Mystic Ward
10 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
OK, so now that winter is only days away, I thought I should post a sign up thread for the new season. Same stuff, different three months.
There might even be a prize at the end of August.
Count me in. I'll commit to 20k again with the hope of raising it at some point.
I'm having a month off just writing random short stories once my first draft is finished, and will probably start editing it in July, if I can bear to look at it. I'll probably for now just set a goal of getting 10 chapters edited between July and August - revise depending on when I actually start and how quick the process is (hard to predict until you really get into a book, I've been finding).
I want to say I can join in but Autumn was a dismal failure for me, so I'm kind of scared to sign up to an amount. I would really like to, but, as I've said before, I think I need to do some proper rethinking/brainstorming/planning.
For now I will say yes, and commit myself to a 10k target, which will most likely be adjusted up or down.
It wasn't a dismal failure - you got 8k words. And this is despite being tired, a full time job with lots of overtime responsibilities and general life and family stuff.
Here's the thing about writing - we do it for fun. We post these goals because we like the companionship of our fellow word scribblers, and so as long as we get a few words down and swap some encouragement and giggles with everyone else, then I think it's all worthwhile.
set your goals to remind you to come on here and have a chat, but otherwise, don't stress!
10 years ago
Thu Jun 19 2014, 10:42am
Now that this is happening four times a year rather than once or twice, we're all going to misjudge the time we have to dedicate to writing at some point. I only managed about 10% of my target, so I've learned that lesson and won't be out by so much next time.
Having said that, under my new regime of poetry-writing, as detailed in my threads here and Prodders, I'm scheduled to write 40 poems in winter. Currently, the average length of one of my poems is around 25 words, but I'm aiming to increase that, so let's just say 2,000 and I'll write a very short story or something like that if needs be.
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
10 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
I managed to reach my target for Autumn, so given that I'm on holidays in less than two weeks, I should definitely have time to reach 15k this winter :)
No words in Autumn, let's try for winter ... 15,000.
I have no idea what to set my goal as--I didn't finish editing like I wanted to for this round. I found the only time I edited was when I was on the train going into the city, but I can't exactly afford to go into the city every day :P So I'll just try to edit for 30mins everyday since that's about the same amount of time as a trip to the city is.
Mystic Ward
10 years ago
Sat Aug 30 2014, 10:05amdeb
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I'm going for 8000 over winter. Might have to adjust down by August though as I only seem to write at write-ins.
June 1st: 2700
August 25th 1600
Total: 4300
Pfftt, couple of those handwritten 4k sessions and you're there! Good luck, Deb. and it would be nice to one day read a couple of your snippets... Hint hint :).
My thoughts exactly, Darga! 2,700 x 3 = 8,100, so at this rate you'll only need the write-ins, Deb! ;)
Might aim for 5,000 words over my holidays
It's good to know I wasn't alone in being dissatisfied with my Autumn word count. But that's all in the past, right? There's still a month and a half left of Winter, I'm in. I think I'd like to enter a short story in the Scarlet Stiletto Awards and do some serious work on finishing off my final LorF episode, although I currently have fears it's going to turn into a novel-length affair if I don't take control of it soon.