So I wasn't sure if there was a thread for this! I recently read the most amazing story I have ever read in my life. It's called Twist and Shout, and it's Supernatural fanfiction (the TV show). The reason it was so amazing was because I have never been so touched by an actual book as much as this story touched me. I was actually in physical pain for days afterwards. I won't post the link because it's for mature readers, however, it got me thinking about fanfiction and I was wondering if anyone regularly reads it, and if they have come across any stories that are genuinely novel worthy. So I thought we could all post links to our favourite fanfiction stories and discuss them!
I don't really anymore. I used to read and (ashamedly) write fanfiction when I was about 12-13 but I grew out of it really fast once I started working, more focusedly, on my own stuff.
I have a kind of love-hate relationship with it though. Sometimes it's fun to read just because a lot of it is just so bad that I can get a real good laugh out of it, and then other times, like you've already implied it can be really really bloody good. This just tends to leave me moody though cause I kinda see it as wasted talent/laziness--because how many fanfiction authors are actually working on their own stuff and their own worlds? (And then the ones that do end up creating their own worlds--or at least translating their fanfictions into 'original' fiction--always tend to be the average writers like Cassandra Clare and EL James or whatever her names is) [act]deep sigh[/act]
That and I strictly tend to adhere to canon realities so I don't often find myself wondering 'what if' and need fanfiction to answer that question for me.