I must say a huge NO WAY to Emily Browning as Elf. She is a horrible person. And as she is not a nice person, Elf would be ruined for me. This is of course just my opinion. And i do think she is a talented actress, as a person she is severely lacking.
I went to school with Emily Browning.
I think the cast is great too! Although some of the actors are a bit younger than I had imagined for the character.
I also think that James McAvoy would be a good Domick or Rushton :)
17 years ago
Sat Feb 02 2008, 09:01pm
I was just poking around here when a thought jumped in my head. Does everyone remember those OC movie trailers that someone wrote up that was up on Min's old site? I've been trying to find them but can't seem to find them anywhere.
So can someone point them out if they're on this site? I loved those trailers and would love to read them once again. Thnx!
EDIT: Thanks Min!
I LOVE your cast.
Although I would be devestated if there was a movie. It would ruin it for me, just like harry potter.
However i think your pick for Ariel was too childish. Having said that I cant think of anyone suitable for the role.
I completely agree with avialle: James McAvoy would make a good Rushton. Especially if he were mashed with Ioan Gruffyd. Although he needs to brood more. Like Chad Michael Murray does on One Tree Hill.
Also whoever plays Jake on One Tree Hill fits what I imagine Dameon to be.
Personally I would like to see Matthew as a mash of Jonathon Rhys Meyers and however played Oliver Wood on HP. And Eric Dane (Mc.Steamy from Grey's Anatomy) as Swallow.
However these are based on my imagination and dont necessarily hold true to the books all that much. But you got to admitt - these boys would look good in it.
I'm sorry to drag this up again, but your Rilla is brilliant! However it would make me sad that Rilla isn't shown that much in the books.
Glad so many people are enjoying this cast list still :)
Just wanted to post that I've updated a couple of people; Claudia Black (SG-1, Farscape) for Serba, Sendhil Ramamurthy (Heroes) for Bram, Georgia Moffett (Doctor Who) for Erin/Gilaine...
(hehe, just realised this post makes it look like I'm turning it into a sci-fi convention, rather than a movie cast :P [act]sigh[/act] well...I can dream... :P )
16 years ago
Tue Sep 23 2008, 04:09pm
I think Dragon should be played by Rachel Hurd-Wood, since she has that Big Blue eyed look of wonderment/fear that i suspect Dragon would have. She is also younger.
As for Elspeth, I disagree with Emily Browning. I haven't decided who is a good elf yet, but i can definitely say Emily doesn't fit the criteria.
I love it all, i just think Jacoby and Bruna need to be slightly more striking, but i cant think of any1 4 the part, and that Ariel should be more beautiful, but apart from that its great!!
This really helped with my book report thankyou for the casting ideas!!
This is awesome! So many of these actors really fit the characters I had in my mind's eye. I especially like your choice for Dameon. And I'm a huge Ben Barnes fan so no arguing with your Rushton choice either ;P I also like the kid you chose for Ariel! I've seen him in a couple of movies and found the black eyes + blonde hair combo very compelling.
Sadly I have to also disagree with Emily Browning for Elspeth...I think she's gorgeous and I loved her in Lemony Snicket, but I always pictured Elspeth as being taller (at least average height or more) with a slightly darker complexion, and more commanding features (I think in Book 1 she's described as having "a proud look"?).
Again, thanks for doing this! Hugely entertaining ;D
Awesome cast, truly awesome. Very thorough, although I too must disagree with the choice of Emily Browning as Elspeth, on the basis of her not looking like what I though she would, simple as that. Again, awesome!
Emily's features are too soft to play Elspeth. I wouldn't go as far just to hate her because she might not be a very nice person, but I don't think she could play her. Then again, maybe we're all wrong and she'll be absoloutely wonderfull.

Ashlings' guildleader
15 years ago

Ashlings' guildleader
Dreamscape Artist
This was brilliant. Ceirwan and Kella were real stand outs for me. I think the actors you picked for them were spot on. I didn't really like Rushton though.
*Wishes that Ioan Gruffudd wasn't so old*
15 years ago
Wed Nov 04 2009, 11:15am
Hey thanks for all the comments guys :) haven't checked this in a little while.
Just wanted to comment myself - I know that there's a lot of humming and hawwing about the choice I put down for Elspeth - Emily Browning, and just wanted to explain the choice a little...
I agree she's not traditionally how I'd *picture* Elspeth and that most of the cast is based on combination of looks + acting. If a movie ever were to be made, I think we'd be more angry at someone who couldn't act, than someone who only looked *slightly* like our picture of Elspeth (the Carly Pope images over in Stonehill are pretty much how I picture Elspeth).
But I really think Emily's a brilliant little actress. Watch Series of Unfortunate Events, or her more recent one, The Uninvited. You'll see what I mean, I think...and see why ability in this instance is a little more important than the looks being 100%. They can always...fake things like height, hair colour, eye colour, even facial structure to some extent - but I think for young-Elspeth - as the 14 year old in the first book? A youthful look would be better, for the beginning at least.
Anyway, this is all speculative :P but yeah, that's my opinion.
And as for Rushton :P I just want to throw a piglet at Ben Barne's head. Not because I don't like him or anything. I think he's great as well, and...just watch Prince Caspian. I can't wait for his new Dorian Grey movie to come out, either. Another great actor I think...again, just opinion.
Take that, google!
(FYI I'm determined to get to the stage where someone types "Ben Barnes" into google, and Obernet comes up...with references to flying pigs...[act]cough[/act] anyway).
I know Emily Browning as well and she's never come across as a terrible person to me.
Then again I think of myself as a very kind person yet I've no doubt if I became famous tomorrow there'd be a lot of people who knew me from the past who'd expound to anyone who'd listen about how much of a [censored] I am.
I guess what I'm saying is you can't please everyone. Emily's only ever been nice to me but no doubt she'd have crossed more than one person in her past, just as I have.
That said, I don't see her as Elspeth at all. Mostly because of her height (she's 5'2" and Elf is always described as being tall) but also her features don't suit; her face is too round, her eyes too heavily lidded and her lips too full.
Also, I have to say I hate your choice for Ariel and that isn't based purely on selfish motives; I just think he has ENTIRELY the wrong look.
15 years ago
Wed Nov 04 2009, 07:16pm
Hate's an extremely strong word for what's supposed to be a purely fun/speculative cast, Arielli.
But, everyone's entitled to their opinion. For the record, I'm not 100% happy with him either; I don't think he's angelic enough. My perfect Ariel is Jonathan Rhys-Meyers; only from his Titus days. Shame that people have to grow up :-/ and so my choice for Ariel was based on Sangster's performance in Nanny McPhee; he was such a conniving brat, I attributed his character (NOT his looks) to Ariel's.
I know Emily's short, but - haven't we seen Tom Cruise time and time again um...have his stature raised on camera? I don't think it'd be too much of a feat. I do only see Emily as the young-Elf, as we first meet her in Obernewtyn, and not how I picture her in the later books.
I think hate fairly accurately expresses how I'd feel if he were cast as Ariel. I don't mean to sound rude because that isn't my intention at all. As far as I'm concerned looks are every bit as important as talent. Furthermore Sangster's performance in Nanny McPhee, while impressive doesn't resemble Ariel's behaviour IMO. To me Ariel was always more subtle and conniving rather than being as base as bratlike.
I'm less extreme in my assessment of Emily as Elf, mostly because I can sort of see how she'd suit the role. However at the end of the day I just don't think she's right for the role and considering she'd be carrying the series I think it'd be doing the films a disservice to just "settle" for someone purely because she's talented and vaguely looks the part. There are a lot of very talented young actresses out there who'd do just as good a job.

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
well.. i rather liked your cast min. there were a few that i was unsure about (like ariel) but i really like some of your choices, like billy conolly! ;D
15 years ago
Wed Nov 04 2009, 07:35pm
Fair enough, A. I'm just envious that I'm not in the position to have a wider scope of the lesser-known choices, or choices that I know anything about. After being critically assessed in the past as only picking people I thought 'looked' right, I've tried to be more careful and pick people who I think's acting can come up to scratch.
Thanks Helena :) glad you enjoyed it!
I love this cast, i found my self agreeing with almost everyone, reading the comments i found it interesting that people disagreed with some choices, I personally pictured Malik as heavily built, yet i can see the what you were trying to express with your choice Min! I know there is no perfect Elspeth (or possibly Rushton and Dameon) out there and yet the pic you've got there reminded me of how she looks in my head!
I'm so impressed!
15 years ago
Sat Jan 09 2010, 11:27am
I love the cast Min chose but i think Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) would do well at playing Ariel :D