Thanks for the update DO. Can't wait for them to come out!
I've only started watching Red Dwarf fairly recently - ABC2 is running through all the seasons (they've just started Season I again) - and I love it!
I wonder when they'll come to Australia.
:( No free to air option? I may need to hijack someone's satellite for this......
You may be able to watch them on the channels website after they are broadcast. If not, they should be on Youtube
Excellent - that's so SOON! Thanks again DO - you're full of good news today ;D

Wanderer Ward
16 years ago
Wed Feb 04 2009, 07:54am

Wanderer Ward
Oooh I hope it is on the easter weekend as I'll be home then and parents have sky so we'll be watching it.
You can always come watch it with us Elaria ;)
April? why not late march? then I could watch it rather than wait ten years for it to come to australia!
I'm sure someone will copy it and make it available on Youtube for you
Its been confirmed that Satellite channel, Dave, will be shwoing Red Dwarf over easter. I don't have the exact transmission dates yet, but i'll put them up when i find out.
15 years ago
Tue Mar 10 2009, 07:10am
Dave are having a Red Dwarf weekend on the 10-13 April, which is when the new episodes will be shown.
Below is spoiler for what the story will be about from Doug Naylor
It starts nine years after the last show. Kochanski has died and Holly is down - Lister left a bath tap on for almost nine years and then one night the floor gives way and a million gallons of water fall through the ship, and Holly hasn't dried out. That's where it starts.
Lister's not in good shape, and there's a general air of neglect and malaise. Rimmer, as he's always done, is thinking about himself, and because of this everything's gone down the tubes. He has aged, even though holograms shouldn't - he hasn't had access to holo-services because he didn't know about them.
These new episodes will part of the Red Dwarf canon and see the ship returning to Earth after three million years away.
Oh my GOD! That's so exciting, particularly the ending. It doesn't mention Kryten, but I assume he'll be involved? I can't see RL not pouncing at the chance to put the mask on again :P
Thanks DO!
No worries
Kryten should be in it. That's all there was on the interview i found with Doug Naylor. The rest was about how the original 'Dwarf model had fallen off a shelf, and how the original sets had been destroyed, and that's why it's set where it is.
I can't wait!
The first of the new Red Dwarf's is on tonight.
Its on satellite Channel Dave, at 9PM BST, with the second and third episodes on at 9PM on Saturday and Sunday, with the making of being shown at 9.30PM on Sunday.
All four are also repeated on Monday night from 9PM
.... If i beg will some one tape it for me :(
Eeeeeek!!! [act]hurries to find[/act]
Months and months of nothing to watch, and now, suddenly - everything! :D
Thanks DO!
That was a very good and interesting three-parter!
Having the whole story based around the Back to Reality episode from season 5 was a very good idea. it kept eveyone guessing until the end!
Rewatching the episodes, I can now see the references in the first episode.
A despair squid that induces feelings of elation was an interesting twist, and the Blade Runner references were brilliant! Can't wait for more
They're doing more?? :D
It was fantastic, classic Red Dwarf. Kryten is absolutely my favourite; his distress over the post box was the best bit - ever! :P
Well, if this three-parter proves to be successful, the satellite channel Dave has said that they would commission a new series
Apparently Robert Llewellyn has been tweeting about a new series of Red Dwarf, but when the press spoke to the satellite channel Dave, they said that nothing has been confirmed yet.
Watch this space
:O what what what? That'd be excellent!
Ha, I'd been wondering what he was getting up to after leaving Scrapheap.
Have these most recent episodes been released on DVD? Or online somewhere? They don't seem to have been aired in Canada :(
I think they'll be on DVD in Australia soon, I have a vague memory of seeing tehm on the "coming soon" list of the ABC shop.
Danny John Jules has said that there will be a full series of Red Dwarf this time, which will start filming at the end of the year