Mystic Ward
17 years ago
Mon Sep 27 2010, 10:25pm

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
As I have just finished rereading the OC I thought it might be interesting to see if we can come up with a list of the mistakes throughout the books. Not to be nasty or anything...just to see what people come up with. I don't know if this has been done before and anyone thinks it inappropriate just let me know.
To start: At the end of Ashling, last page.."........and I must meet a gypsy whose life is bound to mine and who will stand with me in battle....." Elf didn't yet know that it was a gypsy who was of Kasanda blood....and she had already met Swallow and writen off his 'dream' of doing battle together. (A small clue to what was coming maybe.)
Second: I think the most obvious one is in TKP where they talk about Kella, Domick and Jik being in the cloister in Sutrium when it was acually Kella, Pavo and Jik in the cloister in Aborium that Elf saves. 8)

Ashling Guildmistress
17 years ago

Ashling Guildmistress
Hehe I like this idea :P I mean they do it with Harry Potter all the time don't they :P
I guess another obvious one - but not so much in the storyline - just the blurb in the back of previous books explaining the TKP about how Dameon gets kidnapped and Elspeth journeys to Sador with Dragon :P
Oh, I like this idea Deb! So much goes on in the books that a few glitches have gotten through, and the way we all psychoanalyse ever line of every book, it's good to keep track. :P
What about when Elspeth first meets Ariel at the start of Obernewtyn? He comes in and starts terrorising Selmar, and Elf refers to him as Ariel almost straight away...but as far as I can see nobody has actually told her his name and she hasn't read his mind. So how does she know it?
There are a few others I've noticed over time, but that's the only one I can remember at the moment...

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Cool we have started something here....all up i think I remember about 10-12 glaringly obvious mistakes but there is sure to be many more.
What about the one in The Farseekers with the dresses in the druids camp? I don't have the book with me, so if anyone can find it... there's also another one very close to that, where Kella gets called someone else, or someone else gets called Kella.
17 years ago
Thu Apr 19 2007, 07:49pm
Oh, I think I remember that - though maybe I'm imagining it. Do you know which edition? I'll look through my copy later, if nobody else knows...I'm sure I read something where someone was called someone else, but that could have been anywhere. :P I don't know about any dress-related one, though.

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Yes I picked up on that too...When Elspeth is first going to Obernewtyn it takes hours from Kinraide and after they pass the tainted/storms portion of the road it takes about 4 hrs to get there....they arrived very early in the morning. In later books the tainted area is kind of glossed over and they seem to reach it soon after leaving the pass.
17 years ago
Fri Apr 20 2007, 06:30pm
I know, it's strange isn't it? In Obernewtyn the tainted areas is this really momentous, spooky obstacle in the journey - I always got the impression it would have been impossible to pass if they hadn't been in the safety of the carriage. It seemed like this wall between Obernewtyn and the lowlands because it was so hard to pass. Then in Ashling and the Farseekers they just canter past it on their horses with barely a mention. :-?
I suppose in Obernewtyn IC was just trying to set up an atmosphere not needed in the other books. But it does raise the question of how far Obernewtyn is from Kinraide, and whether the journey was any different with the different map. I don't suppose anybody has a copy of the first edition and can tell us whether the text is any different?
I'd forgotten about that, but now you mention it it does seem strange
I think near the start of Obernewtyn, Elspeth mentions how something is just like a fairytale, and then later in the series she comes upon books that are called fairytales, and she is at a loss for what they are ... I always notice this when i read the books, but each time I see one mentioned, I've already forgotten what page the other one was so I can never compare them :)

Mystic Guilden
17 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I cant think of any obernewtyn ones off hand, although the name mistake rings a bell.
I know that in the ledgendsong saga, embers name replaces Glynn's name at least twice and i think there is a mistake with Bleyd's name at some point.
Also in Alyzon they put Harlen's name where Harrisson's should be.
Thats all i have :P

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I remember at one point Louis Larkin being untalented then later on he is a beastspeaker.
That reminds me of a few other places where people's powers have changed - I can't remember specific examples, but I'm sure there's at least one other reference to someone having a talent they didn't previously. The problem with the OC is that so much can happen in such a short amount of time, little details and impressions tend to change because there's just too much going on for everything to be consistent. There's another one I've noticed with beastspeaking - Rushton says he's never come across that particlar talent before (end of Obernewtyn), yet in TKP Alad talks about going with Roland, Domick etc., to rescue Elf and Rushton from the Zebkrahn. If Rushton knew Alad back then, why wouldn't he know about beastspeaking? I don't think Alad has any other talent. Could be wrong, though.
I remember something in the first book, it may be just me, but did IC ever get Selmar and that other girl (Who I forget the name but she also dies) mixed up?
Yeh... did she ever get those two mixed up or is/was it just me?
Hmm, I don't recall that happening but that's not to say it didn't. Little name mix-ups like that do seem to get through a lot - like the Ember/Glynn switches in Legendsong.
Legend song?
I imagine that is another IC book?

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Dark Fall and Dark song make up the first two book in the Legend song series by IC. See the thread here in the library for more on that.
In your opinion, are they better then the obernewtyn chronicles. Because the obernewtyn chronicles is my favourite series...

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I wouldn't say better, but about the same and maybe for an older audience but then I love all of IC's writing, even the stuff for little kids.
When Gavyn arrives at Obernewtyn, Elspeth is thinking that he's possibly an empath/coercer, and how that is so unusual and there is no one else with that Talent blend. But we all know our darling Dragon is exactly that!

Mystic Ward
17 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
OK in Obernewtyn when Elf first meets Alexi, pg 145: his eyes were the coldest and darkest i had ever seen
pg 230: his dark yellow eyes, (makes me think he might be related to Marissa???)
pg 233: his strange black eyes looking down at me.
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In Obernewtyn Rushton 'catches' Elf as she is trying to escapeout the front door and pulls her into his room. then in Farseekers it says that Elf's turret room is where Rushton used to live, but the turret room is upstairs (and has a balcony) and there is no mention of Rushton dragging Elf upstairs in Ober.
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It says in Farseekers that Elspeth was FORCED into a mindmeld with Rushton. There was no force involved.