Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Ari: [act]Kicking toe of boot against the wall[/act] Ooo! Steel capped :D
Soonkar: And that's important why?
Ari: Oh you know, in case the apocalypse requires it. Then again, Ariel is only a few meters away.
Soonkar: Whose Ariel?
Ari: Evil incarnate.
Ariel: Did I hear someone call my name?
Ari: Not in this lifetime.
Ariel: [act]Distracted by Soonkar[/act] And what in Luds name are you supposed to be?
Soonkar: The wicked witch of the west.
Ariel: ?:(
Soonkar: ::) A guy can't even crack a good joke in this crowd!
Ari: INES! Can I put in a song request please?
INES: Place your request now.
Ari: Another Kind Of Green by John Mayer.
Soonkar: -_- I'm laughing on the inside.
Ari: Actually, can you make it Dragons by The Green Children please INES?
INES: Request granted
Soonkar: Still not funny.....
12 years ago
Thu Mar 15 2012, 05:42pm
Tarsin: [act]shuffles in, trying to hold up all of his suit[/act] I think I may have deliberately been put in this suit...
Fate: [act]pushes past, eyes glaze over[/act] It's... it's... so many books! O_O
Miryum: A zombie! [act]whacks Tarsin's stomach with rubber cricket bat[/act]
Voice in distance: LIVING IMPAIRED...
Fate: Woah, woah, woah, these costumes are to blend in!
Tarsin: :S Suddenly I feel faint...
Ceirwan: [act]looks over[/act] Excuse me, can you breathe in that suit?
Tarsin: [act]faintly gasps[/act]
Fate: Oh, he's fine--but look at all the books! I just want to sing about them...
Ariel: No musical numbers!
Music: [act]turns up louder[/act]
Ariel: -_-
Miryum: [act]idly[/act] Oh look, Ariel. [act]weighs cricket bat in her hand[/act] I bet I can knock him out with this still. Coming?
Min: ...
Miryum: [act]turns back[/act] Aren't you going to tell me off or say its not a good idea?
Min: ... :-/ part of me is trying to. The other part sees Ariel [act]whacks own rubber cricket bat in hand[/act]. Whaddya say, double-whammy?
Miryum: Twice the power, twice the effect? You may make a Knight yet.
[act]they start to advance on Ariel's group[/act]
Min: [act]stops advancing[/act] Oh look, Gevan!
Miryum: [act]also stops[/act]...Damnit
Min: Huh? Don't we like Gevan?
Miryum: :-/ We don't exactly see eye to eye on the guild's efforts, remember? He kind of, sort of thinks I'm trying to start my own guild and undermine him...
Min: Oh. Oh, right. Well, aren't you?
Miryum: That's beside the point. [act]quickly[/act] Can we go?
Min: Where?
Miryum: Anywhere not here. Somebody said 'bar' earlier.
Min: Deb, I think.
Miryum: the woman with Billy Thunder?
Min: [act]eyes widen[/act] Let's go to the bar!
[act]They leave[/act]
Wraithking: [act]drags Salamander into room.[/act] You will socialise and you will have fun!
Salamander: Alright, i will have some fun |:| [act]starts looking around the room evilly.[/act]
Wraithking: Not that type of fun!
Salamander: Killjoy. >:( Why did you have to dress me up like this? Its so humiliating for someone of my standing!
Wraithking: Get over it, Lets just start touring this place. [act]looks around at the books with a dreamy eyed expression[/act]
Salamander: ::) Weirdo.

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
12 years ago
Thu Mar 15 2012, 07:29pm

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Ceirwan: [act]looks up when he hears Salamander's complaints[/act] o_O Who is that?
Arwen: What's that Ceir? [act]is still flicking through a book[/act]
Ceirwan: [act]takes book out of her hands, replaces it on the shelf and returns the roses[/act]
Arwen: Hey! I was reading that. You can't take books off people in the library :(
Loren: :O And here I thought you were cool Ceirwan, looking after Elspeth like you do.
Ariel: [act]sneering[/act] The all powerful Elspeth needs someone to look after her? Is she an invalid or something?
Ceirwan: [act]picks up a book and holds it like he's going to swat Ariel with it[/act]
Fate: [act]glances over[/act] No! He's not worth it!
Ceirwan: Not worth it? This is Ariel we're considering hitting.
Arwen: Not with Jane Austen you're not >:( Now slowly put the book back on the shelf and step away.
Ceirwan: [act]puts the book back on its shelf and raises his hands[/act]
Ariel: You're surrendering to her? She's not even a mutant.
Loren: No, you're the mutant.
Ariel: What did you say?
Arwen: I believe she said your hair's looking very pale and sleek. Personally, I preferred it when it was dark and not sleek, but we can't have everything.
Ariel: You! Will you never leave my poor hair alone.
Arwen: [act]to Loren[/act] As you can see, beauty can be a very touchy subject with Ariel. He's very concerned with his image.
Ariel: Which all you lunatics keep trying to ruin. But you never shall, after all I always win. Muhaha–
Ceirwan: Enough with the creepy laugh or I'll hit you with this book that says its a biography about this Hit-ler guy.
Wraithking: [act]drags Salamander over[/act]
Arwen: You were trying to get my attention earlier Ceir. What was it?
Ceirwan: It was just I was wondering who that–
Arwen: [act]spots Salamander[/act] O_O Eek! [act]jumps back onto Ceirwan's foot[/act]
Ceirwan: Ow! Why'd you do that for?
Arwen: O_O [act]grabs Ceirwan's hand and drags out to the middle of the dancefloor[/act]

Mystic Guilden
12 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Ari: [act]looking at Wraithking and Salamander's costumes[/act] What incredibly detailed outfits! Makes you want to reach for a can of Mortein, figuratively speaking of course.
Salamander: Of course.....[act]looks Soonkar over[/act]
Soonkar: Don't ask X:S
Wraithking: See, your costume really isn't that bad.
Soonkar: -_-
Salamander: Noted.
Ari: Awww, cheer up! It's a ball, enjoy it! :D
Ariel: Will you stop with the happiness already. The worlds coming to an end. What we need is a nice dose of fear. Am I right? :D
All: [act]give Ariel dirty looks[/act]
Ari: [act]Glaring at Ariel[/act] I think I'll take a dose of Lemonade instead. Come on Soonkar, lets see if we can get you a brain martini. [act]Grabs Soonkar's sleeve and drags him to the Bar[/act]

Wanderer Guilden
12 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Ariel: [act]spots Salamander[/act] is that really you, Sally?
Ariel: WAZ UUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPP! Now, with the formalities over with, what in Lud's name are you wearing? o_O
Hell and Ravyn: [act]are sneaking up behind Rushton with a tiny net held between them[/act]
Rushton: [act]is busy attempting to look casual beside Kelda[/act]
Kelda: [act]is busy attempting to find the only copy of the Red Queen[/act]
Ravyn and Hell: [act]launch the tiny net at Rushton[/act]
Rushton: [act]is trapped[/act] Tiny... net... can't... escape! [act]thrashes[/act] [act]stops and attempts to breath out of one of the holes in the net[/act]
Ravyn and Hell: [act]highfive[/act] [act]drag [strike]their captive[/strike] Rushton out and into the lounge[/act]
Kelda:[act] still looking for the Red Queen[/act] Where on Earth is it..? :-/
Loren: [act]wanders among the shelves[/act] [act]gasps[/act] Mastiff! ;R [act]steals the book and slips away to the lounge[/act]
12 years ago
Thu Mar 15 2012, 09:31pm
Ariel[act] seeing as Loren had forgotten all about him and disappeared sidled up to Salamander and whispered[/act] : Do you feel up to some mayhem around here?
Salamander [act]glanced towards Wraithking who had gone over to the books nodded[/act].: what did you have in mind?
Ariel: follow me [act]begins to tiptoe out of the ballroom[/act]
Wraithking: [act]looks up from his book and sees Ariel and Salamander trying to be inconspicuous and throws the book at Ariel [/act]
Ariel: [act]gets hit[/act] oww, what did you do that for?
Wraithking you're up to something.
Salamander: No, we're not, and i thought books were sacred to you guys?
Wraithking: I didnt like that one anyway.
Ariel: [act]picks up book and reads title[/act] The Rape of the Lock, by Alexander Pope. Why didnt you like it?
Wraithking: What, cant I dislike some books [act]takes book from Ariel and shoos him out the door to the lounge[/act]
Salamander: I thought that The Rape of the Lock was a poem?
Wraithking: it is but its in a book.
Salamander: But its still a poem right?
Wraithking: Yes, and how did you know it was a poem?
Salamander: I saw the blurb. IS there anything interesting to do around here?
Wraithking: Go and socialise - with people in this room for now!
Ellenah and Hannay: [act]Enter throwing glitter [/act]
Ellenah: Now THAT was a grand entrance! :D
Hannay: For once I agree! :D
INES: Random strangers!!
Ellenah and Hannay: o_O O_O :O
Ellenah: Were not random strangers!!!
INES: What is this shiny stuff?
Hannay: That's our glitter!! ;D
INES: Destroy!
*scp* : nomnomnom
Ellenah: :X
Hannay: -_-
INES: This is a library!
Ravyn and Hell: [act]Dash past and out the door, carrying a confused Rushton[/act]
Ellenah: [act]Grabs onto Hannay's arm[/act] NO one is going to steal my date!
Hannay: ::)
Ellenah: Lets go . . . find some books to read ;D
Kelda: * had turned to ask Rushton to help look*....Um.........*looks down and sees book Rushton had been holding on the floor* Good thing I brough my trusty pocket kni- *sees that trusty pocket knife is now ineffectual rubber knife* Rats!
*looks around in a panic*
Ariel: Have you lost something?
Kelda: YES! Have you seen something?
Ariel: *smirks and continues talking to Salamander, ignoring Kelda*
Kelda: *glares suspiciously and continues to panic*
Kelda: [act]Looking distressed[/act]
Ellenah: What's going on?
Kelda: I lost my date! Already!
Ellenah: :O That's horrible. Lucky me and Hannay are practically inseparable and stuff, Right Hannay? [act]Looks around [/act] He's GONE! O_O
Ariel: ;D
Ellenah: Where did he gooooo!?
Kelda: That's what I was asking!
Ariel: XD
Ellenah and Kelda: |:| There's something fishy going on here.
Ariel: ;D XD
Hannay: [act]Appears from a behind a bookshelf[/act] Hey Ellenah! I found The Sending!!
Ellenah: [act]runs and tackles him[/act] How could you do this to me!!! :kiss:
INES: This behavior is inappropriate, any more violence and you will be kicked out to fend for your self.
[act]Explosion, everyone looks suspiciously at Ariel and Sally[/act]
Sally: O_O [act]Points to Ariel[/act] He didit
Ariel: -_-
Kelda: |:| I still haven't found Rushton!
Ellenah: :D I know where he is!
Hannay: yeah we saw him in a net. Hell and Ravyn had him! :D
Kelda: X:S And you didn't think that was suspicious?
Ellenah and Hannay: -_-
12 years ago
Thu Mar 15 2012, 10:13pm
Kelda: Did you see where they took him?
Ellenah: Well we saw them dragging him...
Hannay: ...out of the door
Ariel: *smirks*
Kelda: Time for some secret ninja skills...there must be a book on that somewhere in here! *searches with intent (and vein popping)*
Wraithking: I thought i sent you to join Loren in the lounge Ariel?
Ariel: I snuck back, what of it?
Wraithking: [act]sighs[/act] Off you go - go find your partner!!
Ariel: [act]mumbles as he stalks out to find Loren[/act]
Ford: [act]sees Ariel walk past[/act] Hey, that looks like that Citizen God. The sick, pale one...
Kay: No, that's not him, I'm pretty sure that's Ariel and he's sick in a totally different way...
Ford: What do you mean?
Kay: [sub]He's crazy and insane.[/sub]
Ford: What did you say?
Kay: Don't worry. Just don't go too near him. [act]Sees Salamander sneaking towards the exit[/act] [act]Throws Ford's rubber gun at Salamander[/act]
Salamander: [act]gets hit with rubber gun[/act] Ouch! Why does everyone keep throwing things at me?
Kay: Oops, that uh, slipped out of my hand. Anyway, why don't you stay here and find a nice book to read [sub]but not ones about slaves[/sub] ;D
Salamander: [act]slinks back into the Ballroom[/act]
Ford: Why'd you throw my gun?
Kay: I didn't want to lose mine. Anyway, let's go explore the other rooms. [act]Takes Ford's hand and leads him out[/act]
Eeyore and Alexi: [act]enter the ballroom[/act]
Eeyore: We're late! This is all your fault Alexi! :(
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] My fault? Why is it my fault?
Eeyore: Well, it's always easier to blame you for everything ^^;
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] This is going to be a longest last few days of my life.
Eeyore: Aww, cheer up, sunshine! :D It'll be fun!
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] [act]looks around at the other guests[/act] Is that...Ariel?
Eeyore: What? Where? No. That's just someone that looks a little bit like Ariel. Come on lets go this way. [act]steers Alexi in the opposite direction[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] I could have sworn that was-
Eeyore: No! Definitely not! Impossible!
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Why is that?
Eeyore: Uhh...because...he moved to...Spain.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Spain?
Eeyore: Yes, that's right. Spain. Something about opening up an orphange, donating money to the poor and feeding food to the homeless. Oh, and he cured cancer somewhere along the way as well. :nods:
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Riiiight...where is Spain?
Eeyore: Ugh, never mind ::) [act]grabs a book[/act] Here, read this, it should take your mind off that person-who-looks-like-Ariel-but-is-most-definitely-not-Ariel-because-Ariel-moved-to-Spain
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] [act]looks at book[/act] The Complete Book of Origami o_O
Eeyore: There, now you just sit there like a good boy and learn how to make paper airplanes.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] But-
Eeyore: I'm going to go mingle with the rest of the guests :nods:
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act]
Eeyore: [act]glances at Ariel[/act] On second thoughts, you're staying with me. I don't trust you alone. You might get a paper cut or something [act]pulls Alexi further away from Ariel[/act]
Alexi: [act]is still holding book[/act] But I'm such a trustworthy person.
Eeyore: [act]stops suddenly[/act] Wait! Something's wrong.
Alexi: What? Is it the fact that we're all going to die in less than a week?!
Eeyore: [act]thinks[/act] No, that's not it. [act]thinks a bit more[/act] Ah, I've got it.
Alexi: Do I care?
Eeyore: Yes. You forgot to scowl.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act]
Meri: [act]has finally recovered from seeing so many books[/act] I think I'm alright now my Harri darling.
Harri: :-/ Darling? I'm not sure we're at that level.
Meri: Oh... What level do you think we're at?
Harri: Aquaintances.
Meri: [act]scowls[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Hey! That's my thing! -_-
Meri: Sorry. [act]un-scowls[/act]
Harri: Do you think Alyzon might be here?
Meri: NO. Let's dance. [act]drags Harri to the dance floor[/act][act]starts doing the chicken dance[/act]
Harri: Wha...?? o_O
Eeyore: I'd just go with it if I were you :nods:
12 years ago
Fri Mar 16 2012, 09:12am
Zarak: looks like they ran off before we got to them?
MM: what was in the net Hell and Ravyn had?
Zarak: it looked like a certain master of Obernewtyn to me
MM: :D Lets go follow them! [act]runs off to the lounge[/act]
INES: Inside voices...this is a *library*
Zarak: ~:| sorry

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
12 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Ceirwan: Shall we dance since we're here?
Arwen: I was waiting for you to ask :)
Ceirwan: So what was all that about?
Arwen: [act]is staring dreamily at Ceir[/act] All what?
Ceirwan: All the squealing and jumping and running.
Arwen: There was a cockroach.
Ceirwan: And that means...?
Arwen: That I ran for my life.
Ceirwan: o_O But since when do cockroaches harm people?
Salamander: Since they're me.
Arwen: Eek! Not again! [act]hides behind Ceirwan[/act]
Ceirwan: And you would be?
Salamander: I'm not going to tell you who I am. Stop being so nosy. There's a reason they call it a secret identity.
Alexi: Secret identity? Do share!
Salamander: Secret.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act]
Ceirwan: So since your identity is secret, what can I call you?
Wraithking: [act]calls over[/act] Salamander! I thought I said socialise, not terrorise.
Salamander: [act]scowls[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act]
Eeyore: Really? You're both scowling?
Alexi: It's in my nature to scowl at such pointless events as this.
Ceirwan: You've been rather quiet Arwen. [act]turns around[/act] Arwen? Where are you?
Arwen: [act]looks out from around a bookshelf[/act] Is it gone?
Kelda: *has found ninja book, but probably failed to glean anything proper...*
Salamander and Alexi: *still scowling*
Kelda: *glares suspiciously, like a ninja (what she thinks is like a ninja anyway)* It has become clear that my date is no longer here...I think I will have to go look elsewhere *leaves library/ballroom*
Ellenah: So what exactly are we meant to do?
Hannay: For what?
Ellenah: ::) The whole end of the world thing!
Ceirwan: I propose we all- [act]Cut of by a loud noise[/act]
INES: There will be no discussing of how one may avoid their doom!
Ariel: XD
INES: That goes for you to blond boy!
Ariel: :X BUt . . . BUT aren't I the doom!?
Ellenah: Not necessarily.
Salamander:[act] Pats him on the shoulder[/act] that's rough buddy.
Ariel: :-/
Arwen: [act]pokes head around book shelf[/act] Is it gone?
Salamander: What you mean me?
Arwen: O_O
Ellenah: I really do need a drink right now, this doomsday stuff is getting to my head.
Hannay: We could throw some more glitter!
INES: >:(
Hannay: Or not -_-
Ellenah: Lets go to the bar.
Hannay and Ellenah: [act]leave and go to the bar[/act]
Alexi: [act]is still scowling[/act]
Eeyore: What is your problem?!
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] I don't like cockroaches with secret identities :(
Salamander: :(
Eeyore: Um, ok then. So, that's why you won't stop scowling?
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] And I don't like parties-
Eeyore: Well, this isn't really a party, it's a ball
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] I don't like the music-
Eeyore: Use earplugs
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] I don't like earplugs.
Eeyore: [act]sighs[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] And I don't like all these books
Eeyore: Let's go somewhere else then :nods:
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] No, I don't want to do that :(
Eeyore: You're hopeless!!
Alexi: ...I don't like hope :(
Eeyore: o_O Come on let's go, I will not sit here and listen to you complain for the rest of my life...literally. Let's go to the bar, you can have a drink there.
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] I don't like drinks.
Eeyore: Too bad. [act]scowls[/act]
Alexi: [act]is shocked[/act] Did, you just...scowl...at me?!
Eeyore: Oh yeah, that's right! I went there! [act]scowls again[/act]
Alexi: Oh, so that's how it's going to be then?!
Eeyore: Ooh, what are you gonna do about that, huh?!
Alexi: ...I don't like you
Eeyore: [act]scowls[/act] Fine! [act]folds arms[/act]
Alexi: [act]scowls[/act] Fine! [act]folds arms[/act]
Eeyore and Alexi: [act]leave the ballroom[/act]
Salamander: [act]sneaks up behind Arwen and taps her on the shoulder[/act]
Arwen: [act]turns around, screams and dashes off to the other side of the ballroom.[/act]
Salamander: [act] laughs maniacally[/act]
Wraithking: OI, cut it out!
Salamander: But its going to be the end of the world, why not make the most of it?
Wraithking: I think we should get you away from Arwen, youre having too much fun.
Salamander: I'm not moving, I like it here. [act]Stands resolutely[/act]
Wraithking: [act]looks around for something[/act]
Ceirwan: [act]wanders past[/act]
Wraithking: [act]Walks up to Ceirwan and yanks of his shoe[/act] Can I borrow this!
Ceirwan: Hey I need that! [act]hops towards Wraithking[/act]
Wraithking: [act]advances on Salamander brandishing shoe[/act]
Salamander: Ok I'm going. [act]Runs out the door[/act]
Wraithking: [act] Tosses shoe back to Ceirwan[/act] Thanks, [act]dashes out the door after Salamander[/act]
Ceirwan: People these days, [act]puts shoe back on[/act]
Meri: [act]still doing the chicken dance, starts singing[/act] I don't wanna be a chicken, I don't wanna be a duck so I shake my butt, Dum dum dum dum... :D
Harri: For the love of- Will you stop?!
Meri: Huh? Stop what? o_O
Harri: Your "dancing", it's quite painful.
Meri: Is that jealousy I hear?
Harri: [act]splutters[/act] O_O What? No?!
Meri: There, there. [act]pats Harri's arm[/act] One day you might be as totally wonderful as I am.
Harri: :| You're crazy.
Meri: Naww... Thank you. You're so sweet. ;R
Harri: [act]shakes head[/act] Crazy.
Meri: I am a bit tired after all that dancing. Let's take a look around.
Harri: Actually, I'm quite happy here-
Meri: -_- [act]glares[/act]
Harri: On second thoughts, leaving is good. ~:| [act]runs out the door[/act]
Meri: ^^; [act]follows Harri[/act]

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
12 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Ceirwan: [act]is fiddling with his right sock to make it match the left in height[/act] Almost got it... [act]smooths the fabric and straightens his pant legs[/act] There! All fixed :D
Arwen: [act]timidly wanders over[/act] I never realised you were OCD.
Ceirwan: OCD? What's that?
Arwen: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Ceirwan: [act]worried[/act] Are you saying there's a problem with being this OCD thing?
Arwen: Not at all. I think it's kinda cute :) Better than my problem at least.
Ceirwan: You have a problem?
Arwen: I'm sure you noticed it.
Ceirwan: When?
Arwen: When I was squealing and running from cockroach Salamander.
Ceirwan: [act]smiles cheekily[/act] You're scared of Salamander? I don't see that being a problem, I find that it's probably very wise.
Arwen: No, not Salamander- oh ha ha. Aren't you the funny one.
Ceirwan: I try ;D Feeling better now? Would you care to dance?
Arwen: I do believe I am and I would definitely love to :D