Updated - exciting things to look forward to this year it seems :D
Looking at Tamora Pierce's website, the release of Mastiff has been pushed back til November this year. On the plus side, that Tortall short story book is to come out next month :-"

Wanderer Ward
14 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
That's disappointing about Mastiff, but hurrah for more Tortall soon! :D
The Power of Six, the sequel to I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore (pseudonym), will be out August 23, 2011. I think that's the American release date, but as of yet I haven't found any others.
I don't know if it is already up here, but I thought it was worth putting up
The Wise Man's Fear, sequel to The Name of the Wind is REALLY coming out in March 2011.
For those who have been waiting for this since 2008 (when it was supposed to come out), this is NOT another IC-esque date [act]ducks[/act], all sources seem to confirm it and Book Depository is allowing pre-orders at 25% off!
Anyone who hasn't read the Name of the Wind, do so ... NOW!
*dpm* I know, but there's a new Terry Pratchett coming out in March!
AND it's a Sam Vimes!!! It's called SNUFF and it's Sam Vimes in the country!
I love Vimes!! Can't wait!
Just checked Tamora Pierce's website - confirmed exact date for release of Mastigg (at least in the US, and nowadays Aus isn't far behind :) ) is 25 October 2011 :D
"Tortall & Other Lands" short story anthology has a date of 22 February 2011... so should be out in US and out here soon :O ... checked Angus & Robertson website and they have it! Looks like I'll be going to A&R this payday lol.
Oh, my - it seems the Pretty Little Liars books never end! I just found out that:
Twisted (PLL #9) - July 5, 2011
Ruthless (PLL #10) - December 6, 2011
... and I heard that there are two more after this to come! It's so strange when series that are all wrapped up nice and neat in a bow are revived.
Naamah's Blessing by Jacqueline Carey is out in June.
And according to a recent update on Melina Marchetta's website Froi of the Exiles is released in October :)
The Rogue (second in the traitor spy trilogy) by Trudi Canavan is out now!! Annoy your local bookseller!

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
There's a new Sara Douglass book out - I didn't even know she was writing another one! It's set in 12th century Europe and is called The Devil's Diadem.
The Fear by Charlie Higson is coming out on the 15th September 2011. :)
13 years ago
Fri Jun 24 2011, 11:34am
I don't suppose anyone knows when the next book in the Immortal Beloved trilogy by Cate Tiernan is coming out? I've had a quick look but I haven't found anything so far. It's been about 10 months since the last one was released so I'm guessing that it would be soon...
EDIT: September 2011 according to the back of the first book.

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
The list in the first post has now been updated :)
I don't suppose anyone knows when the fifth novel in the Strange Angels series by Lila St. Crow is coming out?

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
The 1st of November VC :) I've added it to the first post.
Okay. Thanks Kaede.
If anyone is interested. The eighth and final book in the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson, Nevermore, is coming out on the 2 February 2012.
James Patterson also has other upcoming releases such as...
Daniel X: Game Over (coming out on the 3rd of October 2011)
plus heaps more.
My library just e-mailed me telling me they've added the next Jasper Fforde Dragonslayer book to their catalogue (which doesn't mean they have it yet, just that they've ordered it and you can start putting holds on it), called The Song of the Quarkbeast: A last dragonslayer novel. Google says it'll be released in November, don't know the exact date in Aus (or anywhere!)
I was just in Big W (looking for The Sending, they didn't have it :( ) and I saw that Terry Pratchett's latest Discworld novel, Snuff, is out. It's a new Sam Vimes / City Watch one, can't wait to read it!!
That's odd Cat-Eyes, but then again I've seen it in about three catalogues (Big W included) but they don't actually have it in store. :( Hope you get it soon!
Anyhoo, has anyone written up that the next Cassandra Clare book is coming out...
December 6 - Clockwork Prince
... then? I think I actually liked this series better than the Mortal Instruments too.

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I've updated the first post - so many great books have come out recently! I'm so glad it's nearly the holidays! :D
Keep those release dates coming :P
I agree Kaede. For some reason some of the best books are coming out at this time of the year. I have another release date for anyone who is interested:
The Morganville Vampires Book 12 (Black Dawn) is scheduled for May 2012