So I thought I'd begin by chatting about the first extract released by penguin...............................................................
I hope that's enough to not show up on the sidebar :)
I think the Tumen looking after her is a robot like Pavo in Oldhaven and it is most likely that the Efari are robots too, not people in suits. And the God it speaks of could be a name for the program running the facility (like INES). As for her friends being resurrected, I hope that means that they are in cryopods or perhaps that they have been healed from tait poisoning prior to being put to sleep. Forgive me if I'm wrong but in the bible Jesus' resurrection, he came back to life and then went to heaven to joins god, if they are calling the program running the sleep pods god then maybe it implies that they are with Him, asleep.
As an aside I hope she remember everything that has happened with Rushton and the spirit link... As yet she hasn't mentioned him except to say he would want her to concentrate on her current situation and to stop overthinking things.
What are everyone else's thoughts???
I shouldn't have read it because now my excitement is 10 times more!!!
9 years ago
Wed Nov 11 2015, 06:40pmDaySeeker
I agree with 100% of what you just said!
I think the Tumen is a robot of sorts and that unfortunately everyone else is asleep.
Actually I hope the efari are people in suits, but can't really justify why they wouldn't have made contact with others in the Land by their own accord.
I cannot wait until tomorrow!!
So excited, and thanks for the thoughts...................
I agree with what you've said Mangos although I'm more inclined to believe that the tumen and the efari are robots being controlled by beforetimers. I'm a little worried about how much time has passed. The tumen that Elspeth questions mentions multiple wakes and put downs and you wouldn't think they'd be waking her every day so it could be weeks or years that she's been under.
And what of Maruman and Gathalta? If they are deemed unviable by eden then wouldn't they be killed rather than let go to wander freely in the pellmar quadrant.
I'm so excited to see how it finally ends.
Okay, spoilers for pages 1-1127:
Wow I can't believe it!! I'm done!! It was amazing!!! So much happened in the last 150 pages that my head is still spinning trying to make sense of it all. My heart was truely racing as I was reading my way though those last pages.
Now to open the flood gates of my thoughts...
Be warned there will be many spoilers, including the ending of the book.
Oh and I cried like a baby...
1. Swallow!!! Broke my heart even if Ana is pregnant :( and his real name, perhaps named after Cassy's Tibian lover, perhaps it's and old gypsy name that has been handed done through the generations.... Just maybe.
2. Lidge is the destroyer. Makes sense. And the second null! I thought as much as soon as Elspeth got to Redport and she couldn't use her talent. But Elspeth in true style could not identify it as being Lidge even though she describes the block exactly as she had in TF
3. I'm kinda sad about the ending, just that Elspeth wasn't needed to go on the final part of the quest but wasn't told this until she was well on her way, and couldn't turn back. If Eden was to be a reward for finishing her quest should she be able to choose whether to go there or not? Luckily she seems to have finally come to terms with having her future layed out for her and foreseen by many. And luckily she got to take Ruston with her :)
4. Hidden kingdom = Tibia (Tibet)
5. Is Gavyn/Rasial dead?? The their bodies moved and I got a bit confused with all of the movement back and forth through time while Elspeth was learning what was going on while she was doing something else. I seem the remember it ending with one of the beasts saying they where on the dreamtrails. I wonder if this was ment in the same way as Straakas spirit was left to wonder on the dreamtrails after he was finally freed, ie they had died. But they seemed to be everywhere doing everything (helping everyone in trouble) and if Gahltha can survive...
6. I was always left a little confused about the timing of Dragon's mum being killed when we moved from one pastdream/vision/memory with what was happening in the land, the time line never seemed to match up, I always felt something was off and didn't quite fit... That Dragon was still so young at the beginning of the books and eve thing we learnt about the Redland had slavery well entrenched in such a short time. To hear it all happened 200 years ago and baby Dragon was in a cryopod prior to coming to land makes so much sense, but also opens up so many questions. How did that happen? How did she get into a cryopod? And how did she get out? And at the right time to weave her way into Elspeths quest?
More to come I'm sure
I look forward to hearing everyone else's thoughts.
.... and it's over. I can't believe it's over. I think I need some time and a lot of therapy to accept it's all over. I may also be completely delirious given the fact I stayed up till 5am last night reading it and only just woke. Thank god for days off work!
My feelings all over the shop (as I'm sure many people will be) as I have now just finished a book series that spanned from my childhood until now. It's over. Yeah. Finally. Feelings.... so many feelings...
Just a few quick thoughts and impression although I might put up a longer review/discussion later.
1) The Habitat - which took up a near 1/3 of the book. Though it didn't move the plot along, it really helped develop the characters a fair bit. We got to see Swallow and Ana get closer together and get a better sense of who they were aside from swashbuckling!gypsy and girl with tragic background. We got to see Dameon's feelings about Elspeth a lot more clearly (and also realise just how thick Elspeth is. Seriously. Girl....). The last part as they escaped with the rhenlings descending, Elspeth trying to work out how to speak to God... epic.
2) The Galon complex and the glide trip - I think this is part where a lot of the threads that Isobelle Carmody has laid down before and what she mentioned in her interviews as a key question in the Obernewtyn series come into play. And I really began to see why Analivia was such an important part of the book. This is part where Elspeth really learns how important powerful empathy can be - not just empathy towards her friends and fellow human beings (and I really liked how empathy was shown to be a weapon as much as coercing with leaders in both the Habitat and Hidden Kingdom wielding it) as well as empathy towards machines. I loved how everyone started to see Hendon as more than just a robotic servant but still Elspeth was like "cheers for saving Ana. Now continue to do my bidding!!" It was refreshing to see this as usually it's the main female character in other fantasy/sci-fi who is the first to be empathetic and see sentience in non-humans but here it's the reverse. Elspeth is the last to acknowledge machines as anything but machines.
3) Redport - this is probably the part of the book I liked the least but it also could have been because I was reading it at 2am in the morning so my concentration could have been waning and I missed a lot of the subtleties. I felt it was like Herder Isle 2.0 in the sense they are brewing a revolution but I feel it introduced too many superfluous characters (all the Redlanders) especially considering all the established characters (Daffy, Jakoby, Reuvan, Brydda) were all in the same place. I felt it would have been stronger if she had met them all and used these characters to brew the revolution it would have felt... more complete, a coming full circle of the characters in the book. I felt somewhat disappointed that Elspeth didn't meet Matthew until much later in the book. Also the block... Elspeth kinda held the idiot ball for that one. Should have worked out who it was at the beginning....
4) The Entina/Sentinel - yay! All of our speculations were true - Entina = Sentinel. I really liked this part - Ariel manipulating Elf to go down here, a real sense of the Seeker being lead into hell. But what really surprised me was the Sentinel machine itself and how it really came down to Elf finally using so goddamn empathy and what she has learnt from INES/GOD to convince the Sentinel that it needs to shut down. The part in the elevator when she speaks about humans being to evolve not technology - you can really feel Isobelle's only feelings/compassion coming out of Elf.
5) The Darkest Door - and this was the part that was surprising. The Darkest Door was not in the Entina and this was the final confrontation between Ariel/Elf. I kept expecting Ariel to pop up in the Entina and here he was. This part was epic. Swallow died (NOOOO!!!) and all of the characters were present. Lidge = Destroyer... I don't know how I feel about that but the way Gilaine/Daffyd saved the door. It felt right. And it's satisfying to see that by seeing Gilaine to the slavers in the first place, Ariel sealed his own doom. Guess his nulls can't see everything....
In terms of who is the Destroyer - I like to think about it in the way that all who was present were potential Destroyers. All could softened Elf's resolve and made her turn over control to Ariel. Dameon, Matthew, Rushton, Daffyd... I felt in different deviations from the present we saw play out, any of their deaths could have made Elf change her mind. So in way... we were all correct!!
5) The ending - as soon as Eden was brought up in the Sending, I think most of us realised what the Innle part of her quest was going to end up. But the way it happened was surprising. Sentinel choosing to be constructive rather than destructive, Rushton choosing to go with Elf...
I guess I will leave it to this. I like the idea of Elf/Rushton living together and dying together, their bones being buried together. There is a beautiful yet terrible symmetry to Hannah/Jacob, a woman caught up in fate and dreams and a man who loved her and who will do anything to complete his duties. Despite every obstacle that came up their way, the two pairs are destined to be together forever.
Obernewtyn Chronicles is over....
Time for Beforetime Chronicles and the short stories IC has promised!!
9 years ago
Fri Nov 13 2015, 05:55pmlarana
Here is some sidebar fodder....
I am just not sure about the final identity of the Destroyer....I don't think Lidge fits the clues we were given. Any other comments?
I began reading Obernewtyn 22 years ago when I was about Elf's age in that book; here I sit at 2:30am reflecting on the end of a series that has been with me most of my life, having just finished! A lot has changed for both Elf and I since 1993! And I will kind of miss the eternal promise that the next book will be the last one but not ending up being the last one.
At about the 900 page mark of this one, I was seriously suspicious that this wouldn't be the last one either, yet IC managed to wrap it up without leaving it feeling TOO rushed (it was a little), leaving threads for the future - whether for fan speculation or sequel stories! - and not so many loose ends. Pretty impressed actually. The use of dreams to show us all the characters we needed to see before the finale, without having to break from Elf's perspective, was pretty ingenious.
For a very long time we've been building towards the Red Land and the Black Road, and waiting for certain characters to "pay off", and yet book after book introduced new places and subplots and characters. It always felt a bit like Isobelle couldn't quite bear to reach the end and kept putting it off- the previous book was particularly bad in that respect, although this book justified some of it- and if I have a complaint it is that even in the final book we get so much space devoted to the minutiae of the Habitat and new characters while parts of the climax feel rushed and beloved old characters are quickly namechecked at most. But Obernewtyn has really been about the journey all along, hasn't it? Elf finally learned the lessons she needed to learn, just in time. Important lessons for everyone, really.
And aren't we all glad that neither Dameon nor Matthew was a bad guy? Would have broken some hearts, I think.
Later on I imagine we will start trying to put together the final unsolved mysteries (like who let baby Dragon out of the cryo pod),and I should probably find time to reread the series with the foreknowledge of how it ends but for now it's time to stop rambling, say thanks to Isobelle for a terrific read over the past couple of decades, and head off to sleep!
Has anyone else noticed on page 1027 that sentinel tells her to use the phrase "Here be Dragons" to cause the Darkest Door to acquire the Balance of
Terror link to shut it down, yet she didn't.... Page1073
It's really bothering me - like it hasn't been done properly yet.. Have I missed something?
Yes - last night I assumed I'd misread it, but I think it's just an error as I re-read in the cold light of day. The entire last section reads very rushed, and IC might have changed her mind on the exact words, but as the code was needed
Sidebar Spoiler space
For capturing the link to BOT, not for the shut down, and it is apparent that she did connect to BOT, I think it is just an oversight. Also it would be the lamest hook for a sequel story so I can't believe it is intended as that.
For my part, the thing I can't quite understand even re-reading is how Elspeth dealt with Lidge. If the entire climax felt rushed compared to the previous pacing, the lack of detail on the defeat of the Destroyer was just astonishingly glossed over, even considering that Isobelle has increasingly written around conflicts to happen off-screen for several books and most especially in this one.
For posting spoilers as you read, there is the other thread that you must use spoiler tags in ~Link~
Um... wow! For starters Elspeth, so dense sometimes and not just regarding emotions (though it is nice to have that in part resolved, if she was coerced to escape her emotions it explains why sometimes she has a near negative emotional IQ). How did she not question God or Hendon more about how Hannah buried Hannah, @#$$#@?
I loved the dynamic between Queen Dragon and Matthew, a favourite moment for me was definitely when she tells him that she is his queen and this is how it will be. Despite what happens in the crypt I'd like to have seen their relationship properly resolved.
Someone mentioned wondering who let Dragon out of the cryopod, I'd like to know who put her in there to begin with too? That said, it became pretty obvious that something like that would have happened given the level of mythology around the return of the Red Queen even in earlier books.
I also loved the Tiba/Shangri-la references with the Hidden Kingdom and the White Faced Lords. Kind of subtly tying back to Cassy's Tiban lover.
I really liked how the Sentinel thing panned out though I still want to know whether she connected to Ines and God in the end though? Whether the Speci were released, and Miryum saved?
More than anything else though, I'm still surprised that Isobelle, through a series which has been such a big part of my life for so long, could inspire me to want to be better in my work in IT Security, to prevent the systems I work with from having backdoors like the one Sentinel had.
I just wanted to add - and definitely not making light of what is going on in the world today - but in the face of Paris and the world's reaction, Elspeth's speech to the Sentinel machine just seems that much more poignant and powerful. We can't expect technology/laws/weapons to help us if we as a species cannot evolve and change. Just today from reading the news, that part of the Red Queen really resonated with me.
I am loving reading all the spoilers. Spoilers make the world go round.
That should do it.
So many thoughts. I'm glad other people are a bit off put by elfton's lack of choice about the reward at the end. I like my characters to give resounding consent in such situations. I asked IC about it, and she said it was necessary for them to go because if they stayed they would have been pulled around by their old obligations, and that the others needed to cut the cord, so to speak. I suppose I didn't see it as an either/or scenario. If people are to become better, working out shifting relationships is part of that. *rant over*
As the shape of the story settles in my mind, I'm more at peace with it. I think abandoning long held expectations and accepting the story in front of you can be a process. There's the visceral immediate reaction, then flailing, then it all starts to settle. Yes, you can see where the deadline started to tell - the avtion sped up, elspeth stopped "gnawing" and then it was done, but i think it only seems fast in comparison to the earlier parts. If you read it in any other book, you'd keep up and have no trouble with the speed of the action. We'd just been spoiled and acclimatised by the earlier pace.
Lidge being the destroyer. .. it doesn't fit with our info, but since she was destroyed /controlled by ariel, i see him as the actual destroyer.
I liked sentinel.Sentinel was a great way to resolve the story. Not just punching buttons, but dealing with a different evolved intelligence who thinks YOU are the problem, when you always thought it was the problem. Very elegant.
I've had time to think now...
There were still so many things that weren't resolved, like when did Elspeth say the ancient promises? That had been played up for so long to not happen.
Why hasn't Elspeth questioned Maruman as to whether he is in fact Merymin? I know she comes to the conclusion for herself (eventually in true Elspeth style), but you would think that when one of your closest friends turns out to be centuries old you would call them out on it. She talks about it with Dragon after all.
Am I the only one who thinks that the Agyllians set up the whole beast legend to arrange to have the other two Agyllians released from Eden? Kinda selfish in a way, what if the other endangered animals in the cryopods cannot survive the climate in Eden? Maybe Ashtanyx will turn up in a short story with something to help release the animals from cryosleep...
The no choice for Elspeth/Rushton thing kinda made sense because Sentinel would not have perceived that they may not want to go to Eden, and it was nice that even if she cannot return at least she got to go with Rushton.
I think we had known for a long time that whoever the Destroyer was had in fact been emotionally/psychologically destroyed by Ariel. When Rushton walked in I thought it was him, though I knew after urgent lemons that Ariel would get his hands on him again whether he was the Destroyer or not. It was nice in a way that Isobelle had gathered all the most likely candidates in a room and it was actually someone hiding in a corner. Also that Lidge is by nature quite selfish (hence the bond and the blocking static). But yes so many of the clues we have had regarding the Destroyer don't fit Lidge, she's not actually in Obernewtyn unless you count the mention of blocking static in the White Valley, generally speaking she's quite a minor character, generally only mentioned as an aside in Daffyd's quest to find Gilaine and his brother, and female. That said, while I too still don't get what was done to control her in the end, the fact that love for Gilaine and Daffyd stayed her hand in regards to destroying the world, despite what had been done to her by Ariel was quite poignant. Or maybe I was just so emotionally raw after what happened from when Elspeth walked into the dome to that point...
Vauny, I know what you mean about re-reading it, I actually put the book down about halfway through, while they were on the glide, because I was unsure if I was ready for it to end and I knew that once that glide landed things would start moving quickly pretty soon after. It took me about an hour to make myself pick it up again
Swallow said the ancient promise. That's how i read his last scene.
Elspeth questions nothing. Not maruman, not the two hannahs, not dameon's friendship. Nothing. She's a derp.
But his dream/vision was that he stood with Elspeth as she said the promises...
Also, why does Dragon need a daywatcher, is there another story arc brewing there? I really, truly do love the Queen Dragon is becoming!
Need some fodder for the sidebar...fiddle dee dee...that should do it.
OKAY dead. I started writing down my reactions to various things as they happened but gave up part way through they are anyway. All within Habitat/first 1/3 of book. Spoke about much of this with Nef / Shonk / Helena last night over Skype, too.
- Assuming blood offering is the two wanting to be bonded offering a pinprick of blood so INES can assess/ensure they're not closely related...
- Dameon / Balboa!! Ahahahaha, dying. And ELSPETH THEY JUST TOLD YOU DAMEON IS IN LOVE WITH YOU. GAH!
- Elspeth talking to the God program in Habitat Hub is like conversing with Siri.
- no no no Tash scene accepting death ch 14 nooooo.
- NO Dameon, do NOT tell us how you'd like to be burned gypsy style when you die. NO.
- you know, if in the opening pages when Hendon asked "do you wish to speak to God" Elspeth had said "sure, why not?", the whole Habitat section wouldn't have happened...
- I will forever be suspicious of plums...
^ that's about all I got down for reactions while reading. More general things now I'm finished...
- DAMEON ELSPETH RESOLUTION. AHHHHHHHH. Screamed a lot during Ch 32. I was relieved for Dameon because I'd been *convinced* he would be telling her on his deathbed. And then I was sad. While they discussed the revelation later on the red plain, it was clear that it would be awkward with them from then on, regardless of what they promised. I now wish he'd never told her. Their friendship was far more important than the revelation, and I realise that now. I'm waiting for Emi to come to that point as well, because we've had so many discussions about Dameon and...well, I can't wait to talk to her about this. READ, Emi!!
On a Dameon note for a while - he's ginger :D - one of the things I really wanted to know was Dameon's backstory, and while it's not really relevant to the story...I'm thinking that he must be related to Dardelan / Bodera. Dardelan is also ginger. Bodera has a very well-appointed house in Sutrium and from what we see of it, I always assumed that Bodera had ties to the Council at some point. That, like Noviny, he was within the system, and realised that there was something he could do about it. And, we know Dameon has a lovely cultured Lowland accent. So, in the absence of answers (or until they're given), Dameon and Dardelan are now headcanon cousins :P my theory being that Bodera has a brother who is the cousin who denounced Dameon and stole his inheritance.
- DESTROYER. When I read it I was very much (as has been mentioned above) WHAAAAAT but but but - MALE! IN THE FIRST BOOK!? But now (after some sleep) have realised, we made WAY too big a deal out of the Destroyer. Our fixation on it was probably intentional directing so we wouldn't focus on other things. And in a way, the Destroyer *was* Ariel. The one thing I don't quite see yet is how Lidge would have brought about the second great white if Elspeth failed, because it was clear she was not capable of anything but doing what Ariel commanded (er, mostly). I feel terrible for that poor little baby and what she had to endure as she grew up. It was not a life for her.
Still focussing on Lidge, what I don't get is why nobody in Redport understood that it was her causing the block. In particular, Gilaine, Jow, Daffyd...anyone who had been at the Druid's camp and experienced the block. I also don't understand how Ariel's talents weren't blocked by her (but, perhaps I'm not remembering correctly - Empathy wasn't effected originally, was it? Was that how he got around it - the fact that he was a super Empath?). Anyway, as soon as the block was mentioned, it was clear it was Lidge causing it. Considering Gilaine/Jow/Daffyd and co were bonded to her mind...unless whatever Ariel did to her during nullification changed her so completely that her mind was unrecognisable to anyone. Which I'm guessing now is what must have happened...
- SENTINEL - LOVED her. Love the way the Sentinel moment played out. Was perfect. Elspeth had been so hesitant to accept that machines could think, or could evolve, and in the end it was a machine who evolved beyond humanity. Was a brilliant moment that made Elspeth question what she believed as well as complete her quest.
- Like Nef said, I'm also unsure about the reward of the freerunning barud, for Elspeth and Rushton. Elspeth seemed genuinely saddened to be leaving everyone. Then she was baffled about why she'd had to go with them, because she wasn't needed. I'm assuming that Sentinel, being a government computer, will re-link all of the other Ines machines we saw unearthed over time; Midland, Norseland, teknoguild caves, Oldhaven, etc. So at least they'll still be able to talk to their friends. And I know you mentioned that IC said their ties to Obernewtyn had to be cut but...Elspeth NEVER allowed herself to truly live a life at Obernewtyn. She always kept apart from those she loved, in a way, knowing that she would have to leave them and assuming that she would have no choice about it. But she would have had a choice. I just wish it had been offered. Mostly because I long to go back to Obernewtyn and had wished for an Epilogue at the hot springs in the mountains that Elspeth was always fondly remembering.
- RUSHTON. What happened to him? The whole sequence of his whereabouts was clouded that there feels like there's a whole different story there. Until I understand it (because I'm still digesting it) I'm telling myself that Rushton was on contiki tour and having a year-long acid trip. I genuinely feel like I need to re-read the whole book and pay much closer attention to the dreams of him.
- DRAGON. I really want to know what the sceptre does, and am guessing we'll find out in a future short story. It was very interesting how she was in cryo, though I'm trying to piece together exactly how that happened - the sequence of events of her childhood. So - her mother was murdered, they were taken on a ship across the sea, the whales destroyed the ship, dolphins rescued toddler Dragon, and delivered her to the coast of the Land. From there, there's a blank section, until Elspeth and co find her at what becomes Oldhaven. So...I'm assuming gypsies found her. They had been told to find her, by the Agyllians perhaps. They delivered her to Oldhaven and somehow, got into the Ines complex that Dell and co live in, and sealed her in a cryo pod there for 200-ish years. The timer automatically went off, little Dragon woke remembering nothing/little. It explains why her mind was so crazy when they first found her - because Elspeth had similar enormous gaps in her memories when Unit A/B was dealing with her in Midland, and she was only out for what, 6 months to a year? 200 years would have caused a lot more chaos, particularly to a toddler who was trying to suppress what had happened to their mother. Poor wee mite.
I'm sure I'll think of more but have to dash for now! Can't believe it's actually over...

Ashlings' guildleader
9 years ago
Sun Nov 15 2015, 11:42amSian

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
"Omnomnomnom" says the side bar as it eats up all of these useless letters that serve no purpose whatsoever.
So I finished the book last night (read: 3am this morning) and my immediate thoughts are :
How can Lidge possibly be 13?!?!? That would make Elspeth almost 30! No way has 12 years passed since Farseekers. Didn't we figure out that Elf was in her early 20s (at most) by the end of the Sending? That would mean that the journey overland would need to have taken something like 5 years from when they set out. Even accounting for the 19 months they spent with G.O.D. that just doesn't add up.
Also, I am particularly annoyed with Dameon. Kissing Elf without her permission is assault and the kind of bull excrement that I expect from Rushton. It's just completely out of character for Dameon. If Rushton had pulled something like that, I would have believed it - I would have been equally angry about it, don't get me wrong, but I would have believed it. Not Dameon. Nope, nuh-ah, too OOC, don't believe it and hence forth I will be pretending it never happened.
I really liked the twist with leading the beasts to freedom being the freeing of Sentinel which allowed the beasts to be released from their cryons.
I've also been thinking a lot about how this series was originally intended to be a trilogy and how Obernewtyn and Farseekers were written together, so that the essential plot elements needed to already be present in those two books. And, thinking about this, I don't think that Lidge was initially the destroyer.
In the earliest editions of Farseekers, it's said that the destroyer is a male, but that was later changed so that they were discussed in a gender neutral manner. Also, the separation between the destroyer and the h'raker isn't introduced until TKP. I think that Ariel was originally intended to be the destroyer, but when this role was split in two, he kept the name h'raker and Lidge became referred to as the destroyer. This might also explain why we thought that the destroyer had to have appeared in Obernewtyn; if that information had been obtained from IC early on, it might have been that IC still planned for Ariel to be the destroyer, but changed this to Lidge later on as the destroyer and the h'raker became separate entities.
IC has said that she knew who the destroyer would be right from the start, however the change from calling Ariel the destroyer to calling him the h'raka did not constitute a change to his role in the plot, so arguably that would still be a true statement if the roles for h'raka and destroyer were split following the publication of the Farseekers. This is even more true if we consider that IC may have been answering the question we intended to ask. We all thought that the destroyer would be the one to activate the weapon machines, when they actually have a different role. Ergo, asking if IC has always known who the destroyer would be may be interpreted as asking "Have you always known who would be the one to try to activate the weapon machines?" and the person who was destined to do that never changed.
I also think that the Sentinal complex was probably originally going to be in Silent Vale, but I can't figure out the leading the beasts to freedom bit could have been worked in since it relies on the stuff about cryogenics and Hannah etc and none of the before time plot arcs came up at all in those first two books...
On Dragon's cryosleep, it makes sense that she's asleep in Oldhaven given the amount of mythology around the ruins which could not have evolved in less than a decade, she must have been projecting in her sleep. The Gypsyies being involved does make sense, hiding her could also be another of the ancient promises, or as Min suggested the Agyllian's made the link to the promises to protect her. But that girl has so much more story in her!
I'm also assuming that Sentinel connects the other computers but I'd still love to actually see it happen, especially for God to release those in Habitat and cure Miryum/those still in storage. It might also allow Elspeth and Rushton to communicate back to Dell in Old Haven and see what is transpiring in the land, also to possibly find a way to allow other animals who wish to do so to get to Eden.
Actually yes - Lalalalalalala lalalalala lalalala is this enough filler?
Okay, yes, what I was thinking about the freerunning - what about all of the animals at Obernewtyn who were determined to go to the freerunning - who insisted Elspeth would lead them? If they can make the journey to Eden, there's no reason Elspeth & Rushton can't make the journey away.
I think I just feel really sad about that Elspeth never lived a proper life at Obernewtyn assuming she wouldn't be allowed to attach herself to the place properly...and am determined to reason a way for her to go back, whether she actually wants to by then or not :P

Ashlings' guildleader
9 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar sidebar
On Dragon's cryosleep, it makes sense that she's asleep in Oldhaven given the amount of mythology around the ruins which could not have evolved in less than a decade, she must have been projecting in her sleep. The Gypsyies being involved does make sense, hiding her could also be another of the ancient promises, or as Min suggested the Agyllian's made the link to the promises to protect her. But that girl has so much more story in her!I'm also assuming that Sentinel connects the other computers but I'd still love to actually see it happen, especially for God to release those in Habitat and cure Miryum/those still in storage. It might also allow Elspeth and Rushton to communicate back to Dell in Old Haven and see what is transpiring in the land, also to possibly find a way to allow other animals who wish to do so to get to Eden.
The gypsies putting Dragon into cryo sleep does make sense, but Oldhaven was still sealed when the misfits arrived, so I don't see how she could have gotten out.
sidebar fodder lalalalalalaqlalalalallalalal
See still sooooo many unanswered questions!!