Okay, so I'm sorry if this theory has been posted before and I just can't find the thread, but I was wondering what all your thoughts were on who Dameon actually had fallen for during the series, especially in Ashling where it is most heavily hinted. Also, I think I had read a quote somewhere where Isobelle Carmody was asked during question time about Elspeth and Dameon's relationship and emphatically denied that it was in any way romantic (please correct me if this is wrong!)
So in Ashling, after Elspeth and Rushton talk to each other after the battlegames, Dameon decides to stay behind at the Earthtemple saying that it is a selfish desire and implying that he wants some time alone, and also had a shield up when saying goodbye to Elspeth so she could not read his emotions. We all assumed that this meant he had feelings for her, but what if it was actually Rushton who Dameon had unrequited feelings for? In Ashlong there is a strong theme of jealously, with Elspeth being jealous when she thinks Rushton and Freya are in a relationship and she has been cast aside. This could be foreshadowing what will be revealed about Dameon, and also explains why he had such a tight shield up if he was jealous of his friend Elspeth for winning Rushton's love. Furthermore, remember at the very start of the Farseekers book, Elspeth described how Dameon could always be found at Rushton's side as his assistant in running obernewtyn, especially at meal times. But, in later books he is almost always sitting eating with the Empath guild. So, what are your thoughts on the possibility of Dameon/Rushton unrequited love?
I just read the bit in the sending where elspeth sees dameon's homecoming in a dream from Rushton's perspective, and dameon gives Rushton major stinkeye ...
Ahh, cool! Well I definitely remembered that quote way wrong! Thanks guys :)
This has always been a theory that tickled my fancy, even though I know it's not true :). You might recall that Rushton had a habit of glaring at Elspeth when he was feeling particularly enamoured with her. Maybe that look of Dameon's that Elspeth intercepted in TS could have had a similar cause!
I love this theory!! So clever, even if it's not how Isobelle has written it in the end.
How is this not a thing. This would be so amazing if this were the truth. I mean it would turn the whole thjng on its head. I mean so many people fall for elspeth including Dameon. She much more interesting of Dameon loved rushton. And it would help represent more of the LGBTQI community. As for as I can tell there is only one homosexual couple in his series. I want this to be true so badly, even though it's not