Yay! So excited to be reading 'The Red Queen!' Up to page 47
I can't quite comprehend that Elspeth and her companions may have slept for years!!! What a truly scary thought. On another note, I thought it was apt that Astyanax is the new Elder and will now pass on information to Elspeth in Atthis' stead. Elspeth being woken up from her sleep and 'resurrected' reminded me of the Matrix. And the whole compound of Speci and 'God' sounds highly suspicious to me!
Yay! More thoughts to come...
Pg 21. Spoilers ahead.
I have a really bad feeling a lot of time is going to have passed by the time Elf and the others wake up....
I love it!
Page 156 - 157
I love that Elspeth is a cat in Miryum's strange dream-world! And I bet it was Balboa that gave Elspeth the poisoned plums that made her leave her body to travel on the dream-trails... Hmmm, at least it served a purpose in that she encountered Miryum.
I loved this little observation: Up to page 176 - 177
So sweet - when the gossipy old lady talks to Elspeth about Dameon's devotion: "'Anyone could see by how he reacted after you had appeared in the Hub... There had been some deep trouble in his heart and suddenly it was gone. He smiled and laughed easily and was full of relief. Doubtless you were to cohabit in the time before?... Seeing him speak to you, anyone can see you are precious to him...'"
Everyone except Elspeth that is!! Elspeth, how can you be so blind? How can you not see that Dameon adores you?? Sheeeeeeesh.
So my thoughts as of page 247 are.....
Leave Habitat already......
Just a random observation :)
Page 557
I laughed out loud when Dragon told Elspeth to hurry up or Maruman would eat her pancakes
I could just imagine her turning up to see a half nibbled pancake on the ground and maruman just sitting blithely beside it washing his face with his paw, completely unconcerned about the whole affair
I know i shouldn't be reading spoilers but I'm so disappointed. I live in Perth and went to buy my pre ordered copy of TRK and there's none available in Perth yet! So annoying! Now what am i meant to read!
I laughed at that too Ashalinde
Hey pushyjensen14- I'm in Bunbury and got my copy Wednesday arvo. You can borrow mine (I'm just about done!) anytime Sunday onwards :-P
9 years ago
Fri Nov 13 2015, 07:09pmlarana
Lol forever at pages 630-633
"Elspeth, you are more Talented than anyone I have ever known, but oh my dearest one, you are such a fool when it comes to emotions" hahahahahaha
Also Elspeth how can you be so thick...."where have I felt this interference before....LIDGEBABY you dumbass
Up to page 280
Oh the irony of rhenlings described as angels - more like demons if you ask me!
Creeeeepy... Up to page 317
Agghhh... to think of all those poor 3,720 humans in cryopods, doomed to sleep forever under that frozen floor in the huge chamber was beyond chilling... I wonder if they will be able to be released eventually?
Page 369
"... there were quite a lot of people here towards the end of the Beforetime, all making final preparations for the habitation ceremony... Then there came a day when the place was emptied out of all the workers, just after the govamen cryopods were brought in and installed... That is when it happened - the Great White. If it had been a sevenday later, all of those people would have been here, safe."
There is something highly suspicious about the fact that Cataclysm B (holocaust) happened just before the Utopians (seeking to be free from Government rule and live according to their own ideals) were to move into Pellmar Quadrants and after the Government had installed the cryopods there. Just simple misfortune or a premeditated incident?
Thanks for that pizzagreen! I especially liked your thoughts on Chapters 4, 11 and 12...
Ha ha! That part in Chapter 4 was so funny... Dameon's joy at being near Elspeth was almost palatable and then Elspeth asks for some clothes and Dameon just sits there and does nothing...
Although, the only thing I didn't get was a sense of Dameon being the Destroyer. Funny, because I thought that much earlier while reading the other books but this time I'm not feeling it as much. However, knowing that they all had some kind of device implanted into their wrists could be a potential means to control them sometime later in the book and Dameon waking up with a headache and feeling 'off' made me worry a bit about him.
Musing on page 381 - 385
I find it strangely bizarre and yet hilarious at the same time picturing Elspeth, Swallow, Analivia, Dragon and Dameon all sitting down to breakfast in a Beforetime city with holographic wallpaper and an artificial sun shining outside, talking about flying in a glider/ plane to find Eden. It's just so strange... and amazing ^_^
So I'm way past this by now but thought I would get on and post. :D
Hhhhmmmmm page 265
A stunner with a switch that turns on a beam of heat.
Why did I think of a light sabre straight away.
Edit: up to page 325-326
:O What! What! What! No! No! No! :((
Edit: up to page 384
zoom.... I can just imagine them all in a flying machine, flying over the land and the others at Obernewtyn and in other areas freaking out about what it is and what was happening.
It is giving me a good laugh imagining it.
Jillieslaurana, page 265 - yep that makes sense ^_^
The stunners did have a light-sabre feel. I loved the little portable lights like glow sticks which they carried around and stuck in the ground - I want one of them!
Pages 412 - 420
Dameon and Elspeth are both cats in Miryum's spirit dream??!! My life is complete ^_^
Up to page 376
DAMEON IS A GINGER? "I had to smile to see his ginger hair sticking up in all direction." Did I just miss something in an earlier book?
Up to page 631
I think I'm glad that Elspeth is finally as aware of Dames' love for her as the rest of the characters are (honestly, she's so thick sometimes :)). Though I'm not sure if he was just projecting particularly strong emotions and Elspeth was just feeling what he felt, or if he was empathising her to make her want to kiss him back, and I'm a bit squicked out by the though of that.
Up to page 428-429
A year!!!! In the pods for a whole freaking year. I'm on the verge of tears. So long. :'(
Conrad K Cat, I squueeeed at that too!
I do believe that this is the first time Dameon's hair colour is ever mentioned. I never imagined he'd be a ginger, I somehow thought he'd have brown/ light brown hair. I love IC's attempt to humanise him and make him more real, vulnerable and down-to-earth in this book.
9 years ago
Mon Nov 16 2015, 03:35amMeredith
page: 1108
I've just finished reading the book and I'm so overwhelmed!! Amazingly happy that Rushton and Elspeth get to live the rest of their lives together, and loving that sentinel remains as a guide and companion. However I think IC could easily write a follow up book on what happens at Eden and how all our loved characters continue to live out their lives! (Or maybe I'm just not ready to say goodbye yet)
And as much as I love Rushton and Elspeth, I felt Dameon to be the deeper character and his declaration of love just broke my heart
Up to page 420
I can't wait to see Matthew again! I'm almost certain we will, because though he's been absent for many books/years, IC's been building up to his presence for a long time - all those dreams of him have to mean something.
I'm surprised that Erit came back, but also really curious to see what happens now.
Rushton's a slave! I know (okay, I desperately hope) we'll see him again, but I really don't want him to die. Seriously. So much. Also the looming beast? I hope he's okay!
I love Mouse, and I hope we get to hear more from those on Herder Isle - Sover, Harwood, Mouse, Sabatien, Cinda (!), Ursa, Lark, Cinda's boyfriend (name temporarily escapes me).
FREYA AND CEIRWAN HAVE A BABY! I'M SO EXCITED! At least, I'm assuming it's Ceirwan and Freya's, though I don't recall either of them having red hair?
Rolf and Iriny, I assume, get together! So happy!
Really I'm just loving all these hints that IC's offering us into what other characters are doing. I didn't realise how much closure I needed until I'm seeing this. Though things like Ceirwan/Freya's kid is just making me want to see more. Is it bad I'm hoping for some miraculous solution in which I get an in-depth discussion of the fates of every character in the series?
Conrad K Cat, I enjoyed that too
I loved that we were given little hints about what was going on in the Land. It's a nice feeling to think of everyone going about their lives as normal despite the harrowing nature of Elspeth's quest.
page 542
Did anyone else find it strangely hilarious what Hendon says about Maruman before trying to save Elspeth from him? "This animal is feline... carnivorous, surgically altered and physically damaged... pulses indicate mental instability and high levels of aggression." Ha ha! At least it gives us a little insight into Maruman's character and possible past.
Page 553 - 554
I found Elspeth's dream about the people from an unknown Asian country fascinating. The fact that they know about the Seeker and know something about the possible outcome leaves room for surprises and hidden knowledge - "If we succeed there will be a peace that lasts a thousand years..."
I wonder what they know about Elspeth's quest and what they know that Elspeth doesn't know...