The info you've posted for the last two episodes sounds interesting. I bet the box is the Pandorica (or Pandora's Box).
The milennia long love story is most likely to do with the Doctor and River Song. Hopefuly we'll find out more about her.
It's possible that they'd continue their travels (I think they'd be the first married companions in the history of the series), but it all depends on what happens in the final episodes.
DO, what episode is that a spoiler for? Hungry Earth?
14 years ago
Sun May 30 2010, 11:29pm
Cat, that spoiler is in reference to Min's spoiler about the two-part finale.
Possible Spoilers for tonight's episode, Cold Blood:
Don't read if you don't wish to know about the big thing that happens at the end of the episode
It's possible the Silurians will survive since they will appear in the finale. (Or a new group of Silurians will return.)
According to on-set fan reports, from filming, it seems that Rory Williams will die by saving the Doctor and then be swallowed by the Time Field crack near the end of the episode. Leaked photographs from The Big Bang depict Rory in Roman armour. From this, it can be construed that Rory will fall through a crack into the past.
The Doctor will look into a crack and see the TARDIS door sign on fire. The previous two rumours seem likely to come true, as a review for the episode mentioned the mysterious 'big bang' and the crack, and the possible death of a regular cast character.
This two-part Silurian story will set things going for the seasons grand finale
Spoilers for the rest of the season (From Doctor Who Magazine #422):
Ep 10: "Vincent and the Doctor" starts with a trip to an art gallery, where the Doctor notices something strange in one of Van Gogh's paintings. The episode deals with themes of mental illness and depression; it "goes to some places Doctor Who has never been before".
In Ep 11 "The Lodger", the Doctor actually has a discussion with Amy about passing as a human being; interesting, seeing as we thought that they were accidentally separated. The Lodger had working titles of Something at the Top of the Stairs, and Don't Go Up the Stairs.
Ep 12 "The Pandorica Opens" features a Van Gogh painting ferried across thousands of years, with a message to the Doctor. The Roman troops are visited by Cleopatra. Stongehenge covers the Pandorica, a legendary prison-box. "As it slowly unlocks, terrible forces gather in the heavens above..."
The episode 12 cliffhanger isn't just the cliffhanger for that episode, it's like the cliffhanger for the entire plot of the series; it's "where the wheels come off".
14 years ago
Mon May 31 2010, 12:13am
Episode 9 - Cold Blood
This was a very good episode! The way the Silurians were portrayed and the setting of their underground lair was perfect.
Rory's death was only the second time a companion has died. The first was Adric (a companion of the fifth Doctor), who died at the end of 'Earthshock'
It's quite sad that Amy has forgotten all about him, and even worse that the Doctor knows that its his fault.
The following aliens and enemies are confirmed as appearing in the finale (or the episodes running up to it):
I have noted in brackets in which series the alien first appeared.
* Cybus Cybermen (Dr Who)
* Sontarans (Dr Who/SJA)
* Autons (Dr Who)
* Sycorax (Dr Who)
* Weevils (Torchwood)
* Roboform (Dr Who)
* Hoix (Torchwood)
* Uvodni (SJA)
* Blowfish (Torchwood)
* The Ha'rik
* The Timoreen
* The Skarkish
* A Silent Menace (possibly The Time Field)
Either The Ha'rik, The Timoreen or The Skarkish will appear in episode 11 'The Lodger'
The last episode of this season of Doctor Who will be broadcast on Saturday 26th June. However, those of you who can't be without your regular fix of the Doc between then and Christmas will be pleased to know that he will be making an appearance in the Sarah Jane Adventures season 4.
The two-part episode will also see the return of Katy Manning who played Jo Grant alongside the third Doctor (John Pertwee). There is no further information about the story yet.
Ok ok - spoilers for Ep 9 -
RORY. That CAN'T be right. No no no no...I'm glad to hear he's reappearing as a Roman soldier, DO. That means it will be fixed and he will come back.
Silly Doctor! If only he'd left the time energy alone, they would have been back in the TARDIS before that happened.
And yes, it was VERY sad that Amy forgot him. That whole scene after Rory's death was a credit to KG - she was brilliant.
But...they have to bring him back!!
Wow...that's a huge list of monsters to be appearing in the next 4. And so - wait a sec. Ep 12 will be a cliffhanger?! They'll make us wait til Xmas for the conclusion?! Argh... :P
Thoughts on Ep 9:
OMG Rory :-( I was soo sad, and you can't even morn for him because it was like he never existed, and amy just forgets!
On pulling the piece of the Tardis out of the rip- my theory (actually it isn't mine, my boyfriend thought of it), would be that somehow the Tardis explodes, thus causing the rips in time and space that have been appearing throughout the season (because it is a pretty powerful machine!). Just a thought! Of course, not a happy thought at all!
Looking forward to next week- hopefully something a bit lighter!
14 years ago
Tue Jun 01 2010, 07:14am
More spoilers for Ep 9 -- Izzy I know!!--
Re Rory/can't mourn him :(
I like the idea about the TARDIS shrapnel causing the rips in timespace too! Now surely if THAT happens as well, they'll need to reverse time so that they can both get the TARDIS and Rory back.
If the teaser of the eps to come is true though - then we're going to see Rory back in time as a Roman Soldier..? So...it just displaces you in time? That sounds like what the Weeping Angels (in Blink) do! Maybe it'll all come full circle focussing on them again? Or maybe, because the Weeping Angels were drawn into the light a few episodes back, they displaced him before the iight had a full chance to destroy him (or whatever it does to you..)?
Spoilers for Ep 7, Amy's Choice
I agree with Min - PSYCHIC POLLEN?! Ok, when he first said it I was actually a bit 'Oh, ok... Wait a minute, what kind of cop out is that?!'
The fact that the Dream Lord was the Doctor was mildly interesting though. Certainly makes the line "There's only one person in the universe who hates me that much" interesting :P Although I guess it's true, we're always more critical of ourselves than we are of others.
On Min's theory about the dreams, I don't think it was the Doctor's dream for them. I think the pollen affected all of them, and so even though the Dream Lord!Doctor was controlling things, he pulled the village from Rory's mind. It's psychic pollen in the TARDIS, pretty sure it can read minds :P The question is, why didn't Amy get a world, why did she have to make the choice? Surely psychic pollen could just make you all live in someone's dream, or some kind of amalgamation of them all. So I think that was the Doctor's subconscious / hidden thoughts being expressed through the dream psychic pollen state.
Yeah, that sounds a bit mystic :P
DO, I think the line "I don't just abandon people when they leave the TARDIS" shows the Doctor feels guilty about the fact that he does. His dream him is going out of his way to tell everyone that that isn't what he does.
I didn't really like Rory in Vampires in Venice, but I like him a lot more after this episode. I'm happy Amy did make a choice, and also quite happy it wasn't the Doctor. I don't want another love triangle with the companion pretending to still like their fiance / boyfriend whenever they see him, but never actually making a decision. I like that she worked out what she wanted.
Episode 9:
Can't believe Rory is gone. It's so sad!
Episode 10:
How come the Doctor can't say anything? And what does it mean that though Amy has no memory of Rory, Vincent noticed she was mourning and how she was crying unexpectedly? What can it all mean?
I don't know if it's just me but these last few episodes are missing something for me. It doesn't feel like the Doctor Who of previous seasons and feels lacking in some way... anyone relate?
14 years ago
Sun Jun 06 2010, 05:37pm
Spoilers for Amy's Choice:
Cat-Eyes wrote...
The question is, why didn't Amy get a world, why did she have to make the choice?
That's an interesting question. That was an interesting episode, actually, with lots of different possible interpretations. :) My interpretation was that both of the Dream Worlds were what the Doctor wanted for Amy and Rory. The little village was the Doctor's dream, because he wants them to be safe and happy and living a normal life, not adversely affected by their contact with him. On the other hand, he also wants them to be travelling in the Tardis with him and having adventures - that way, he won't be alone. Those two conflicting wishes seem to be things he struggles with a bit with his companions. (I think he sometimes feels a bit guilty for dragging them away from their safe, comfortable homes and dropping them into wars, etc.?)
But, I suppose that world could definitely have been Rory's dream, as well. He was definitely the one who seemed happiest there. :)
I think that maybe the reason why Amy didn't get a choice might have been because she hadn't decided yet? She wanted both worlds - a life with Rory, and exciting adventures in the Tardis. That's why she could never tell which world was real - because she wanted them both equally.
Anyway, I thought it was a great episode. :) I can't wait for the next one. :nod:
14 years ago
Mon Jun 07 2010, 11:02am
Spoilers for ep 10 --
OH my...wow, was anyone else as effected by that episode as I was? When they took Vincent back to the Musee d'Orsay to see what he'd become, I actually teared up...
Brilliant cameo from Bill Nighy, too ;)
But yeah, that was just one of the saddest and happiest episode conclusions ever, and the Doctor's description to Amy as for why it didn't change anything...just wonderful. And yes definitely DO - the portrayal of Van Gogh was amazing.
It is interesting that Amy feels Rory's loss but doesn't actually remember him. I wonder if she'll recognise him if he does show up as a Roman solider (as we've been lead to believe he will)...
Very good to know that we won't have to wait 6 months for the 13th Episode! Thanks DO! Will they still do an Xmas one then, I wonder?
Ep 8, The Hungry Earth
I was actually really happy when Amy was sucked into the Earth, because it meant that nice man who was sucked in in the beginning wasn't dead :P
That's a really interesting back story, DO!
Loved the make-up on the Sillurian girl. It looked really good.
Min: Yep, there will still be an Xmas episode
14 years ago
Tue Jun 08 2010, 09:18pm
am I the only one who thinks that maybe the dr was lying about who the dream lord was????
edited for spoiler tags by mod: I've hidden your post behind a spoiler for those that haven't seen it
I really love this new series of Who! Matt Smith is amazing as The Doctor in my opinion and I love the whole fairystory direction The Moff is taking the story in.
Also River Song is the coolest character since ever on television (well maybe with the exception of Ruth from Spooks).
I wonder if IC likes Dr Who :P
14 years ago
Tue Jun 15 2010, 07:42am
I think she does. If my memory serves, isn't there a character called Tardis in one of her books?
Episode 11 - The Lodger
It was great to see James Cordon in an episode. He'd make a great companion.
Did anyone else notice the Van Gogh exhibition (from the previous episode) postcard on the fridge?
It was very funny seeing the Doctor get things wrong as he tries to be a 'normal bloke'
Did The Doctor setup the suprise inheritance for his rooms previous occupant?
The painting on the wall of the Docs room looks like one of those cracks
I am annoyed that I couldn't even avoid the football by watching Dr Who!!! However, at least they gave him the right number - 11, for the eleventh Doctor and for the 11th episode of season 5.
MS wanted to be a professsional footballer when he was younger, but a back injury prevented this.
There is a very strange portrait in the hallway. They've focused on it a few times in this episode. Wonder if it will have any later significance?
Did anyone notice the watch with the black strap on the Doctors contraption? I believe its the same watch he wore when he went back to visit blind Amy.
There was another small nod here to time being askew. If you haven't got HD you probably wont spot it, but just as the Doc is feeding tea to Craig, you see a commemorative 'Charles and Diana Royal Wedding' transfer on the side of the teapot. The date of the real wedding was 1981, but the teapot says 1941. Doesn't appear that anyone else on the forums has spotted that.
I wonder who else tried to build a TARDIS. Could be significant for the final episodes??
Another crack in the wall!
I can see three possible causes for the cracks:
1/ Amy remembers Rory, and this causes some kind of paradox
2/ The alien Timeship imploding
3/ The Pandorica Opening
I guess we'll find out over the next two weeks!
Synopsis for episodes 12 and 13
Episode 12 - The Pandorica Opens
A Van Gogh painting ferried across thousands of years, communicating a disturbing prophecy to the Doctor, a message on the oldest cliff-face in the universe and a love that lasts a thousand years. In 102 AD England, Romans receive a surprise visit from Cleopatra. Nearby, Stonehenge conceals the Pandorica, a prison-box of legend. As it slowly unlocks from the inside, terrible forces gather in the heavens above. The fates are drawing close around the TARDIS. United, the Doctor's friends send him a warning, he deals with a message on a cliff, a mysterious box and a love story which spans over millennia. The Pandorica, which contains the most dangerous threat in the Universe, is opening. Only one thing is certain: "The Pandorica will open...silence will fall".
Episode 13 - The Big Bang
The Doctor is gone, the TARDIS has been destroyed, and the universe is collapsing. The only hope for all reality is a little girl who still believes in stars.
Hehe, yeap - the character Tardis was named after the TARDIS (the joke being that her surname - though it's not listed anywhere in the Chron - is Booth. Tardis Booth. Heh, love it).
Speaking of loving it, YES thank you to this week's episode! Very fun, really liked it.
(spoilers for ep 11)
I spotted / loved the Van Gogh postcard on the fridge, but missed this painting you're both talking about! Will have to relook into that...
There were so many funny one-liner moments in that episode. Matt Smith is definitely growing on me as a character, but I'm *still* having issues believing he's the Doctor! Argh, what's wrong with me :P
It looks like River's definitely back for the last two episodes, then? I wonder if she'll be older or younger this time around (than the last time we saw her, I mean)?
I kept wondering what would happen when Amy found the Ring. I guess we'll find out this week, but the fact she finds it in the Doctor's coat is quite funny...she might think he's going to propose to her, if it doesn't kick the Rory-remembering part of her mind into gear.
Was it just me, or did this episode feel like one of the old Doctor-Lite episodes (despite the Doctor being in a LOT of it :P )? Probably because the TARDIS + companion were away for most of it, and time had to happen in the right order...but was it just me?
Cannot WAIT for Moffat's episodes to come. Sound v.good!
Ep 9, Cold Blood
Rory!! And even worse, Amy not even knowing he's not there! Sooo sad!
Silly Ambrose. Felt sorry that the nice Silurian scientist died too.
Anyway, too tired from today's exam to form more opinions...
Ep 9...
The ring! Rory left the engagement ring in the Tardis, right? Is that going to come in to play at some point and be a trigger to remind Amy of him?
*hopes so*
Argh :( *mourns Rory*
Hey everyone -
I need suggestions for good Doctor Who episodes for 7-and-a-half to ten year olds. So, not scary, fun, easy to understand even if you've never watched Doctor Who before. And I need to know by this weekend!
Thanks for your help!
Mystic Ward
14 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
The one where the fat falls off people and turns into little monsters, they were cute and not too scary. first ep of Series four
Hey! I have heard soooooo much about Dr. Who around here! And I had recently come to the realization that it was a tv show, and then i saw a commercial on USA tv and was like "OH MY LUD!!!" However, I never saw or heard anything about it again, and today I tried to look it up online, but I think I found a reeaaally old one and it's too slow and too blurry for me. :P So I was wondering if anyone knew where I could watch the new Dr. Who online?