It's that time of year again, and since the release of The Red Queen has surely ruined our actual NaNoWriMos for this year, best push our efforts towards the summer! Right? Right! Three months of writerly madness. That's what we all need now. Flailing and cattleprods to abound!
So show us your colours--record a goal (doesn't even have to be a word count; can be anything you please) for the summer period here and maybe even share with us a little bit about what you plan to work on ( ;) ) Then, come December 1st, you can jump right into it, prepared and ready to smash targets.
For those inclined towards prizes of monetary value, there will be a $50 Dymocks gift card up for grabs, courtesy of me, your friendly neighbourhood Shonk. You can buy like a whole book with that. Maybe even two . . . two and a half. Five if you're into Popular Penguins. THINK OF THE BOOK!
So get thinking, get planing, get writing and GOOD LUCK!
Yes, good idea :nods:. Goals, good.
Mind you, given how much Shonk writes, she'll probably end up winning the voucher herself :P.
I think it's acceptable to exclude myself from the draw :P I am likely to purchase myself $50 worth of books while obtaining gift card in any case.
Ok, this could be fun and I have something that I want to work on, so this could be perfect timing..

Mystic Ward
9 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I'm setting a target of 5000 words for this summer. No idea what I will be writing, but I need to do some.
I'm going to be ambitious (given my previous failures) and set 15,000 per month.
We'll see.
I'm going to set myself the goal of 10,000 words and adjust up if need be
I'm going to aim for 5,000 words - haven't written for a VERY long time
I'm battling a friend in January and the last time we competed there was 100k+ result . . . so I presume something similar will happen again. So I'm gonna be real crazy and try for a 200K result over the summer.

Mystic Ward
9 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Hey Shonk, how do you make the counter? I needs me one of dem
Wow, I just realised I haven't written a story in years, though I have a couple in my head that are clamouring to get onto the page :) I always work best to goals/deadlines, so I'm going to set a target for 20,000 to begin with and see how it goes.
This could be what actually gets me started on the book I've been planning for about five years now...
I might actually do this! I've got a few chapters of a short novel I'm writing on, but I haven't really had any stimulation to write. I didn't do NaNoWriMo, and I never have, since November is always so busy for me!

Mystic Ward
9 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Get ready everyone, OberNoWriSu starts tomorrow. Get those pens/keyboards ready. And Good Luck!
Yes! Words! Words for me to read in my infant-induced stupor!
I think that I'll aim for 10,000 words. Good luck to everyone!
17 minutes in and I have already produced 463 words *maniacal laffter*
I am in Thailand currently and here it is still 30th November so I hope that means I can still be able to start tomorrow lol. I think my goal will be to write at least 10,000 words. I am hoping for upwards of 15,000 but I know I will be busy over the next few months with work so hopefully can at least get 10,000. Good luck to everyone partaking in this event :-)
You can start whenever is good for you *nods*
Indeed. And targets may always be revised up or down as we see the impact of cattle prods and RL on our time and motivation. We are forgiving here :).
And you, Shonk - you are crazy person! Inspirational, but crazy!
Late to the party! I'm not going to set myself a word-count because from previous experience that hasn't worked. I am going to start with Christmas missives because I am so bad at finishing letters that I need a (gentle) prod. Then I want to work on a science fiction project I've been contemplating, though if I do that it might become the summer-of-researching-madly-and-making-lots-of-charts.
But first I have to finish The Red Queen (started my series reread late) and make my mask for the ball. Er... you see why I haven't set a word-count.