This is more of a thought than a theory, but I was listening to that
"Second Law of Thermodynamics" song on tumblr and having my usual giggle to myself about trying to explain the second law of thermodynamics to Keltans when the song came to this line; "the fundamental laws of thermodynamics will place fixed limits on technological innovation and human advancement. In an isolated system, the entropy can only increase. A species set on constant growth is unsustainable."
The Keltans use technology that, by comparison to our world, is fairly primitive. Most of their large social and technological advancements have been attributed to Lanalor, potentially indicating that they haven't evolved much technologically since his death. Further, their primary source of knowledge about the Chaos spirit are The Legendsong of the Unykorn and the Alyda Scrolls, indicating that they might not have had knowledge of the Chaos spirit prior to this.
Does anyone else think this is really cool? A society where the big bad evil is Chaos with a low rate of technological growth resulting in lower growth of entropy? In which that low rate of technological growth potentially began after they found out about the big bad? Do you think it's deliberate? I mean, IC says she's not really a mathsy person, but I think this would seriously be the coolest literary decision ever it was done on purpose.