I've been looking into skyrim, but the whole bows and arrows and sword thing don't always work out the best... is it different at all from oblivion? the whole fighting thing was rly tough in oblivion....
Anyways, Helena... in my too long post i did mention FF13 and the fact that i can't wait for FF13B/FF13 2.
So.... ya, not my fault, lol. I must just be addicted to long posts. Anyways, i love FF 13, it's actually the first final fantasy i've played instead of watching a friend. (which i think i also mentioned in my post). Anyways, i love the new fighting techniques, tho they rly need more than six slots on ur paradigms. Also, i wish they had let you move around more, do some side quests, stuff like that... but wihtout having to finish the story first. That was also quite annoying, lol.
Ok, so, i might as well stop there before my post gets too much longer, lol.
Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Sorry Dakosha, I must have read it ages ago and forgotten about it ~:|
I've also been wondering about Skyrim. A few friends have been playing/addicted to it.
And FFXIII is the first Final Fantasy that I've ever played. Period. lol
My boyfriend and I are playing the Star Wars: The Clone Wars LEGO game on Playstation 2 together :P I'm not really much of a gamer, but I do like fantasy RPGs and anything else that has an interesting storyline. Since I love Star Wars, the LEGO Playstation games are pretty fun :P
Ya, i've got Star Wars, Batman, and Indiana Jones Lego, but on PS3. They're really fun! I finished Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction on the PS3 awhile ago, so need to find another game to take it's place, lol.
My brother recently bought The Witcher. It was released a few years ago but was apparently considered really good. It is an RPG, but you don't create your own character; there is one character to play but you can take him in different directions with respect to skills, magic, fighting, etc. I started it a couple of weeks ago on one of the few weekends when I had time to spare, but I haven't played since (no time, not lack of interest). It is generally quite easy to control and the grtaphics are good, but at night it is very difficult to navigate.
The Witcher is actually based off a series of novels. I've read "The Last Wish" which I think is a stand alone book and Blood of Elves which is the first book of the series. It's originally in Polish which is why it takes super long for the books to come out in English as they need to translate it (2nd book supposed to come out in 2013). I haven't actually played it yet, but my boyfriend has.
On a different note, I've been playing Awesomenauts for the past 2 days as it's free for this weekend only on steam. I think I'm a bit addicted to it so it's good that I can't play it after today for free. I'm hoping that I will be so sick of playing it after this weekend that I won't feel the need to play it so often anymore (I play at my boyfriend's house since he has the game).
Well my boyfriend has been buying himself all these old games he used to have on Xbox 360 for his playstation because he's bored and their cheap. I felt kind of neglected so I went and bought a game for my PC too and I bought...
ZOO TYCOON!!! =D I had the demo as a kid and I've fiiiiinally bought the full version and it is awesome! Love my little zoo animals :)