Ooh, I like these. I'm not familiar with most of the actors (despite being Australian...) but from the pictures they all seem to fit the characters really well. None of them exactly fit my mental image, but looking at them, they become my mental image. If that makes any sense...
At any rate, good work Loren and I look forward to seeing more of your cast :)
12 years ago
Mon Feb 11 2013, 02:29pm
Since I didn't even know how Sherlock was in Kaylan's thread, it'll come as no surprise that I'm not familiar with most of these people either :P. They don't all match what I see in my head (hazy though that is), but they feel like they'll work!
The only one I'm not sure about i older Elspeth. I don't know - she feels a bit too sophisticated for me. I think I'm kind of expecting someone a bit rougher around the edge; less confident, a bit wilder. I don't think that makes any sense :P.
The ones that really work for me: I love, love, love both Ariels and both Dragons, too. Those do match what I imagine :). Cassie feels good, too. Swallow is awesome, as well - I didn't have a clear picture of him in my head, but it just feels right. Russell Crowe for Brydda, too - big tick :).
I like your younger Ariel, he seems 'pretty' enough but I feel the older one needs to be a little more 'pretty'. Brydda of course is perfect.
To be honest, I'm not all that familiar with the actors either! :P I just googled Australian actors... :P So I'm not sure what their acting style is like, I picked them basically at face value. Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett are amazing actors though, and I've heard good things about Lincoln Lewis and Kodi Smit-McPhee.
I'll keep looking around, but I like the idea of keeping it to an Australian cast.
Oh yes, I approve of Swallow. He is quite fine. I like the look of Emilie for Hannah a lot actually though I'm not sure how her acting could handle the role. I've only seen her in Lost and Once Upon a Time and she's quite demure and niave in those roles.
11 years ago
Fri Sep 06 2013, 09:25pm
I think Russel is too old now to be Brydda. I mean, Brydda is what, in his 30? Russel Crowe is grey and wrinkley now.
The young Ariel is good. creepy-pretty, but the older one isn't beautiful enough. needs to be eery. I like the dragons. Blonde is good, because hair dye is easy.
I like the Dragons and Kella (I think Emily Browning is awesome). Though I'm not too sure about Chris Hemsworth as Dameon. He seems too buff to be Dameon for me. I think he'd make a decent Brydda though. I was thinking Jason Smith might be a decent Dameon and Alex O'Loughlin would be nice as Reuvan (both of them are Australian actors).
The ones which really work for me are Bruna, Gilaine, Freya, Gruffyd, Dragon and Reuvan. I just saw them and thought - yes! A lot of the other characters I don't have any kind of mental impression for, so I don't have an opinion either way.
Colin Thriels for Louis Larkin, though, I can't handle - I think it's because I used to watch Water Rats years and years ago when he was so much younger, and I still picture him that age :). He's just too familiar to me. I think the same goes for Geoffrey Rush.
The actress for Elspeth - I don't. She doesn't seem sombre enough to me, but I can definitely picture her as someone from Obernewtyn. Dell, maybe? Not sure.
And Rushton - that doesn't suit my mental image. Too clean-looking. I think I want someone more glowering-looking if that makes sense :).
Oh Daffyd is really good, too, now that I look back. That actor has the haunted, serious look I associate with Daffyd.
It's really interesting seeing yours and others' ideas of what the characters look like!
11 years ago
Thu Sep 12 2013, 08:40pm
I like your Zarak (I might steal him for my own list), he looks like he has the right amount of herp derp for that boy. Marais has the right kind of beauty for Eren but I think she looks too nice :P
Oooo I really like Angina and Bruna.