothing from any of Isobelle's books).
This idea was put forward by member
ThreeBirds, and so she'll be one of the mods of the area. If you're wondering about what to contribute then feel free to consult her or post in this thread.
Any submissions will gather guild points based on the standard gallery submission pointage (
full list of how to earn points here. Cosplay photos won't gain any points, though, if they are not created by yourself (eg, you can't put up a photo of someone else's cosplay and get the pointage for it!).