As the title suggest, just post whatever pops into your banana!
Can I sleep in the uni library???
Trying to find a route across campus that doesn't involve being accosted by student union election campaigners trying to shove flyers in my face
[act]beep[/act] [act]beep[/act] [act]beep[/act]
That terrible moment when you realise your mum didn't load money to your school account to buy lunch :|
2 more assignments down, am trying to find the right balance between book reading and doing my uni work.... so far its working but my uni work is about to double :(
Wooo 3001!
Also, remember, the brain named itself. (that freaks me out a little, and then my brain is realising that "it" named itself)
Mashed Bananas and lemon zest makes good petrol!!
Sweater Weather is going to kill me one day - I swear, I'll start out listening to it while I'm doing my homework and in the end I'll just end up distracted because my heart just goes hnnnnnng and this is ridiculous. It's not even a sad song and I feel like crying.
Pip pip . . . pip pip pip!
I am confused! Well, more so than usual!!
another assignment due in today :)
my eyes are so tired and straining already and i haven't even started the day at uni...
Just found Darkfall and Darksong on ebay for super cheap, that is, compared to what they usually go for when imported from AU. Also, I just sent Rushton off to his first day of school.
Going crazy from what sounds like a metal or hard rock version of Gangnam Style which walls, doors and windows cannot block.
Keepin' the deodorant market busy 'cause I'm a caring person
Yay for parent signature forgery...
*dpm* Sorry, buddy, but this is rather exciting.
I'm talking to my Tumblr idol as I type. [act]dies[/act]
The sting of hot water on raw skin. :(