Just saw Oberweis on a bottle of milk in a youtube video, and got excited for a moment, before realising it wasn't Obernewtyn. Close, but not quite...
If i could, then i would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go
11 years ago
Tue Sep 24 2013, 01:48pm
I thought it was 4/5 of the way to the minimum word count, until I realised 2000 of those words were just from my references alone. ::facepalm::
Oh I hate that Kay, I did that once, and I thought I was over the word count, and started cutting things, and then realised what was happening.... (the footnotes were being counted...) ::facepalm::
References are driving me crazy and giving me a headache.
Cold, cold, Shonk does not like cold
Blah blah blah.
Plots are dumb,
Words are fun,
Writing is hard
When your characters are bums.
Dotty batty winky wonky lonky lanky hanky nancy trancy
and these are all the words that go vroom vroom in a lunatics mind!!! :rolling:
Went from hail to sunshine in 2 minutes now very windy.
My property already has enough wind damage thanks and I live in the middle
of the state Forrest. Not cool.
Yes the weather is very confused at the moment, one day it wants to be hot, the next it wants to be cold and raining!
Bizarre! Jumping from 37 to 27 in the space of a day up here. I just want a normal spring...
Ooh three stars, now a rebel!
I graduated yesterday, and have no more lessons.... It's a weird feeling, even if I have 4 exams to go...
[act]Throws party trumpets around [/act]
Lucky Daniel, good luck with your exams though. I remember them, we'rent tooooo bad |:|
GAH i have exams coming up in 3 weeks... and then i shall party too.
I have an exam in two days and have gastro and have not studied.... :(
Oh no! Hope you recover really soon Loren!
I have no more exams...just a massive thesis to write sometime in the next couple of years.
No more exams until term end :3 HSC Chem is over, and now I can get on with my life.
It's going to be very boring taking me to clubs.
Walk into the club like 'What up? IT'S PAST MY BEDTIME AND I'M REALLY TIRED.'
I will quote my history textbook.
'Some market towns across the empire specialised in particular products. Birds and slaves came from Azapotzalco, textiles and painted goods from Texcoco, and edible dogs from Acolman'.
Edible dogs. Why do I find that so amusing?
Ahaha, uh what?
My favourite thing from a textbook was in my Year 12 Maths textbook, someone decided to write a message saying that we should hand the book back now, and give up on maths. And if we chose otherwise, then we should write our names on the gravestone which they so kindly drew into the book. Then there was a strange poem about the square root of 2, or was it three...?
My favourite quotes from history textbooks include:
"I am Emperor and I will have my dumplings!" and "To rule one's country is easy, but to sign one's name is difficult". These were allegedly said by an Emperor of Austria.
On a different note, I'm feel like I keep giving myself food poisoning after I eat something that I cook. Perhaps I am paranoid.