Dinaria Human: *is being pulled down the aisle with anti-shapeshifting rope* :| *thinks: yawn. It is so much more romantic when Jacob is waiting for me... though it is a spork...* XD
All: *rush back*
Cameo: Oh might Ancient Spork on High, is this the spoon you require?
Ancient Spork: Why, yes! Very well, Dinaria is in a grove 2 miles that way, but she will be legally wed in.... 2 minutes and 15 seconds so hurry up!
Kindom-ers: :O
Acient Spork: Farewell puny humans! *disappears in a puff of smoke*
Spork Priest: We are gathered here today-
Dinaria Human: :| who is?
Spork Priest: er... the ferns, you, Shy Spork, me, the water, the guards?
Dinaria Human: *rolls eyes, frowning* I hate this whole thing.
Shy Spork: don't worry my love, we will be wedded soon.
Dinaria Human: :| *thinks: exactly.*
Mono: I knew that Shy Spork was a good for nothing noob *shakes fist, muttering under breath about the general pointlessness of sporks*
Arien: *nods* let's go kill some sporks for consolation!
Mono: :D What a good idea!
Arien and Mono: *row a boat to a seemingly random deserted island*
Arien: This looks like a good place for finding sporks.
Mono and Arien: *see a wedding going on, with fern trees, water and guards as guests*
Mono: Hey...doesn't that look like Dinaria?
Arien: *squints* Welll, if you look at it from this angle, it looks more like a camel...but if you tilt your head the other way, it looks like a zebra. so i guess not.
Mono: :nod: Okay, then. Let's drink some coconut water.
Arien: Brilliant idea! :D
Lolz Mono, that is so mean! But hilarious XD
Spork Priest: Do you, Shy Spork take Dinaria to be your sporkfully wedded wife?
SS: I do.
Spork Priest: If anyone ob-
Dinaria Human: I never said I do!
SS: in spork marriages only the husband needs to agree.
Dinaria Human: ":( That is so mean!
SS: :( I'm sorry my love... maybe I can make it up to you on our honey moon
Dinaria Human: 8-| ... :-X

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: [act]flies ahead[/act] What's this? [act]recognises Dinaria[/act]
Spork Priest: If anyone objects, speak now, or forever hold your peace.
Arwen: 8-| I object!
Shy Spork: :| It doesn't count! She's not a spork!
Dinaria: Neither am I
SS: But I still love you :kiss:
Dinaria: :-X

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Tue Mar 24 2009, 10:51am

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *dresses up as a spork* this is so degrading :P *jumps into the clearing* i object!! :P
Spork Priest: *looks up* oh, its a spork... fine, why do you object?
Helena: hm... *twirls her prongs* maybe because she's not a spork!
dramatic music: dum dum DUM!!!
SS: quick, my love! turn into a spork so that they cannot object!
Dinaira: *yawns*

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bambi:Ah, Shy spork, you do realise that she has an anti-shapeshifting rope tied around her dont you?
Shy Spork: *head slap* ~:|
SS: *takes anti-shapeshifting rope off*
Dinaria Human: |:| *shapeshifts into a dragon* *burns SS*
SS: I'm melting! :"( They can never take our love away from us!
Dinaria Dragon: please do.
SS: x_X
All: :D
Avialle: [act]runs in, panting[/act] Am I too late? I started chatting to an Ember at the volcano and then you guys flew off without me... :( Did I miss the Spork Killing?
Dinaria: [act]points to SS-as-puddle[/act] I'm afraid so.
Avialle: Darn! :( ... can I destroy one of these other sporks?
Dinaria: [act]considers[/act] Um... maybe later.
Ravyn: *ninjas up out of nowhere* I go off for two minutes to do something, then you all nick off without me!!
Availle: o_O weren't you with us at one stage?
Ravyn: |:| ..maybe.... *ninjas off again*
Cameo: Come on then, back to the wedding all!
Avialle: *is advancing on Helena*
Cameo: Uh, Avialle!
Avialle: Yeah?
Cameo: You do know that's Helena, not a spork!
Avialle: :( Oh...
lolz guys.
Everyone: *goes back to the ceremony*
Avialle: *kills a few sporks on the way* |:|
Everyone: *takes original positions*
As Dinaria walks down the aisle again, slightly muddier, a hole opens up in front of her. Guests stand up and strecth their necks to see why the procession has stopped again as Dinaria taps her foot impatiently, waiting for the hole to disappear. As she waits, figures emerge from the hole. She recognises them as they appear.
“I thought we killed you all in the Never-Ending Ball?” Dinaria asks them.
“Yeah, we watched you die,” Helena agrees. Arwen nods in agreement.
Everyone else wonder what in the Beforetime they are talking about.
Arwen turns to explain, “In the Never-Ending ball we were sucked into S/T C transportations. We ended up in the Real World where we killed the guys that really annoyed us from our schools. They,” Arwen points to the Real-Worlders, “Were the ones from Dinaria’s school that we killed.”
“And now that we have powers since we have entered your world,” Dirk starts.
“We can take it over and kill you all,” Jarred finishes.
The SusRidiculists look at each other. There is a moment of silence before everyone cracks up laughing. There is a rip as someone’s tight fitting jacket gives into the strain of its owner leaning over.
The RealWorlders frown at them. “Stupid natives,” Jarred says to Andrew. Jarred points his hand in the sky and shoots a laser up. A flying wolf falls. Dinaria shapeshifts into a wolf and lunges herself at him, but he quickly ducks away. The fire elemental decides to take things into his hands… er, flames? A flash of fire engulfs the four, but Dirk creates a shield around them.
Your task is to get rid of the RealWorlders after finding out how they came back so we can stop it from happening again.
Powers of the RealWorlders
Dirk – Sheild
Jarred – Laser
Andrew – ???

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i have some one too, remember :P
Josh- ice-fire (just to be the opposit of me)
Helena: dang i thought we got rid of you *sigh* *lifts hand* lets get it over with.. *shoots josh*
Josh: *blocks with ice fire* ;D
Helena: o_O *is WTH-ing*

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
Dont forget Sophie! and, considering I'm a shange warrior she can be a renegade one equal to my strength.
Bambi: *stares as sophie emerges* I thought you were on the pirate ship?
Sophie: I was, but now I am here! mwahahaha
Bambi: I can still defeat you!
Sophie: I wouldn't be to sure about that
both: *lock into battle*
Im confuzed... anyone can add me to there posts Im supposed to be hyper and Sparkley
Sez: *dances around the battleground? shooting sparkles to make everyone happy and peaceful* Mwuahahhahahahhhahahaaahaaa-*coughs*-hahahahhahaaHA
Cameo: ::) Is there anything that doesn't go awry at this wedding? Sorry, Dinaria..
Dinaria: I forgive you, now lets get back to trying to kill the real world bullies, okay?
Cameo: Kill them?
Dinaria: Yes, kill them. But if they die here, they'll probably be transported back to RL, unfortunately... :|
Cameo: Alright then. Erm, maybe if we all tried at once?

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
lol, its a loooong story, Sez :P
Helena: i don't know, but give it a try anyways :P *starts to warm up her fire powers (think dragon Ball Z ) :P *
Cam: alright, on the coun t of 3! 1....2...........
Cameo: I mean 3....2.....1!
All: *use powers*
Dirk: *shields them*
Cameo: Come on everyone! Try harder!
Dirk: *is under obvious strain*
Avialle: [act]summons rust-motes which begin clubbing Dirk over the head[/act] :D
Dirk: OW! ":( Stop that!
Jarred: [act]begins lazer-ing random objects[/act]
All: [act]shoot magic power at things[/act]
Sez: [act]does a war-dance[/act] Mwahahahaha!
Sporks: [act]join in the dancing[/act] Hee hee hee!
Andrew: [act]looks confused[/act] ???
Avialle: Hang on a second!
All: [act]come to a stand-still, Sez frozen in the middle of a dance move[/act] o_O
Avialle: Don't we have to find out how the bully-people got here, before we kill them?
All: oh yeah. ~:|
Helena: Right. Spit it out, one of you, or you will be subjected to the Evil Teaspoon of Death! [act]waves teaspoon manacingly[/act]
RealWorlders: [act]look afraid, very afraid[/act] :-/

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: and so you should be :nod:
Josh: wel, you see... wait, do you all know percy?
MM: *pops up* wait! you mean the little.... evil person :P who basically distracted Helena, TSC and that from my ball?!? * looks very ":( *
Helena: yeh, we killed him... no, wait... he escaped ~:| you mean he's-?
Dirk: yup :nod:
Sez: *starts to dance again* :D Mwahahahaha!
UN; *finally show up after much delay* *don't look happy* ":(
Ravyn: *walks up alongside Helena* ohwowguysifoundthisneatlittl----- oh great. you guys again.
Helena: ...you're not surprised to see them?
Ravyn: *ninjas up behing Helena and 'Ravyn'* what is it with you evil people and creating fake me's?! ":(
Fake Ravyn: *waves a wand around* i AM the real Ravyn!
Ravyn and Helena: *are unconvinced*
Everyone else: o_O
Fake Ravyn: *tries to use the 'force'* *waves hand* again, i AM the real Ravyn!
Ravyn: right. whatever.
Fake Ravyn: MU- *wig falls off to reveal bright red hair*
Helena: *rolls eyes* *pulls off Fake Ravyn's mask, revealing....*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Ravyn: Percy weasley..?
Helena: hmm... yep, it looks like him, so whatcha been up to lately?
Percy: oh, you know, the usual... a bit of necromancy here, a tad of paperwork there...
Helena: thats nice, now would you like to get these poeple out while we finish the wedding?
Percy:hmmm.... uhhh..... no.
Ravyn: wait.... necromancy?! *looks at Dinaria's RL bullies*
Dinaria's RL bullies: *have glazed eyes*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Thu Mar 26 2009, 07:25pm

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: my bully too, Ravyn :P and Necromancy is the raising of the dead from death :P he came fromt eh Old Kingdom (its a trillogy by Garth Nix) ... *sigh* where did i put that mindlink? *rummages insde her head* ah huh! found it!
Ravyn: well... that's ... good?
MM: you mean you still stayed in contact with her?
Helena: yeh and Mogget ;D * (0-) Sabriel? we need your help*
Sabriel: (0-) be there soon, lady