As discussed with General Discussion, the Anthology Project shall require an editing committee. This committee shall undertake the final edits of the submitted stories, ultimately work together to decide what gets included in the anthology, provide feedback to all the writers, and will help guide and run the critique sessions held throughout the year.
Accordingly, this is a position that comes with a certain amount of responsibility and authority--and as such, there is a test!
Don't worry, it's not a hard test. It's not even 500 words long and is a non-fiction piece, which makes for far easier editing that fiction. But it is a test nonetheless.
So, if you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, then please, download the test from
here, fill out the questionnaire below and forward your responses onto me, preferably via
-email-"+"@"+"";self.close();' onmouseover='window.status="mai"+"lto:"+"
-email-"+"@"+""; return true;' onmouseout='window.status="";return true;'>email so that you can attach your edited test.
- Why do you want to be on the committee?
- How much time do you estimate as having to offer for the project?
- Have you had any experience with editing?
- What skills and values do you think a good editor requires?
- Give an example of the correct use of the word nauseous.
The committee shall, at this stage, make up a group of five people (not including myself) and applications shall open up again if required. Applications close on
Friday, 19th of September.
Questions/comments/concerns, post below: