But it does raise the question of how far Obernewtyn is from Kinraide, and whether the journey was any different with the different map. I don't suppose anybody has a copy of the first edition and can tell us whether the text is any different?
I remember at one point Louis Larkin being untalented then later on he is a beastspeaker.
Rushton says he's never come across that particlar talent before (end of Obernewtyn), yet in TKP Alad talks about going with Roland, Domick etc., to rescue Elf and Rushton from the Zebkrahn. If Rushton knew Alad back then, why wouldn't he know about beastspeaking?
The Oldtime is mentioned once or twice in Farseekers as well.In Obernewtyn IC refers to the 'oldtime' in the other books this becomes the 'Beforetime'
It's near the end of Ashling - Elspeth is trying to tell herself that the reason she was initially wary of Rushton was because she sensed his latent powers. This was the first we'd ever heard of that theory.pg 163 Ashling. Elspeth says she had sensed Rushton's latent powers?? She hadn't?? (not sure what this refers to)
In Obernewtyn Rushton 'catches' Elf as she is trying to escapeout the front door and pulls her into his room. then in Farseekers it says that Elf's turret room is where Rushton used to live, but the turret room is upstairs (and has a balcony) and there is no mention of Rushton dragging Elf upstairs in Ober.
Yes Aoife, thats the way I looked at it as well. Amashelle, the earlier US version of Obernewtyn is the same as ours, the latest one is the one that was edited to fix up some mistakes and make the later books more clear.
' . . . I saw that there were whip scares on his back . . .He wore a red robe and a gold brow circlet set with jewels . . .'
TSK pg.228
'"I do not see anything," Dameon told me genty. "I dream as I live; I dream of words spoken, of smells and of feeling things."'
TSK pg.672