Is anyone watching Marvel's latest tv show, Agent Carter? It follows Peggy Carter of Capt. America fame, post-war. She works for the SSR, who are trying to figure out if Howard Stark (Tony Stark's dad) sold a bunch of weapons to the Russians (only...a LOT more involved than that!). It's fast becoming my new favourite show! The story is excellent - with twists that catch you out, heart and humour. Plenty of action too. Highly recommend it to anyone searching for something new to watch - it's what SHIELD should have been from word go (for the record, I still find myself watching SHIELD only out of loyalty).
I watched the first couple episodes but it didn't really grab me, tbh. There were parts I liked about it, and all, but ultimately I just found it kinda average. I'm not a huge fan of Captain America's arch in the Marvel Universe though, so the fact that Peggy stems from that might be part of the reason why.
I've also adored James D'Arcy for a long time so having him as a sassy butler sidekick is a dream I never knew I had come true.
I'm excited about the series, but will wait until channel 7 decides to air it (unless they sit on it for too long, of course).
Sionainn it gets better - quickly. There's moments where I've gone "...this isn't Joss Whedon, is it?!". I'm not a huge fan of Capt. America either.
Maybe I'm just relieved it's not as disappointing as SHIELD, but I am finding myself hanging out for next week's episode each week and the next set of reveals in the story arc.
I definitely don't care for Captain America, at all. I'm just apathetic about him and his story, but I love Peggy. I especially love that this series isn't about her pulling herself together after losing him, it's all her fight and she does it without him or his influence.
Yep, been following the series since the start. Just episodes 7 (this week) and 8 to go. I hope they make a second series
I really hope there's a second series! If SHIELD got one, AC certainly should!
Spoiler time (just discussion on episodes already passed):
I LOVED the twist how the Russian psychiatrist was actually communicating with Dotti (/whatever her real name is). I was certain she was going to shoot him and theN BAM, he's tapping out morse code. Did not see that coming, brilliant actors they have there.
There's been quite a few moments that the show hasn't done as expected (eg the cliche route). Think that's why I like it so much, it doesn't patronise the audience.
Although the show is doing that well in the ratings it actually has better ratings than Agents of Shield did halfway through its first season and that was renewed, so everything I've read is looking hopeful.
One episode left!
Don't read the spoiler if you haven't seen episode 7
I cant believe they killed off the Chief! I expected him to last through the end of the season!
I am desperate for a second season, especially after that ending. MORE SASSY PEGGY AND JARVIS PLS.