I feel a little bit like a traitor, starting a thread about another website :P But I was interested to find out if any other Obernetters joined up (among other things) :)
A tad sheepishly I have to admit that I joined up despite the fact that I haven't made it all that far through the books, and refuse to see the last two movies until I've read right through to the end. So I figure that I'm probably not getting as much out of the site as, say, someone who read the books as they were released, has seen all the movies and/or has done at least one re-read of the entire series. :P
That may very likely raise the question about why I joined. I admit I was intrigued about how they would re-create the world of Harry Potter on the website, especially considering J.K Rowling seemed to be highly involved in the process.
So (if anyone else from Ober has joined) what are your thoughts on Pottermore? Anything you love, anything you hate? Did the extra information give you any insights into the books (or the first one at this stage) that you didn't have previously?
Personally, the highlight for me is the artwork (not the fan submitted stuff....I admit to not really looking at that yet). I love that they left the characters ambiguous in each image but you get a feel for which characters appear in each scene. Interacting with those beautiful images is a bonus. Zooming in to get a clearer view of a more distant area of the image make it all the more realistic. The down side for me, and I think it's because Ober.net has spoilt me for other sites, is that there aren't really any places for chatting about the books. You can comment and like posts, characters etc. But I think the absence of a good discussion forum is a little bit of a letdown. But I also have to accept that Pottermore isn't really about discussion :P
So I'd be interested in the opinion of others who have signed up and explored the site, or any other comments that seem relevant, as you see above, I'm open to discussion ;) :P