21 years ago
Thu Jun 04 2009, 07:09pm
oooo ill sit and supply the refreshment drinkx ;) sorry ive bin away for so long... im gonna re-read darksong now!! ok after moonfair :P :s :-/ and ill get bak wit questions for u fierydragon!!!! min i like ur bf's mums point!!!! ;)
21 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 09:16pm
Goody, I like questions :D. I believe that Bleyd is a lost little muffin, but sooner or later he is gonna be called upon to look after Ember. Come on, Bleyd mate, ye gotta get in charge of your life!!
But Solen is also a little lost muffin who is half-in charge of his life ... but is desperately trying to rescue our bewounded Glynna! huzzah!! I'd like to see a Segue-part when Solen returns to the baker's to find out that she has been tortured ... I said it once, I'll say it again, WATCH OUT KALIDE!!!
Somehow he'll find a way to get our Glynna out of her sticky situation with Coralyn and all. *shivers* I want Coralyn to die... And he'll be sad about her little injuries...
*brandishes her HUGE wok of rage* I'd watch out if I were you Kayt.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*gives a dreamy queen smile, stroking the all-powerful wok of power* wow, it works ... I love my wok.
21 years ago
Sun Aug 30 2009, 12:02pm
this came to me as i was reading our oloe friend macchy this morning
so solen gave laws to the athenians right? well maybe the significance of his name and the fact that neema saw him with the cheiftains cricultet around his head means he will bring order to the land after it has almost been destryoed by tarsin.
just a thought
Elixa is referring to a real person, Fiery Dragon.
She means Solon, the law giver of Athens.
An interesting comparion, Lix. Cool thinking!!!
SORRY! I shall bang my head slowly, hardly and repeatedly against the nearest tree ... *ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow* I feel like a fool ... SORRY AGAIN! I shall bang my head again ... now my brains are scrambled. D'oh!
ooo very interstin thought lix...
Now that i think about it (and my head is still very sore) yes, Elixa, good idea ...
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 11:59pm
Edited by Zieria: I've updated the topic title and fixed the smileys so they appear properly. (I was reading through the topic, and figured it would help both myself and others.) Feel free to add to the existing threads, but you're most welcome to create a new thread if you have a particular theory or discussion you want to introduce. Have fun! ;D
ok well ppl - i know this hasnt given rise to the best arguements or topics (mainly due to more ppl having to read the books!) ;) anyway im re-reading darkfall and ive noticed a few points...so i thought id put them up here for some discusion (hopefully)...so if u havent read the books dont read on!!!!!!
1/ this goes to a theory someone had about embers tumor being the chaos spirit or somethin like that - on pg 106-107 after ember has her first major attack on keltor " 'music is harmony- it cannot exist here' the voice had gone straight inside her head as the manbeasts had done 'i am chaos and this is my domain' " so yea the tumor might as well be chaos itself...but i wish i can remember that thoery a bit better to support it! ;)
2/ that same quote appeared in the head of the boy who was picked up under the bridge - pg 131. i think that boy turns out to be shadow. i cant really remember but yea...if it does then the shadowman (since im sure its agreed that shadow is the parrellel of the shadow man on our world) is crazy/comsumed by chaos and there for points to tarsin a little more?!?! does it not?! cos chaos does allow glimmers of sanity which would explain the confusion glynn and ember have (if u can call it that) since they see glimers of intellegence...
3/now this has to do with the unraveller! and its glynn!!!! HA! i got the proof! :P hehehehe....ok here's the quote (i wont write it all down but yea) pg 95-96 "'what about ember being half silver blind? 'tareed asked stubburnly ' it is one of the signs...' 'you read the signs too literally tar...half blind has long been read ...as a metophorical sign and only the simplest scribe reads crowned by flame as red haired since the next stanza speaks of the unraveller as having yellow hair'" there you go! i knew it said it somewhere and i found it! so it is glynn! :) hehehe...
anyway im hoping to find some more clues! :P tis lots of fun! better then study :P hehehe..so ppl what do u think?!?! oh and i just want to add cos im in such a romantic mood ( and im sure its taken out of context but blah) solen first calls glynna glynna-vyre on pg 150!!! so sweet! ;) oh and do ppl think the twin moons have any reflection on ember and glynn?! thats a bit far fetched i know...ok ok ok ill be off!
My, we've been thinking hard, haven't we??
I like that thought about the moons, incidentally
And you may be right, Glynn might be the Unraveller. Glynn certainly has the more important task anyway, because Ember is shielding her from the eyes of the Chaos Spirit.
And I think Tarsin is the Shadowman
20 years ago
Thu Jun 04 2009, 07:12pm
hmm actually i havent bin, it jsut hit me when i was reading the book last ntie! me bad for not studyin but meh! so yea...its more just random thoughts! :) im glad u like the moon idea! i was startin to get worried bout me! :P heheh *sigh*
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 11:55pm
yea i know...lots of ppl think its solen or donald, but i dont think its either...*sigh* im not sure who but im lookin for clues...the chaos thing makes me think he's mad so prob tarisn...that or it might be nema or bleyds brother ani(sp/) or his sister but yea...hmmmm glynna the unraveller - so whos the soul saver?! ember?! cos shes so like shenevyre?! so she saves landors/ronnals soul?! i dont like that idea, but i cant think who else...need to keep reading me thinks...
yea the unraveller is born by the sea/great waters...but all strangers are so to me that just reitterates they are not born of the song. *sigh*
I thought Lanalor and Ronaal sounded similar! Rearange the letters and they are the same! Hehe, you all probably realised that ages ago, but meh. It just kinda hit me now.
Anyway, since I haven't got any Legendsong theories to add, I'll go now.
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 09:21pm
hehehe yea that is somethin that we established...i think its said/indicated in the 2nd book! :) but good work for thinkin of it before!!! oooo i did read somethin last nite that trigered a thought on him...but now i cant remember...ill get to it later!
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 09:22pm
wow! i never noticed that!!! :D
yes, umm...you know the sleeping body in the hospital? the one which the male nurse described as trapped btween two worlds or something? anyone else think that's lanalor and the hospital is ome kind of link between keltor and earth?
ur meaning that body thats been there for longer then anyone can remember?! yea i think thats landors (sp?) body! deffinately...ive noticed the parrelles between the worlds a little more too...so i think that most things are linked...or have some signifigance on both worlds..
.im a little curiuos bout ember and ronnalls link - i forget wat page it is, but it happens when embers in aleenes(sp?) appartment in the citadel (sp?) and she 'soulweaves' to ronnall. ronnal comes to the conclusion that there must b a link between them if neither he called her or she willed her self there. he says its cos he resuced her/kissed her. but im tending to think it might be cos she's his soul saver?!?! bit of a wild idea, but if glynns is the unraveller (which im strong to support) then ember is prob the soul saver...if it refers to savin landors soul. but yea hmmm....
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 09:24pm
I like teh thought about the moons Miska. I'm just thinking if Glynn is the Unraveller it would kind of make sense cos somewhere in the first book someone says something about the Unraveller having red AND gold hair... which is kinda confusing... can't find the page reference now as the book is not on me but it would be like IC to make it the one that you don't expect. Only 2 problems I have with this theory
(1) isn't Glynn supposed to betray the Unraveller? How can she betray herself?
(2) If Glynn is the Unraveller then how come the Chaos Spirit said she was on Iridom? Although I suppose Ronaall could be making the Chaos Spirit think Ember was the Unravller and that could be why both of them came over, he brought Glynn over to be the Unraveller and then Ember over to be a false Unraveller that he could use to blind the Chaos Spirit to Glynn! Ok I'm confused now!
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 11:57pm
well u can betray ur self- well i believe u can at least. glynn could let out that she is a stranger...but other then that i hanvnt yet worked that part out. ill be thinkin about that. she is quite clumsy and does do styupid/silly things that might bring attention to her/give her away...i actually think this point could come back to the dream ppl (ember and tarsin for a fact) keep having about her falling off the side of a cliff. i just read embers dream on that (she didnt realise it was glynn) but glynn calls out to solen and challenges an unknown being where only the sword is visible to ember (from a dark shadow). now the dark shadow deliberatly misses glynn forcing her to the edge of the cliff and glynn falls when she turns round hearing embers voice screamin at her to watch out....ill get the book later and see the page refference. but i think thats glynn fightin the void spirit (which the draaka {sp?!} brings to life) and hence gives her self away in the process that she is the unraveller or even just a stranger. but i know that needs working on...its an on the spot idea....
as for the second part. the void spirit - lives in the void so everythin that has been, is happenin and could happen is pressent. since glynn is his tracker beast whats to say he isnt gettin confused as to where he's puttin her (where she will be ) compared to where she is?! i know it seems like shes chasin ember...and maybe she is. maybe thats how ember is shielding her stronger sister?! what was it that wind or ronnall said at the end of darksong - somethin about it being up to them[the unraveller] now?! i cant remember it too well embers on her way to darkfall right?! on darkfall all will be revealed so wat if it is revealed that ember has a twin-glynn who is the unraveller instead...(or signs point to it) ...or even if it reveals her as a stranger thats enough for the void spirit to deal with...i dont know...*sigh* but i cant see why the void spirit will be able to completely differentiate b/w the images the void shows...cos he cant control which one happens right?! so maybe hes sending everyone to indrom cos thats where he knows the unraveller will be at some relatively close/soon point.
ill jsut shut up now cos i dont think that makes any sence...ive got to think it thru i think...hmmm how does it sound?!
*sigh* well im back. all groggy eyed and hopeless. i couldnt sleep last nite so i was up reading til like 230am! :S arghhhh i need study!!! would have bin nice if it was IC then rite! :S na IC is much better...anyway nuff blabbing...i picked up a few more points so here they are...
oh netty i found the quote about fire being red and gold...it was said at the wing ceremony just after teh balladeer song the song. the ppl near glynn and hella were talkin about the balladeers interpritation. pg267
" Crowned by flame has always been read as a symboilc, but if it meant no more then it said, that would explain the obscure lines about gold hair in teh legend song, for is not flame red and gold"
the next part i found made me think well maybe both ember nad glynn are both the unraveller and soulseaver. for it is mentioned that those 2 (unraveller nad soulsaver) ppl are the same person (if that makes sence) cos landor (sp?) gave his soul to the viod spirit in order for the firstmade to be freed. so waht if freeing the first made saved his soul (ie gave it back to him)..that would imply the soulsaver and unraveller are the same thing?! ok saying that how bout twins also imply this -that they are the same person. esp if u concider glynns history (no one noticing her and stuff -all they thought/saw was 1 person)...anyway here is the quote that i found interestin...its during glynns second vision thru the darkling. pg 281
" 'the answer you seek is here' sad a mans voice which glynn did not recognise. 'these were lanalor's personal scribings durin the time he created his portal but he concealed them and laid wards to keep them hidden from all eyes but those for whom they were intended. the Soulsaver...'
'but i dont understand' ......strongly accurate keltor accent 'the unraveller is the same thing as the soulsaver. the legend soung say: then came the unraveller and soulsaver'
now it doesnt say u siad that last bit, even tho gylln was the person in the vision - it might not be her in real life. and a strong accurate keltor accent?!?! well it might be ember cos she's had training in it. unless it is someone else completly different?! how bout hella or Rilka?! esp since rilka was also saved by the manbeast?! anyway it was a vision which can be false...
arghhh i better go ...dam these things - so much more fun!
About the accent, I just assumed that that particular vision would take place after Glynn had been on Keltor for a while, and would have developed an accent. Could be wrong, but that was my first thought.
The link between Ember and the man-beast - could it be because Ember looks so much like Shynavare (sp?) and if Ronaal and Lanalor are somehow linked (I'm guessing cos of their names that there is a link there), then those tow would be drawn together, wouldn't they?
And can anyone tell me why Glynn can see a resemblance between Solen and Wind, cos it's really bugging me! I've almost finished Darkfall now, and I don't want to wait to find out. BUt Wind isn't dead, is he? The whole part about him disappeaering, and then not finding the body, and him supposedly drowning.......is he in Keltor somewhere? I know I'm probably gonna spoil Darksong for myself, but meh. I wanna know!
20 years ago
Fri Jun 05 2009, 09:29pm
true true...but hmm i dont no.she is very forgetfull and it just seemed to surprise even her self to hear that..so i dont no. but i get ya. now lanalor nad ronall are the same... i think that was mentioned before. but yes they are the same so im thinkin thats y the link is there too...megana most of the thoeries above are from darkfall so ud b right to read them! :)
well it says it near the end of the next one...but ill let u no wat i remember...wind is dead and solen is a dream of him. now ronnall and wind have a talk and its very confusing and sad...i havent quite worked out what it all means! so id love to hear what you have to say on it! hurry up and read girl! ;) basicaly wind is dead..but hes a watcher of the watcher...as his poem said - he fell into the void.
20 years ago
Sun Aug 30 2009, 12:01pm
i think glynn is the soulsaver, who has the more important task but ember is the unraveller, which lanalor sent everyone to search for possibly so glynn could perform her task while ember is the one who is chased
i suspect solen is the shadowman but perhaps not
everyone thinks the shadowman is formhikan (sp??) so i think it might be donald, rilka or the mother mavea...but i still think its tarsin! ...*sigh* but wat about that dream?! the one ember and tarsin keep having?!
this is the first time ember sees it, while shes in alenes appartment. pg231
"sound out shouts and cries, and the clash of metal agaisnt metal. "solen! WATCH OUT!" a moment latershe screamed desoaringly and rose her hand to challenge. ember couldnt see wat she who she addressed but heard footsteps approach and saw gostly movement of a long slim blade. the girl was being deliberately herder to the cliff edge "watch out" ember screamed. the blonde girl stiffened as if she heard the warning but it was to late. in turning she stepped back and fell off the cliff'
ok so its not the exact quote..that was too long..bu the main points. it was established it was on the mysty isle...so wat men where/are doin there is another thing!? and who do u think shes fightin? the void spirit?! that and i dont want glynn to die!!!!!!! ooo and i read in the book too but it was too late at nite for me to go scrumming round for paper and pen/pencil...but argon is headed to the misty isle -where his proclaimed death is to b?! wat?!?! i didnt notice that before...