Oh new guess ... Kasanda as the destroyer! Though she isn't mentioned by name in the first book, she has been shaping the course of Elspeth since then.
sigh, with a heavy heart I put dames.
BUT just because no one has guessed it and she has been in it from the start. Rosamunde.
Thanks for posting, Larana! I need to visit Theories more often.
I had written my reason's, but i deleted them somehow... (newby!)
I guess the main reason is that she keeps getting bought up in each book (since Obernewtyn) just little insignificant one liners... Where's the relevence i keep thinking...
PLUS she's been there from the start, in fact, i think she was the first person to speak to Elspeth in Obernewtyn.
I say the destroyer is Jess.
13 years ago
Tue Oct 18 2011, 06:20pm
I don't know why -- actually, it's because I'm a sucker for suspenseful twists -- but I think it would be brilliant if Elspeth was the Destroyer. I don't actually remember it saying that they are definitely two different people (this needs clarification though). Essentially her quest is to 'destroy' the weaponmachines. Puts a whole new twist on 'Search and Destroy', huh? :P
I would just love to discover that the Seeker is also the Destroyer, Elspeth transitioning from one to the other through some mind-alterning plot twist. She'll turn out to be the good guy in the end because, well, she's Elspeth, but the main antagonist in her story turns out to be herself. We've been in suspense this whole time about who it could possibly be... and didn't IC say it's someone right under our noses? :D
[sub]She may or may not have said the Destroyer is also male, but don't mind that one *whistles under breath*[/sub]
I'm going with Elspeth. There's only about a 49% chance in my mind that she really is the Destroyer, but I maintain it would be superb.
Lud, I watch too many thriller movies. :P
13 years ago
Sat Nov 19 2011, 01:34pm
Axe, what's the story behind the name Asura?
Edit: Never mind, found the thread. Interesting...
13 years ago
Mon Nov 28 2011, 08:16am
I've always believed it was either Dameon or Matthew. Until The Sending, I tended to lean more towards Matthew, but after The Sending, I'm absolutely convinced it's Dameon.
Firstly, having him as one of Elspeth's travelling companions strikes me as highly suspicious, especially considering that characters in this series tend to only return to Elspeth for significant plot reasons (I'm thinking especially of Daffyd, Rushton and Domick here). Secondly, it suddenly struck me that we may have been misinterpreting Dameon's continual use of an emotional shield. Elspeth interprets it as Dameon chivalrously protecting her from sharing her emotions with him. We tend to interpret it as him shielding her from his unrequited love for her. But what if he's actually shielding her from his mission as the Destroyer.
It's a bit of an out there theory, but it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
ETA spoiler tags. I'm really sorry if anyone inadvertently got spoiled.
One word? Matthew.
More words? But... but... it could also be Daffyd! Or maybe even Dameon!
But yeah. My one word is MATTHEW.
13 years ago
Fri Dec 02 2011, 12:17pm
It's Daffyd.
I'm sorry but I can't just write one word and be done with it. I was so certain that it was Ariel, but after reading The Sending my mind just screamed Daffyd, Daffyd, Daffyd. I was thinking it could be Mathew (and he could be the destroyer by doing something in the Red Land that he doesn't even realise that he's doing), but now I just have Daffyd stuck in my head. I have never believed it to be him up until reading the Sending, but now I am 95% sure.
Why can't it be Salamander?
Jes. The Destroyer HAS to have the killing power (I have no reason for saying that, other than thinking that if the good guy has killing power, surely the bad guy has to have it as well!!).
Dameon's interesting, but he's just the ultimate nice guy (except for that one moment in TS where
he glares at Rushton, and I still reckon that was just jealousy
), and spends all his time empathising calmness and happy thoughts at everyone he meets. Surely if he's the Destroyer, some of his insanity/evil/anger would have leaked through to one of the many, many people he's affected? No-one's shield is good enough to hide the knowledge that you're on a secret evil quest for that many years. (I mean, look at Elspeth. Sure, no-one knew about her quest per se, but everyone knew she was different and didn't quite belong with the rest of the Misfits.)
i think pretty much everyone who is male and was in the first book has been guessed at this point, so maybe IC was just putting us off the scent.
going by that thinking, i think it is Ariel - he brings about destruction through sentinel, therefore the definition of Hy'raka fits. IF its not him, Elspeth is going to be blindsided completely, especially if it turns out to be Dameon.
basically i posted this in the sending spoilers thread but realised it would be better to be posted here :)
so it's just copied and pasted :)
i personally believe that it is still Ariel, partially because i don't want it to be any of the characters i love, but also because everything fits. And if he isn't the Destroyer, then why would he bother torturing Domick to torture Rushton to hurt Elspeth. I mean, I know that he is supposedly defective and he clearly likes inflicting pain on people, but why would he spend all his time carefully planning NOT to kill Elspeth if he wasn't the destroyer? and why would he hate her so much? Also I think it would be clever of IC because anyone who isn't really speculating about the story would just stick with Ariel as the destroyer, but all of us on this thread would be slightly thrown off after saying 'it's Daffyd' or 'it's Matthew' and then BAM. it's actually Ariel.
But if it isn't Ariel, then out of the main favourites for Destroyer i've read about (Dameon, Ruston, Daffyd and Matthew) I think it would likely be Dameon, because all all the others kind of already have something to achieve. Rushton is busy with Obernewtyn and the Red Land expedition, Daffyd is searching for his love and brother, and Matthew is trying to find a way to raise up the enslaved/find a way to get Dragon. Dameon is the only one who doesn't really have much to do, except for staying in Sador at the end of Ashling. Which makes you wonder if there was another purpose in his staying there?
But i still really want it to be Selmar. I thought it was curious that Rushton mentioned her and her ability to make people adore her. wouldn't this ability help if you were the Destroyer? And I know she is dead, but Elspeth never saw her killed and i don't think anyone said they saw her body... I still don't think this theory is that plausible though but i like the idea
12 years ago
Mon Feb 20 2012, 07:32pm
Atthis/ the Agyllians. If you want to see why read my theory.
I'm going to say Dragon, because no one has said her yet. Plus, in "The Sending"
Maryon said both Dragon and Ariel are keystones and "the likelihood of their interactin' is very high" and how there is a link between him and Dragon.
To be honest though, my guess is just a stab in the dark.
As much as it pains me to say it a lot of evidence points to him!