I have a multitude of projects to work on so I am definitely going to do this, I just haven't decided which project, what target, and over how many days yet. I'll probably start on January 1st.
I will start this tomorrow and finish up at the start of February. My aim is 50,000 words. I will be working on the novel I have been trying to write for maybe 5 years. It's titled Yearnings and is a fantasy novel. We'll see how I go. Fingers crossed it will go well.
Good luck to everyone else!
I'll sign up. It'll be a good way to finish the novel I've been writing for three years. I'll write 20,000 words by the end of Februrary starting tomorrow.
Mystic Guilden
13 years ago
Mystic Guilden
It's nice to have some fresh blood joining in the OberNo experience :D
Good luck with your goal Araleen!
I'm going to aim for 10, 000 words starting now. This is a great idea and I think I have more of a chance at completing this than NaNoWriMo, plus I'm on school holidays so I'll have more time to write. Hopefully.
Yes, one of us, Meri, one of us.
So I'm coming to this pretty late, but I have a story i've been working on for years and back in December I wrote a few paragraphs set in that same world but from a different person's perspective - I'm willing to commit to making that into at least 10,000 words by the end of February. I'll probably have to re-format what I already have, as it's currently written in script/conversation format rather than book/novel style, and I don't have a name for the story yet, but I should be able to make it work anyways.
Mystic Guilden
12 years ago
Mystic Guilden
With just over a month to go, there's still plenty of time to get things down on paper (or screen :P)!
Will this be run again for 2012/2013 dec-feb? I am working on a novel now, but could do with the enforced goals :)