So last week saw the premier of Under the Dome, based on the 2009 book by 'master of suspense' Stephen King, who helped with the creation of the series, as did Stephen Spielberg. And for once Australia had the premier only hours after the US, so you didn't have to wait very long for it (which is exactly what they need to do, it would reduce the amount of downloading by an amount, since we don't have to wait around for it!). It's on Tuesday Nights at 8:30 on Channel Ten for those interested. And if you missed the first episode, it's online on Ten's website.
I haven't read the book, but others have said that it was pretty similar, but there were things thrown in which where different, to keep it unknown for those who have read the book.
I really liked it, and I'm already hooked. How on earth did this town get cut off by this dome, why did it happen, what on earth is the dome. And the interactions between all the characters who are trapped under the dome, is going to be very interesting. It was a small town already, but now it's isolated, and they have to fend for themselves for a unknown time. My dad, who watched it with me, was like, "Why didn't any of them try to dig under the dome!" which is a very valid question, but I don't think that will be a successful way to get out. Though I have to theorise that there is a way out, but whoever finds it, won't share it, that's just what happens. Further theorising and thoughts in spoiler below.
A note that this show does contain some themes which are beyond PG, which I won't mention.
So ok, a few spoilers. That guy (Junior, so bad with names so Wikipedia is the way to go) is really creepy, what are you doing dude? And his dad has like no idea.
Such a conspiracy that they stockpiled kerosene, just before the Dome fell, but the discussion between the councilman (Big Jim) and police officer (Duke), seems to suggest there are other reasons. Probably they needed money, but what is this, illegal kerosene? The journalist (Julia) is going to find out and be in danger.
The weird fit that the two teens had makes me very suspicious. I don't recall what the diabetic teen said before she had it, but the guy (Joe) was basically on the verge of figuring out the dome. I mean, here he was, without parents, his peers were partying, and he was out trying to find what powered the dome! I like him already! My theory is that somehow the dome is going to protect itself against attack, and Joe was too close to the truth, so was attacked by the electric fields disrupting his brain or something.
And that was unexpected that the soldier guy who murdered a person, murdered the journalist's husband, and then he gets invited back to their house, welp that's awkward.
I enjoyed it in a mild sort of way. I can see that it might engage me more as it progresses.
Thanks for the head's up! I forgot when the first episode was playing so after I saw this thread, I went to watch it! It's interesting!!
Can't wait to see what happens next!
The recent replay of The Simpson's Movie with their dome reminded me of this series - was The Simpson's Movie based on the Stephen King story that the series is based on? Anyone know?
It certainly is interesting!
Re the Simpson's movie, that came first, though King claims he hasn't seen it, and the similarity came to him as a surprise (according to Wikipedia). Plenty of people have commented on that similarity, I completely forgot about that movie. The best I heard from that connection is someone asking when spiderpig would be making an appearance!
So the second episode was on last night, and I don't think it was quite as good as the first, but it was still engaging.
I just love that Joe decides to use some trigonometry and map the dome. Alright, I have no idea why he needed trigonometry to do so, and I couldn't really see a point of him calculating anything, if he wanted to calculate something he should have figured out the height, but it seemed pointless. I just hope that they don't try to make him a real 'nerd', like they won't just always have him geeking out over maths or something. He's smart, but that doesn't mean he has to be the stereotypical 'nerd', though at the moment he does seem to be 'cool'. And it's awesome that he figured out that the dome did actually let through some water, not sure if the scientists on the outside realised that, I was hoping he'd let them know.
I love that Julia just takes control of the radio station as soon as she finds out that it is being called a dome, which is a strange thing, because, we all knew it was a dome, but the citizens weren't really sure.
JUNIOR! Just stop what you are doing, you just need help! Don't mess with Barbie. I think that Big Jim when he finds out what Junior is doing, I sadly think he'll try to cover it up somehow.
I completely forgot that Duke's pacemaker exploded in the end of the last episode, but seeing the consequence of his death with Big Jim and the Reverend trying to cover their tracks (they were smuggling drugs somehow, and covering it with kerosene shipments). The irony that the Reverend nearly died in the fire he started, but was only to be saved by Linda!
The police officers are dropping like flies! I'm not sure Big Jim trying to gain control of the town is really a good thing.
Good to see the town coming together to fight the fire, and quick thinking by Jim really saved the day, but they were all standing by while the fence was still on fire!
So the 3rd ep was on last night, and they actually made reference to the Simpson's MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!! It made me laugh so much!!! It's certainly getting exciting, but I can't believe that the time frame is so short at the moment, they've only been under for like 2 days, and things are already complicated and starting to go sour so I'm not sure how long they can last. And what about food?
Seriously you don't want to be a cop in Chester's Mill, there's only one left now! And Big Jim is nearly as psychotic as his son! Really don't think he should be the one to lead the town, and it's no wonder Junior has issues, with his father treating him that way. It's certainly creating some sympathy for him, but, when you are reminded that he has literally taken someone kidnapped, to 'protect' them, then there isn't much sympathy. It was a good idea to check the cement factories tunnels (why it has tunnels I'm not sure), but it didn't really work, though it did look a little different down there.
I have to say that Julia following him down there was just stupid, I know she is a journalist and inquisitive, but seriously? And then she follows him down without a light, and they then struggle to find their way out, without a light? And they forgot the way out? Really? And they are underground, and yet there is way too much light! And Julia is now totally suspicious of Barbie, it won't be long till the truth comes out!
And I have to continue saying how much I like Joe, and good on him for trying to stand up to the jerk, but he only really was saved by the fact the generator blew, so no more power, so no more being popular. And once again he and the diabetic teen, had a fit, and this time it was after they touched. So maybe they are the key to getting rid of the dome, something to do with energy? There was a spark when they touched, so, what's going on?
Yep I'm going to keep posting about Under the Dome, cause it's getting even more interesting! I also bought the book, it's HUGE, it's 800+ pages. Not sure when I'll read it though, since JK's 'secret' book has caught my attention too...
That shhhhh seizure thing was the creepiest thing I have ever seen. Just what is going on between Joe and Norrie? I really think they are the key to this dome.
Junior? Becoming a cop? Bad idea, but at the same time he really handled the situation quite well. He's just too unstable to be trusted.
And Big Jim has found Angie! What is he going to do? Please tell me he isn't going to keep her locked up too? But what is he going to do with Junior, and will he revoke his admission to the police?
And poor Julia, she has found out the 'truth', well she still doesn't know Barbie killed her husband, and I don't she will for a while, if ever. Just imagine if she felt so betrayed because Barbie knew her husband and was an 'enforcer', what would she do if she found out he killed her?
And the meningitis outbreak was an interesting idea. The reverend is just crazy, what does he think he is doing? I think the dome has him a little shaken. The town is certainly unravelling too fast!
Alright the next episode (what's that 5?) I think it wasn't too good. More of a filler episode really. The timeline wasn't very good either, one minute someone says they've only got 10 minutes to go, and then they magically have enough time to do a whole bunch of things, and then there's still time for other people to do stuff!
We don't understand the dome, so we're going to blow it up with the 'best' nuclear weapon we have, even though the dome is indestructible, and we'll kill the civilians inside the dome, and wipe out all life around the dome for years, and let radioactive material spread across the country!!! [act]sigh[/act] I wonder if the book had this.
Big Jim took an awfully long time to let Angie out! Like seriously, you find this girl locked up in your bunker, so what do you do, keep her there for a whole night, don't let her out when she begs, and only let her out when you think the world is going to end! And he doesn't really even talk to Junior about it, as he runs off to go find Angie, and then Angie comforts him, even though HE LOCKED YOU UP FOR A WEEK! Honestly was hoping she would just shoot him with his own gun.
I have to say that I'm glad the Reverend is gone, he was causing the town more trouble than it was worth. Though I found it interesting that his hearing aid was working like the radio tower, and picked up some chatter.
Joe and Norrie finally kissed, and this time they didn't have a seizure, but I think the dome was a bit busy dealing with the nuclear warhead!
And Barbie didn't get to tell Julia the truth!