I just finished a Harry Potter reread, and now about to commence a Red Rising by Pierce Brown reread before reading the latest and final one, Morning Sun
I'm reading Sabriel by Garth Nix, for the first time, and really liking it so far :)
Where are you up to?
As for me, I started reading Clariel, and so far it's pretty good.
I'm into Mad Ship the second book of the Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb.
I also signed up to audible which has been great as I can listen to books in the car! I am currently listening to The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. It's good so far!
Ooh I have read good reviews of The Knife of Never Letting Go but haven't actually read it yet
Sabriel - I have just read chapter 9, and she has just seen the bridge being built towards Abhorsen's house, and there is talk of creating a flood.
I am getting really into it, and just wish I didn't have uni stuff to do as well
I have just finished the Chaos Walking series, which includes The Knife of Never Letting Go. It's really good and I really recommend it. However, there are some moments where you may need tissues! ;)
Love Sabriel.
I'm currently reading 'Night Study' by Maria V Snyder.
It's quite good, still getting into it as the last book left at such a good cliffhanger that I was beside myself until this book came in the mail.
Oh Chaos Walking! Tissues are needed, but so good
I'm currently reading (shock-horror, not much time for it these days) Emma. Going through an Austen phase I think - read Pride & Prejudice a few weeks back too. It's always so nice to revisit it and I'm always surprised by how funny (/witty) I find Austen's writing and characters. Emma's timing borders on comedic, and Miss Bates reminds me so much of my mother that I can't stop laughing at her long stream-of-consciousness passages.
Think I'll go with Sense & Sensibility next. It's nice to read something and know that the book won't completely wreck or devastate you :P
Sabriel and the whole Old Kingdom trilogy are brilliant!
Min, I'm glad you're getting into reading again. :) I read P&P in high school, it was the best assigned reading I've ever had.
Currently binging psychological crime thrillers - Kellerman mostly at the moment, but I've borrowed a couple of other Deaver books from the library. Seriously starting to think I am addicted to this genre.
Yay reading Min!
(Though not a fan of P&P :p )
Loved Sabriel, and going to start Lirael soon (probably tonight), despite all the study (so much D:)
Finished Knife of Letting Go :'( I am wondering if I keep going hoping that things will get better?
I am loving the audiobooks at the moment - mostly because I find so little time to actually read at all anymore. Now I can use cleaning my house time, or driving to work or anywhere as time to listen to a book!
I currently finishing off Tomorrow When the War Began.
Well... you have to keep going Jossie! I won't say if things will get better though
I won't spoil it, but you should definitely keep going Jossie! I just finished the Maze Runner and I thought it was pretty good
Is Knife of Never Letting Go anything like More Than This? Because that's the only Patrick Ness I've read so far and it was wonderful and intense and hopeful and crushing and I loved it to bits.
Can confirm that all Ness books are intense and crushing.
@ kelda Yay Lirael! How are you liking it so far?
I know what you mean :(
I've just finished Clariel and:
I personally thought they could explored the pre-anarchy Old Kingdom more, but that's my 2 cents. I see what people meant about Clariel now.
On the whole though, a pretty good read and I enjoyed it.
Now I need to either start going through my backlog, or find a new book to read :p
8 years ago
Fri May 27 2016, 08:18pmkelda
I have been loving Lirael, I have less than 50 pages left, as a result of neglecting study (which would have happened anyway this last week, won't go into that), so I will probably finish it off real quick tonight, can't barely put it down.
Edit: Finished Abhorsen, now deciding on which out of Clariel or Across the Wall to read first
Personally I liked Across the Wall better, but depends on you.
Also have you read To Hold the Bridge?
8 years ago
Sun May 29 2016, 06:21pmkelda
I haven't read it! Didn't know about it, but just looked it up and its in the Legends of Australian Fantasy book which I have so that is good! Although if there are other stories...I'll probably still need to find a copy.
I have started Across the Wall

Wanderer Ward
8 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Across the Wall is a good choice.
Leave Clariel for a while... :P
I quite enjoyed Clariel, though I definitely see the points made by people above. I'm really hoping that Goldenhand when it comes out explores that world a lot more.
I've just read the Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig and I absolutely loved it. Time travel pirates and historical Hawaii!
Oooh, that sounds interesting, though I'm usually not a fan of time travel.
Has anyone read the entire Deborah Harkness trilogy? I read 'A Discovery of Witches' and quite enjoyed it - but I do remember thinking that it was dragging at points so I don't know if I want to tackle the rest.