I've decided to start a thread to note down some of my dreams. The most recent of which involves the books of Isobelle Carmody. And to be honest this was one of my more normal dreams, usually things just are completely random and aren't like the real world at all. And I've never experienced those cliched dreams of falling, being chased, frozen, my dreams just seem normal but there is usually one part that's just like "What?" As you may see from my latest dream. I'll see if I can drag up some of my old dreams as well, that I've messaged to people over the years. There is one in particular involving 'zombies' that I'd like to share eventually.
So in this dream I was back at my Primary School (which I loved dearly), and there were primary school kids there going around with some sort of chocolate desert that they had made for something. I was heading towards the library (of course!) and there was a kid I know from High School there, who didn't go to my primary school, and he had some food too.
Anyway, heading into the library I went to visit my old teacher-librarian, who is just amazing, and I think it was her last day, as she retired last year, but in this dream that day was today. I didn't really say hello to her, there were other people around, but then she announced that everyone could go and pick a book and take it home for free (like the library was closing down or something). And I of course rushed over to where Isobelle Carmody's books were, wanting to grab them all, since they were some of the more original of the Obernewtyn Chronicle editions, plus there were other IC books, but I don't remember them actually existing in this library. Anyway, I decided that I could take more than one, because she wouldn't mind since we had a very good relationship. One of my friends, who has been my friend since I was 4, was there, and suddenly I found a omnibus of Obernewtyn there, in a random spot, it was in a white cover, and for some reason had books 1-4. But inside it said that they were edited, and used an example of Harry Potter where there was some part that was 'irrelevant or confusing' and this editor had fixed it up. Which would explain for its diminutive size.
Just another completely random dream.
Strange dream last night which combined Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, shopping (for a single drinking glass), America, a few of my friends and a river with a random flower which had writing on it with a message "please write back" which we stopped to look at, and my friend and Tonks were discussing it.
Very strange, though I was woken by my alarm just as we were in the store looking for a drinking glass to buy, why I wanted the glass I think was to take it overseas with me, like that makes sense.