So so excited!!!! Like poapie recently asked, what will be the rough breakdown between the two events? Pretty sure I will be going for the masked ball ticket regardless:p But a Q&A sounds good too!!!
Not sure how many of the night's proceedings are set in stone. As a rough guide: yes the High Tea will have a Q&A, a book signing session, and some competitions/auctions. The Masked Ball will have book signing session, competitions/auctions, performances, launch speeches (no Q&A) and music. Both will have a variety of booths with a Moonfair-ish vibe. The high tea is kid-friendly. The masked ball will have nibbles and you can pre-purchase fement tokens (alcohol) when you buy your ball ticket, if you are so inclined.
Hopefully that's enough information to give you an idea, and all of it's subject to change at any time. As I said before, I daresay most people here will be going to the ball!
Thank you for the info Min! Yes I would definitely love to go to the ball. I think it would be exciting to go to a ball. I've never been to something like this before. I've got a dress and all I need is a mask. I can't wait!!!
I don't know why I took so long to find this sub forum but oh my goodness I am excited. I want to go either as a gypsy or a Sadorian to the ball. No idea what Sadorian attire looks like, but for some reason I have Arabian Nights in my head.
Same as Dweo - I seriously did NOT see this pop up! I've been checking and rechecking the original thread for more information!!
Still, good to know venue and times have been decided on. =D Can't wait!
We advertised this thread on Facebook so make sure you've liked our page (if you're really worried about missing updates, you can set to view obernet's posts first too, from a button on our Facebook page). It's the main way we get people's attention these days since so many rarely visit the site of their own volition any more.
Facebook page... *goes to search for it* I thought I had it liked? FB has a habit of not showing half of my friends/groups posts most of the time. Even when I setup notifications. I will try and make it so I get notified of updates from this thread/sub-forum.
Facebook has a lot of habits like that, I've found.
*nods* Thanks for telling me about the FB 'See First' feature! Had no idea it existed. =)
Yay, just purchased tickets and booked flights! Not sure how many of the older squad of Obernetters will be there who remember this gal, but I'm excited to be part of the celebration!
I pre-registered but realise now that I will be at a friend's wedding in Singapore (so annoyed at my friend right now). Will I be able to purchase a ticket just for my mother (who if a fan but not an Obernet member)?
Kieren in this case that sounds fine. You will need to give her your login details to purchase the ticket (or, do it on her behalf) as you have to log in to buy. Plenty of people who aren't Obernet members will be going, it's just that Isobelle wanted us to have first dibs on which event we went to.
Just bought my ticket, so excited!! I'm afraid I won't know anyone though, so if you see an awkward loner girl (likely dressed Gypsy or Sadorian) do say hello :P
Just pop by the misfits booth and say hi - you're never a loner when other misfits are about ;)
I was just wondering if anyone from the old Isobelle Carmody chatboard (I have completely forgotten what the URL was) is still around. Also, as it shut 7+ years ago I am curious if all those posts are gone?
Looking forward to celebrating with everyone very soon!
I will be with you all in spirit. *makes spirit motions* Alas I am a poor Uni student and cannot afford to get to Melbourne. I hope you all have LOTS AND LOTS OF FUN though.
Removed (well edited cause I can't remove) as I figured out the answer to my question.
Can't wait for this, but my wardrobe is very unhelpful for the dress code :(
Mystic Ward
8 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
Hey Bella. Yep that sounds right.