9 years ago
Tue Jan 05 2016, 10:08amSionainn
*bursts out of pile of leaves* Did someone say fairy tale retelling?
I might do that, Staraice, thanks!

Ashlings' guildleader
9 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Master of Obernewtyn
I finished Banana Yoshimoto's Kitchen; a couple of novellas both dealing with love and death. Nice little stories.
Now I'm reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. I'm not sure what to think of it yet.
I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THE MARGO LANAGAN LOVE. Seriously, adore her stuff. Sea Hearts is GORGEOUS. I haven't actually read Zeroes yet but it's on my list! Also a fan of Scott.
I'm currently forcing my way through Red Rising. The manpain. I have no patience. But a friend loves it so I'm reading the whole thing...
Before we stray too far away, has anyone read Westerfeld's 'Afterworlds'? I've loved a lot of his work, especially the Leviathan Trilogy, but something about the blurb for this one is making me tentative about picking it up.
9 years ago
Thu Jan 07 2016, 07:24pmjossie
I have! I haven't read anything else of Westerfeld. I thought Afterworlds was interesting in parts, and the alternating chapters were interesting too, but then it didn't seem to hit the right 'notes' with me, and for some reason I didn't connect with the characters. So I was a little disappointed I think! I have heard his other books are really good though.
9 years ago
Fri Jan 08 2016, 09:13amStaraice
Thanks, Jossie. He has such a good track record with me that I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I'll pick it up from the library one day and have a look, but it's not going on the 'buy' pile, especially after your excellent feedback.
If you're interested to try his other stuff, I think the Uglies set and the Leviathan trilogy are the best examples of his work. The others are good but these had just that little extra something.
(Edited because I was repeating myself.)
9 years ago
Sat Jan 09 2016, 08:28pmkelda
I finished 'Uri'madu Songs of the Planet Walkers' (Jennifer Boyes) the other day and loved it! Would definitely recommend, so much going for it, the blend of sci-fi, fantasy, and her ecological background knowledge, as well as great writing, had me hooked :)
I think after reading the positive comments I will now start Sea Hearts~

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I've recently read Heart's Blood and Dreamer's Pool and am now on to Tower of Thorns, all by Juliet Marillier. I haven't read any Marillier in ages, and I'd forgotten how much I like her books.
Going through books I own that I haven't read before. Currently reading Michael Grant's Gone series. It's a good read so far.
Do I remember someone saying they were reading Rosemary and Rue? I'm in love with Seanan Maguire's 'October Daye' series,and bought all of the books published at the time after borrowing the first from the library. Hope you enjoy it!
Loren, I know all about buying books and having them pile up unread. There's always a borrowed book which needs to be read first, and returned.

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Going through books I own that I haven't read before. Currently reading Michael Grant's Gone series. It's a good read so far.
I counted the books I own but haven't read a few years ago, and it was over 100... And since then I'm sure it's only gone up.
There are so many books I want to buy that have recently been mentioned in this thread (eg. Margo Lanagan), but I've made the rule that I have to read 5 books I already own before I'm allowed to buy another. Stick to this rule, Kaede!
And I'm still working my way through Tower of Thorns by Juliet Marillier. Not liking it quite as much as Dreamer's Pool, but it's still enjoyable.
The list of books I own and haven't read is very long. The list of books my mum owns and I want to read is longer.
Kaede, that's a good idea for the rule!
I am in the same dilemma: I keep buying new books based on recommendations, but then I never get time to read them and then that keeps building up and I'm pretty sure about 70% or more of the books I own are ones I haven't read before, which is pretty bad!
I bought two new books last week, despite my attempt to not buy books until I had read more of the ones on my shelves. At this rate, it means I have to read 10 off my own shelves before I consider buying others. I always seem to find ways around it though: borrowing from the library or friends!
I am reading the last book in the His Dark Materials series by Phillip Pullman, but not sure I love where it's going.
Kaede: those Juliette Marillier books that you're reading, I've wanted to read, but have stayed my own hand because I haven't finished the ones on my shelves that she's written!
Ah troubles of being a book collector and a book worm

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
It turns out I'm rather confused about Juliet Marillier's books. I thought I owned and had read all of the Sevenwaters books, but it turns out I haven't read two of them, and I don't own one. I'm now halfway through Seer of Sevenwaters. I'll have to finish it and another book before I'm allowed to buy Flame of Sevenwaters!
I seem to going through a Marillier phase at the moment. Jossie, I would definitely recommend you get started on them! I read the original Sevenwaters trilogy a long time ago, but from what I do remember, I'm liking her more recent books better.
I've never read any Phillip Pullman, and to be honest, I'm not sure I ever will.
hmm, I actually LOVE Juliet's earlier books (Sevenwaters original trilogy, Wolfskin & Foxmask, Wildwood Dancing & Cybele's Secret, and the Bridei books, all of these in particular) but really struggled with Dreamer's Pool when it came out and didn't end up finishing it..maybe I just need to give it another go or didn't get far enough in
I remember really enjoying Marillier's Daughter of the Forest, but I was turned off the rest of that series because of the (if I remember correctly) move to have the next one focused on the child/ren of the main character. It's just a reading quirk of mine.
Might have to give some of her other stuff a go.
I've read maybe the first two (or three) of the Sevenwaters ones, they take time to get into at times, but then it suddenly hits you.
I am finding it difficult to finish the last book in His Dark Materials - The Amber Spyglass. Real life and going back to work (and trying to get ready for it) isn't helping it. I also had Robin Hobb's Liveship Traders books lined up to go, but couldn't get around to them :(

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I'm seeing Jasper Fforde speak in March!!!! AAAHHH! I'm not capable of saying much else! All my books of his are back at home though, how am I supposed to reread them all?!?

Mystic Ward
9 years ago

Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Library? I am so jealous.
I wish I could afford to go interstate for one of his events. Alas, I shall just have to hope that the Melbourne event comes to pass, and that I can go.
I should really read the rest of his Dragonslayer series.

Wanderer Ward
9 years ago
Fri Jan 29 2016, 05:42pmKaede

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
He's speaking at my university. Well, old university. And I get to go for free! This is pretty much the best luck I've ever had with author events. I think I'm going to borrow some of his books from the library so I can reread them before March. He is also doing book-signing, but I'm guessing he won't want to sign all his books for every single person there, so I'm just going to take Shades of Grey which I have up here by chance.
I've just finished Seer of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier, and am now onto Wolfskin. I was going to move onto another author, but thought I may as well just continue this run until I run out of Marillier books.
Jossie, The Liveship Traders are great! Things that get in the way of reading are just plain rude. Unless they're pets being cute. That's allowed all the time. I hope you find the time to read more soon!
I'm reading the book thief