Mystic Ward
9 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
It's that time of year again when there are holidays from school/work and hot weather for hiding inside with the aircon on, just perfect for writing!!!!
So pick up your pen, laptop, tablet or whatever you do your writing on and jump into Obernowrisu.
Post in this thread to lettuce all know what your target will be. Perhaps writing a contribution to the Ober Anthology, or finishing off a novel that's been sitting around for a while.
As this is our "official" writing season there will be a prize for a randomly selected author who makes their target.
Have fun.
Mystic Ward
9 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I'm aiming for a short story for the anthology, around 5000 words. :P
Best of luck, Deb! Looking forward to seeing the story when (not if!) it's done :D.
And what about you Marta...? Hmmm..?
I'm going to aim (and achieve for once :P) a target of 15,000, probably just a bunch of short stories, unless I decide to drag back that murder mystery.
Ooh, the murder mystery with the body in the lake? You should!
I have several ideas floating around, so I'll see what happens, I guess. I'll put it at 10k for now, and will maybe up that later :)
Oh yes, the murder mystery with the lake AND the hugs! Best of luck to both of you. Hope the words are kind!
Nope, no goal for me.
Darga's goal is to pretend she despises writing for three months.
I have no idea what to put down as a goal. I've got two manuscripts to read and edit this month for clients, and having just pumped out nearly 90k in November alone, I don't think I'll be writing much for awhile. Maybe I'll put down a goal in January.
Goal for this month: think of a goal to start in January :P
Yep that murder mystery, perhaps my goal for that should be properly plan what's actually going on in it.
LOL shonk, I'm sure Darga will crave in and have some more words for us. And I think the 90k in November is amazing Shonk, congrats on such a huge total.
Wow, Shonk. 90k is just epic!
*is stunned at Shonk's 90k*
9 years ago
Sat Jan 17 2015, 08:58pmjossie
[strike]This time last year I set out to get 50,000 words from 1st Dec until 24th Jan (before work started back) and I want to try that again (even though I am late by 7 days).[/strike]
Wish I could have tried but with going away overseas, I couldn't quite fit it in the writing with the shopping and sightseeing.
Instead I will aim at 500 words a day until the end of Feb, with 42 days left = 21,000 words is my aim.
Fingers crossed that the beginning of work won't put a pause to that!
This Summer, I'd like to double what I've already written of my NaNo story. Another 45,000 words for me!
I've been an abject failure at meeting my goals this year so new plan! Rolling goals. I'm aiming low, just 10000 words, but I'll just keep them coming as a go. Hopefully i can meet a couple of these before the end of summer! 1000 words down so far!
M'kay, goal time for me: for this month I just want to produce an outline for Coistrel since I have never used one before. While I've already written about 50k towards this book, I still want to see what happens when I have a plan that doesn't just exist in my head.
Then for the rest of summer I'll just do a 50k writing goal.
And good luck to everyone else :D
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
9 years ago
Thu Dec 18 2014, 07:36pmArwen
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
[strike]I'm going to aim for 10000 words again this summer. [/strike]
Given my wordcount just three days after this, I'm going to increase my goal to 25000 words for the summer.
So, how did everyone go? I didn't get anywhere near my target, but that's okay -- I don't think summer is my most productive season anyway.
I did well! I just passed my goal of 21k.
I'm looking at a target of 10k for this autumn (if it's happening?).
Good job Jossie. Good luck with your 10k!
Well, I can't even remember what my goal was? Finish Mowgli, I think? I did that, so I guess I won. I'm sure there was something else I wanted to do though . . ..
For this Autumn, I guess I'll try hitting the big 1MIL. I'm at 941K at the moment, roughly.
Wow, good luck with it! What is that 1 mil of, just total writing?
Your goals are just astronomical, Shonk. Congratulations and good luck. Any chance you could share a bit more Mowgli in that file of yours?
Oh, yeah, sure. I'll stick the rest of it up. I think Ama's a lost cause so no reason not to.