Date: 2nd September 2005
VERY strange dream last night. I was in Edinburgh and I was on the set of the next Harry Potter film. The characters in the movie were standing on the road and posing like animals. JK Rowling was there telling them that they had to look like animals so that the muggles would come and take them home and look after them. There were two Hermione's there, and someone said something about her having a twin.
Then I went for a walk with JK Rowling, and we were trying to get to Edinburgh castle. We crossed a train line that was all wonky, and had cars driving along it. I looked up over a fence and saw Edinburgh castle, so we were heading back in that direction, when my alarm went off! Bugger! lol.
Date: 21st September 2005
How's this for a dream. Last night, I dreamed I was in Stanthorpe, at the Civic Centre, casting a pantomime that I was writing (for the yearly christmas panto). I was directing, and there was another lady from the little theatre company who was producing. We'd worked together before (in the dream) but I'd always been acting (true).
Anyway, I was casting for an Obernewtyn pantomime. I knew I had to finish writing it still, but we needed to get rehearsing. There were loads of people who showed up for Elspeth. I got them to all line up on stage, and instead of auditioning, I got them to say why they wanted to play Elspeth. Most people didn't know who she was, but one I remember saying 'because Elspeth rocks'.
Then because pantomimes are musicals generally, I got them to do their singing auditions - the piece was 'Who Wants to Live Forever' by Queen!! lol.
The producer and I decided on an Elspeth, who we weren't 100% happy with, and then started casting everyone else. We just got them to line up and the other lady/producer wrote down all their names. I picked out someone for Domick, but the producer told me he was a useless actor.
Then I remember someone's sister coming in to pick them up, and she was perfect for Elspeth!! I asked her if she could sing and she said yes, but she wasn't going to be in the play. D'oh.
Then three guys came in, who were perfect for Domick, Roland and Rushton (as they are in book 1) and I was trying to convince them that they'd have to sing in the play. They didn't like that very much so I decided to have no singing bits for those three characters because I wanted these three guys in it.
Then everyone left. The producer was sitting with a couple of the actors, and I went over to them, said goodbye, and made sure that the producer and I had each other's mobile numbers. We were going to have another meeting on Friday about it.
I left to go home and finish writing the script and score...
Then I woke up! Strange dream!!
I've decided to index my dreams that I've posted here, and also add new ones that happen to this list, rather than start a new post every time I have a new dream.
Feel free to create your own index of dreams as well [img]" alt=":)" border="0"/>
Date: 10th June 2004
Had this weird dream that I was in my bathroom washing my face, and my hair fell into my face and got all wet. I looked at my wet hair, shrugged and said 'it looks better that way'.
The end.
Date: 14th June 2004
The dream was so strange. Chopped and changed a bit.
First, I was at my old jujitsu school (I quit jujitsu at the beginning of the year) and I’d decided to just rock up for a lesson. It was a good lesson, but I was more worried about knocking my drink over than doing the right moves. There were all my old classmates and a few new people, including my uncle, who asked at the end of the lesson why I hadn’t gone around to fix their computer yet.
Then I walked back to this highschool I was going to and Dumbledor was the headmaster of. I picked up my brother and we went with Dumbledoor. My brother and I were trying to find a house that our mum could live in. Dumbledoor took us to see his house, because he hardly ever lived in it. It was on a farm, and had a verandah and a massive kitchen, and heaps of junk everywhere (but wasn’t messy, does that make sense?). Out the back there was a separate cinema, and a couple more sheds that had different trials in them. It was really weird. You had to step up to the front of the sheds and something would come out and try to kill you, and you had to get away from it. My brother went first and there was this crazy caveman after him. My brother dodged him for a bit, then the caveman went for Dumbledor and he just asked it ‘What do I have to do to get you to stop?’ and the caveman threw him a fish. Then Dumbledor said I should try, and there was this crazy mad scientist after me. He had this helmet on with a bunch of glowing, electric knobs on it. It fell off immediately, and the scientist went off chasing the knobs that were rolling everywhere rather than trying to attack, so I tried again. This normal (rather hot) looking guy came out, he was wearing a green shirt and it looked like a school uniform. He walked back to the highschool with me (his name started with ‘C’…can’t remember it) and I went off with my friends. We were going to the shopping centre and then behind us, up comes the guy in the green shirt and a really stocky guy who both tried to catch us all. For some reason the green-shirt guy put a frying pan on an outside stove. When the stocky guy didn’t catch any of us, we ran past and I saw the green shirt guy ordering the stocky guy to…put a body part in the fry pan! EW!!
It was at this point I realised that one of my friends looks like Buffy (from the original Buffy movie), so I’d say the dream was spawned from watching that movie last night.
Anyway, we run into another shopping centre and we split up to try confuse the green shirt guy. I run in through these colourful doors into a café, and it’s empty. I keep running through doors and end up in the toilets. I’m trapped, but I can’t run back out there, so I hide in a cubicle. Of course green-shirt guy found me and beat down the door, and he was holding a knife, and for some reason I knew he’d already found my other friends and I was the last one. Green-shirt told me he loved me and just wanted to make sure we were together forever with no one in the way (like that movie, Fear).
The jujitsu must have paid off at the beginning of the dream because I kicked him in the face and jumped over him, running back out. He was on my tail, still with the knife. We ran into a kitchen-appliance store, and had to act normal – we both stopped running for a moment, green-shirt guy looking at appliances. I was looking for the manager. I saw green-shirt guy inspecting the new knives and grabbed the manager, and sad he had to help me, this crazy guy was after me, call the police, and I was getting a little frantic about it. The manager was laughing telling me to calm down and then looked over my shoulder. I turned around and screamed because green-shirt was right behind me with his knife ready to slash, and so I hid behind the manager – green-shirt slashed at him and killed him I think – I didn’t know because I took off into Kmart. He was still after me. I was running through a food section which moved onto a clothing section and was asking everyone to help me, but my voice had gone all croaky and no one was helping, and I know it sounds dumb but it was SO scary. When I ran past the clothing section I told myself that this stupid dream had to stop, and I clenched my eyes shut and woke up…
Date: 6th August 2004
Weird dream last night peoples...
I was talking to these two people, who were carrying a big fridge box between them that was full of pizza. They were trying not to drop it. One of the people looked like 'Barf' out of Spaceballs. I was talking to him about finding a new apartment. They walked past me. The end.
[img]" alt=":-/" border="0"/> am I missing something vital?!
Date: 2nd July 2004
The first one happened in the first 10 minutes I was sleeping because I woke up from it and was only 10 minutes since I'd last checked the time.
I was meeting Paul's friends from NZ, they were all over here a hotel at looked like my unit a little, except there was a big mirror running down an entire wall. We were all lounging around and the guys were all talking about girls (well...they were being typical derisive guys - talking as though I wasn't there too). I remember shaking my head and turning away just looking out the door (it was dark outside). I was leaning on Paul and he was joining in the conversation, and turning to me every now and then saying a couple of words in maori!
Second dream was like a living game.
It started out I was on a camping trip near the beach with some people from high school (not friends, just people I knew) and then there were all these seals that'd been released for a swim in the ocean and heaps of people following them, so I joined that group and we ended up having to solve these puzzles and go through obstacles, and there were real little treasure chests everywhere that you had to raid to get supplies and gold and keys to open important treasure chests - it was like my job to collect the stuff from the chests, and my pockets were really full. This other girl with frizzy black hair had the job of finding all the puzzles we had to solve. My brother was playing on our team but all I remember him doing was screaming at this ugly woman, and Josh (one of the guys from Stanthorpe) was in it - he had to try pick up a van that we thought had a bomb in it because it was rolling away from us. One of the puzzles ended up working out that Disney had planted a bomb and we had to find it before it went off...
I don't know where I came up with that.
Date: 29th July 2004
I dreamed that I was going to the aquarium to get my office fish (Bob) a new fish tank because he'd grown to about a foot in size. The aquarium was this little shop next door to a theatre, owned by my best-friend from when I was 12 (who I haven't seen in 10 years) and her dad. They had snakes roaming around free in the store, and they kept rearing up and scaring me. I got Bob a new tank but I couldn't put him into it until I'd gotten the tank to work, so we put bob in a bucket that he only just fit into. The end.
God I have some stupid dreams some times. Most times.
Date: 15th Nov 2004
I had a dream last night that was an InRealLife community - that we were all sitting around the guildmerge table. All of us. There was a fireplace in the background and a big table in the centre, with a bunch of us sitting around discussing stuff.
Someone got up and asked me how the pointage page for the Moonfair was going.
I told everyone that pointage would be completed soon, Ashlings and Dreamweavers points are done but the rest need to be added, and it's all offline at the moment.
Then I mentioned ideas that Lauren, Emerald and I had for next years Moonfair (stuff that I can't mention now because it's a surprise!) and that if anyone had anything they wanted to store for next years moonfair I'd made a directory in the domain.
This is what my weird, twisted mind of mine comes up with on little-to-no sleep for the past few days.
I was one confused little duck when I woke up this morning!
Date: 2nd September 2004
In this dream I had last night, I was still my age, and so were all my friends, but we were back at school. I was going to Math class with Liz. On the way I ran into our old Drama teacher, who pulled me aside and said that he was leaving that week, to pursue a career as a play director. He was going to be producing Hamlet to be performed at La Boite Theatre (this awesome theatre in the round at Milton in Bris) and he wanted me to play Ophelia. But I had to not tell anyone because the rest of the drama class would want in too.
I was late for Math, but the class didn’t last long anyway.
Everyone walked into town instead, because there was a festival on. I walked in with my ex-BF (from school times), Cameron. I knew that Paul was still in Brisbane, and I knew that Cam had Angie in Brisbane too. We were just talking about the good old days.
We were sitting outside the video store and there was this explosion. Looking over to the granite hills, I could see a mushroom cloud rising. Cameron and I started running up to what used to be Hal’s mum’s house. We took the long way though. On the way there, there was a guy reversing and backing into some other guys car, deliberately smashing it. The owner of the car (some young guy) was screaming at him to stop.
We kept going. Close to Hal’s mum’s old house, what felt like rain started falling, but it was white-ish, like a grey, milky coloured rain. Cameron and I thought it had to be fallout or something and we hid underneath this farmer’s plastic stuff. We were both really sad then because we knew that even though we were missed in the blast, we’d die now anyway because we were exposed to the residual stuff.
Then I woke up in a bed in Hal’s mum’s old house. My brother and Mum, and Cameron, were there. My leg was really sore, like it had a huge bruise underneath the skin. My hair was still soaking wet. Mum was in a really good mood about something. I got up and limped into the next room to her and asked ‘Did Cameron and I really get caught in the fallout of that blast?’ and she laughed and said no.
Then I thought ‘That’s good, now I can wake up.’
And did.
O_o what does it mean? Any takers?
Date: 2nd Nov 2004
I had a really vivid dream last night about changing jobs, I don't know if it means anything.
In it my real work had a sort of sister company that dealt in design called simply "@". The director of it was some chic I didn't know. I was the main graphic designer, and there were a few other people working in the new office with me. I remember distinctly thinking things like "Oh, if I'm going now, Sam's going to have to sort out the November newsletter himself" and "once my @'s email is up I'll link my ada account to it to smooth the gap"...
It's a little disturbing, that even in my sleep, I'm mentally organising this stuff...does it just mean too much work, or is there are deeper meaning?
Date: 15th Dec 2004
I had this WEIRD dream last night.
I was studying at UQ still, but there was a bunch of people from highschool there. We went on a boat down the Brisbane river and myself plus 4 of my friends from high school had a music class with our old music teacher. In front of all of them, our music teacher asked me if I'd ever consider having a relationship with him. Lizzie gaped and went 'but you're her teacher!' I was boggled, and said no sorry, I'm in love with Paul and I couldn't ever think of him that way. The teacher then ignored me and I knew that my grade was going to be bad.
Then we had to get back to UQ. We ended up at Corinda train station, only it was a lot neater and newer than it really is. We found out there was 30 minutes to wait for a train so Lizzie and I went to put on makeup. We took so long we missed the next train - for some reason I couldn't stop putting makeup on.
When I missed the NEXT train too, I ended up taking the boat back to uni instead.
That' hey.
Date: 1st Dec 2004
What does it mean when you dream you're cutting your own hair off? I dreamt it last night, I was cutting it really short to make it more manageable, but it was all jagged so I had to keep trimming bits. It ended up looking like a bob.
Any ideas?
Date: 22nd Nov 2004
I had this dream that I was back overseas. I dream about overseas often, and whenever I'm there, I'm in Edinburgh.
So, I was in Edinburgh and for some reason, my family members were already over there. Mum was 'there' but not in the dream. My brother featured in it too...the main family member was my dad. Now, I don't get on with my dad at all. I havne't spoken to him in over 6 months and don't plan on talking to him soon - I ignore his calls etc - very long story.
Ok, back to the dream and no more digressions, I promise! I had a backpack, and my dad stole my passport and wallet. I knew that he only stole it because he wanted me to need him for something (the whole parents-needing-to-be-needed-by-children syndrome) but the point was I didn't care. I just sort of shrugged and went to the hostel I lived in and just thought I'd get a job.
So what's the meaning of all this? My dad steals this stuff and I just dont' care? V. weird.
Date: 26th Dec 2004
I had three vivid dreams last night, it was so weird.
In the first one, I was infiltrating a bunch of terrorists in Iraq. I can reason my having this dream to watching Team America (AGAIN) yesterday afternoon
The second one, I was at a c0cktail party with an old friend Savanah, and she had this funky c0cktail machine.
The third - most important - dream was a bunch of us were at a meet in a 50's diner, and it was the launch of the Sending pre-party or something. I got a copy of the Sending and carried it in - it was about as big as Darksong, and it wasn't called the Sending, it was called The Sending Parrot - not kidding! There was a tag line to it, and I realised I was dreaming, so I was trying to write the tag line down in order to remember it when I woke up, but the tag line kept changing between these two things - one was about Domick. Domick was also on the front cover. The second one had the number 1500 in it, but can't remember anything else. I'd write down one tag line, look back to the book, and it'd change, so I'd scribble out the old one and write the new one, and it'd change back again...etc.
But it had something pertaining to Domick being the Destroyer on it. VERY VERY WEIRD!
Especially that it was called the Sending Parrot. I just don't get it...
Date: 27th Jan 2005
Ok, what do you think this is all about?
I had this dream that I was surfing the other day - Paul's been trying to get me to learn surfing so I can go with him ever since we started going out, and I'm too worried to try it. Why would I be dreaming that I was surfing?!
Another one I had was Obernet was Liveaction! again with everyone sitting around the Guildhall table (I've been here before in a previous dream) and everyone was fighting, yelling across the tables, and someone smashed a plate on the floor. I just sat there watching everyone, feeling stressed. Bizarro dream. I think I need a vacation.
What do you think?
Date: 4th Feb 2005
I dreamed the night before last that Christine came back from Cork for a week or two to visit, or because she'd forgotten to take something with her. She and Amie were in a house that belonged to me (all my family were staying in it at least) and the dream started as us having woken up after a BIG night out, and we were packing up Christine's stuff for her to go back to Cork/Gary.
Then I got told that one of my work colleages got fired. He's the one that never does any work anyway, so I was happy about it
Then my uncle, Shane (who's only 3 years older than me) walked past the door - he was wearing an eye mask on his forehead and had a weird haircut (an old 90's undercut, with the undercut bit bright red) - he'd had a big night out too. He stopped in once he saw Christine because I knew he had a thing for her (he doesn't really he's never met her). I took the eye mask from him and put it over my eyes to stub my hangover...
...and woke up!
Date: 1st April 2005
I had this dream two nights ago that my friends Amie and Christine, and myself, all made it into the Oz BB house this year. Funny since Amie actually applied this year too anyway -
Amie and I were sitting somewhere in Surfers where we were all meeting the rest of the housemates / Gretal before we went into lockup/down/whatever. I said to Amie that if the other housemates figured out that we were all mates, they would vote against us, because they would be thinking we would vote them out to try keep us 3 in til the end. So we should go into the house pretending we don't know each other! And we also decided that if we won, we'd split the money three ways.
Then the others showed up. Christine came with them, and Amie and I pretended we didn't know each other. Christine was drunk and she was just excited to everyone, not just us.
I have no idea what this could mean...something to do with friendships?
Date: 18th April 2005
Has anyone seen this movie (Series 7: the Contendors)? I think I had a dream that was a product of this strange movie the other night.
It started off that myself, Paul and another friend of ours (I have no idea who this 'friend' is in real life, but she was a friend in the dream) were at school. I've been out of school nearly 7 years and I only met Paul last year, but we were actually 17 again, and we were all going to the same school, a private one in the city that has a blue uniform...
There was a game going on in the school, where a bunch of students or teachers would be 'it' and the rest of the school would have to go around and try kill them over a period of time (hence the series 7 connection).
The last reigning champion won and the buck was passed to Paul, my friend and myself. So we were running around at this school trying to stop people from trying to kill us, but it was all in the name of this game, so it wasn't like we thought it was a big issue, or wrong. There were these stupid younger students trying to get us by firing pacer leads at us using straws. There were two girls who tried to stab us with nail files (I disarmed them both). We were running through the mall (quite like Queen street mall, but not ) and I took us to this gun shop (that was the gun shop out of Pizza World Tour - when they're in vegas or somewhere). We were going to arm ourselves to prevent further attack.
One of the teachers from the school walked in. He was a little slow - a big, old guy. He had a rock in his hand, that had some red stuff (possibly blood) on it. He asked us each in turn if it was time for him to knock us over the head with it yet? We all said no, trying to stop laughing, and he went 'oh well' and walked out of the gun shop.
One of the girls who tried to kill us with the nailfiles then pulled out this weird sabre with a ball on the end instead of a handle, and was asking us to kill that teacher, because he had a tumor that'd made him retarded and everyone was waiting for him to die.
That's all I remember.
Seriously weird dream though. Any ideas what it's all about?!
Date: 24th Feb 2005
I dreamed that I was travelling with mum and my brother to one of our relative's place (an aunt and uncle that I don't really have) to pick up a horse for me. The horse had been neglected by it's previous owners and I was going to take care of it.
We got to my uncle/aunt's place and there were relatives everywhere - relatives that again, I don't have in real life. Cousins mainly. There was one particular cousin that was about 8 years old and was an absolute little [censored] - tormenting people, throwing rocks at our car and everything. When he thought it was funny I lost my patience with him and grabbed his arm and went "Listen [name...can't remember it], don't you EVER do that again!" and he calmed down.
Then a group of us sat down in the house in this booth to have breakfast. It was a quarter of a pumpkin each, with this dipping sauce, and fried mushrooms. My brother didn't touch any of his. I looked out the windows at all the horses on the farm and asked where my horse was. She was around the back.
The dream went on for ages, just walking around with these relatives of mine doing random stuff. The little cousin that I'd yelled at before was following me everywhere too.
It was just a really weird dream. And I didn't get to see my horse in the end :*(
Date: 8th June 2005
I had so many dreams last night. The only one I can remember in any sort of detail is one where I was designing car shells on a computer. I was making something to look like my lancer
Don't know what it could mean something about too much work I'm guessing...
Date: 26th April 2005
As I recall, I was having Big Brother prediction dreams last year too odd since I don't watch the program until the last few weeks (when all the annoying people are gone).
The dream last night was like this.
I was in the Big Brother house again. We were split up into seperate rooms, like we were 9 year olds on camp. There were bunk beds and whatnot. There was a girl who was trying to dig her way out of the big brother house using a spoon. It was her mission to get in so she could dig herself out. Of course, with all the cameras in the house, they called her to the diary room and told her to stop. She said it wouldn't matter now because she'd given the idea to lots of people watching, and they would now dig their way in to her.
The next thing, I was outside the BB house, and I was watching this guy who reminded me a bit like John Saffran. He was dressed in a pineapple suit (no joke) and he was trying to dig his way into the BB house, and was taking a camera crew along for the joke/ride. A bunch of maori security guards stopped him, had a laugh with him and told him not to try it again.
Next there was this mission that myself and some of the housemates had to go on. We discovered on this mission that the BB secret was that the house was in NZ this year. We were in a bus going into the city, and we then had to catch some trams (there are no trams in NZ). The trams were all futuristic and silver with red bits on them. I said something about them being brighter than the melb trams, and about how you had to be careful not to catch them at a certain time of day because they got into a tram-jam and you'd be stuck for 2 hours (I can weave such crap in my dreams!).
That's all I remember. It was so surreal.
Date: 30th June 2005
I've had some really strange dreams the past few nights.
In the first one, I was living in a house with my family again, and we were moving out somewhere - so we were packing up rooms and cleaning the old house. I went into a room and my uncle Shane (who's only 3 years older than me) was sitting in there with a bunch of bombs. He told me he was blowing up the city because he hated everyone.
This is really strange behavior for my uncle, seeing as he's a counsillor (sp?).
I got mad at him and asked him how much he paid for the bombs. He said $120. I told him I'd give him $240 right then if he'd promise not to detonate them. He wrote down on a piece of paper something saying he may not detonate them if I pay him. I got angry again and told him to change 'may not' to 'will not'. He grumbled but changed it.
I think I left the house to go to a marketplace next. It went on for a little while, looking at stuff, but then there was this plume of shiny blue smoke trailing up into the sky from the ground. Everyone was scared and I realised that Shane had let off the bombs, and it'd be a matter of time before they hit the ground and obliterated everything.
I ran with six people that I didn't know through some laneways and ended up in a suburbian street. There was another bomb trail leading up to the sky on this street too. We ran to this house who's door was left open and started preparing for the bomb to fall - we knew the windows of the house would be blown to bits so we covered ourselves in the loungeroom with blankets, matresses, beanbags, etc. I remember sitting there crouched under all of this stuff, remembering the Simpsons when the Nuclear reactor was going to blow up and Kent Brockman was talking to some doctor who said that 'everyone in this vicinity will automatically die'. The bomb finally came back to earth and there was a boom. The shockwave hit us instantly, and I could feel the right side of me practically disintigrating. We knew that our wills were stronger than the bomb though, so we were all repeating in our heads (and we could hear each other) "I want to live" over and over. When the shock wave went past, we got up and looked out. All the houses in the street were in tact, but there were no more people. We knew that the bombs had killed just about everyone. Then we realised we'd have to live in this house for the next 30 years because everything outside was poisoned. We went to the kitchen cupboard and luckily there was a lot of food in there. I took a drink of water from the tap and said something like 'yep, it's poisoned. We'll have to boil it'.
That was about it. The dream ended soon after that, and we were looking around the house.
Weird hey.
Then last night, I had a dream that I was back at school, and I'm the age I am now. Paul and I were at Stanthorpe and we were in grade 10. We had decided to go back and try get better marks. It was about September and I knew that I hadn't done any assignments since April and was in danger of failing if I didn't do some work. So I decided to leave school and go back to work, since I'd already gotten my OP7 the first time, there was no reason for me to be at school. Paul was sad and said that we'd not get to see each other that much but I said sure we would, since I'd be working in the tech office and it's in the school grounds. I was in my English class with Mrs Gibbons (my yr12 English teacher, who I didn't like) and told her that I was quitting too. She said for me to reconsider because I just had to do all my work since April and I'd pass yr 10. That was it.
It was weird...
Date: 14th July 2005
Ok, now I'm up to date, I'll update with a couple of dreams I've been meaning to post up here.
The first one happened about a week ago. I dreamed that there was a big family reunion at my grandparents' old farmhouse in Stanthorpe. ALL my immediate relatives were there (and believe me, there's a lot). My uncle Shane was there - he was the first person I saw. He had this secret that he was gay with a guy called Martin (this is absurd, since Shane isn't gay, and has been married for 7 years). I knew, but I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. I was sitting with Shane and Martin in a room and this 1-year-old toddler came into the room looking around. I asked the guys who's kid this was and Shane said 'Oh, that's Mindy, Wendy's daughter" (Wendy is my cousin, who is 6 months younger than I am, and has also been married for about 7 years. But with no children. Yet [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>).
I picked up Mindy and went outside and gave Wendy a hug and said something like I can't believe you named your daughter after me. Then Zelka arrived (my aunt). She has been in a wheelchair her whole life - but she arrived at the reunion WALKING. Everyone started crying and I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.
That's all I remember. So many changes, but I was just the same as I am now.
The next one - last night - I was back at school. I knew that I'd been away for a long time, and that I'd be failing a lot of subjects if I didn't put on my best sorry-for-myself face and try get extensions off the teachers in my music and literature classes (I didn't take any literature classes at high school [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>). I knew I was in grade 12, and it was the first day of term 2.
The first 'action' was Hallie coming up to me, hugging me and saying 'we're pregnant!'; we meaning she and Jon, her husband.
Next thing, I went to assembly with Hallie and Liz (another friend from highschool). Instead of assembly being in the courtyard, it was in this hallway between two buildings, that had been widened and given grandstand seating, and was overlooking the courtyard. There was music playing - heavy rock - and I looked over and saw a band playing covers. I said something like 'oh, I forgot there was a band at assemblies!! The last time I was here was when nathan harvey was playing!'
I meant Jamie Harvey, but it had come out Nathan. Then Nathan Harvey came and sat down and I told him the same thing - that I remembered band from when his brother was playing.
The band finished and one of the teachers (who wasn't a teacher in my day) hopped up and quietened everyone down. He then said something like 'C'mon Nevilly you old b@stard, get up and say what you have to'.
Mr Neville, the principal (nevilly) got up and started to speak, but someone in the assembly started heckling him. He went off to talk to them. Then people started moving around. A girl a year younger than me, called Hannah I think, was walking around with a champagne flute full of champagne. She got stopped by a teacher - I can't remember her name - but the teacher was saying something like she shouldn't be drinking in the halls. But the teacher had been drinking herself, and started throwing up all over Hannah. So the teacher took Hannah to her office. Then there were a couple of boys in the isle next to me fighting. All hell broke lose basically. I just happily sighed and asked Liz to pass my bad, I needed my timetable because I had no idea what classes I should have been going to that morning. Liz laughed at me and said 'but it's second term!'.
The dream would have kept going, I'm sure, if my alarm hadn't woken me up at that point [img]" alt=":P" border="0"/>
Date: 20th July 2005.
I had such a strange dream last night. It was involving Harry Potter - Harry, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy were in it, but so was my brother and Ethan. We were hiding at this house thing and Malfoy comes along and says he needs to be hidden and will join the good side. Then he asked me about his computer problems - Inventor wasn't working for him. I said it was because he didn't have the content centre set up as a service and I'd fix it in a sec, because I was on the computer myself. I looked back over to Malfoy and he was on msn - he said to me that he'd just found this awesome person to talk to - and it turned out to be Hallie. Then I found this book, full of data about cars, and kept it because it would be useful in a school project I had to do where I had to build a truck and a car in Inventor (which was a dream I had the night before last actually). Then we had to flee the house we were in and get to Peter and Adriana's. Harry, my brother, Ron and I ran out and stole a car. We drove around the corner and Ethan came running out of the house, trying to catch up with us. He stopped running because we'd gone to far and I screamed for Harry to pull over because I wasn't leaving without him. I jumped out of the car while it was still moving and ran back to Ethan, scooping him up. Malfoy was with him and said we couldn't leave without Hermione. But I looked over and she'd become friends with the people we were trying to get away from. So we left without her.
Next thing we were at Peter and Adriana's, and Hermione was walking up the front step to us. She said she'd had to betray us to the people we'd been staying with. I can't remember much of what happened after that, except that it involved going to Coles with some people from school, and trying to avoid certain people in the shopping centre. It was a very strange, chaotic dream...
Date: 22nd July 2005
Last night I had a really long, strange dream.
As I recall, it started out in my unit, only all the furniture was messed up and moved around into different locations. I recall waking up, and looking in the mirror at my teeth because they felt strange. Then I realised that the bottom front teeth (the front 4) were huge, and they were breaking in half. I got sick of the feeling that they were breaking in half and snapped them off. My teeth were jagged at the top, but I remember thinking it made my teeth seem straighter. I showed my brother and he said something about it being a Connolly thing (Connolly's are my mum's family).
Then we were in Edinburgh - all of us - and I was still worried about my teeth, and about the fact that I was in Scotland and hadn't told work yet. I called work and got Adrian, and asked to speak to Colin. Adrian asked if he could leave a message for Colin because he was a nosey bugger and wanted to know what I was calling about and I yelled at him and just said to put me through. I couldn't get through to Colin though for some reason so I told myself I'd call later and let them know I was going to the dentist.
Then there was something to do with crocodiles. A larger croc ate a smaller croc, and my brother was in a boat above both of them. For some reason everyone thought it was funny.
Then my mum, dad, myself and my 3 yr old cousin Emma went to a Dreamworld (Gold coast dreamworld) type place. We were on this cruise and I was looking after Emma, making sure she was buckled up. The cruise went on for ages and the driver was a maniac, taking us through channels that were too small for the boat and stuff. Emma started to feel sick, and bored, but we couldn't get off. Then one of the officials of the cruise got up and said Emma and I could get off. We got off, and Emma ran straight across the road to this shop. I was yelling at her because she shouldn't have crossed the road without waiting for me. She was smiling and brought out a banana and pear from the shop, because she was hungry. The shop assistant was running after her because Emma (being 3) hadn't paid for anything. So I scooped her up and we went inside to pay and find a proper lunch. Mum and dad arrived shortly after and were looking for lunch too. Dad was talking about writing a book because he had this amazing idea, but didn't tell us what it was. I found some bread rolls in the shop and bought them, plus some phili and vegemite. We all walked together around the back to try find some picnic tables to have lunch on. That's about when I woke up.