I keep meaning to read Fairy Tail actually, good then?
For sure! Plus it's updated weekly, so no being insane. :D And then there's Gray, who just strips at random moments. :-}
^ I have seen some of fairy tale, but sort of somehow forgot about it after like 6 episodes.....I must try to watch it again!
Strips at random intervals? Is he a bishie? Actually... who cares; I'm in.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
i second Alyse's statement and sentiments.
Random stripping in anime always ensures either a) eye-candy or b) laughs.
(Examples for A include the entire Ouran High School Host Club, Examples for B include Major Alexander Louis Armstrong.)

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago
Tue Jan 11 2011, 12:14am

Wanderer Guilden
Yes! Armstrong's random stripping is epic! i keel over laughing nearly every time :P
... i wish some other guys would randomly strip... [act]dreamy look and lots of drool[/act]
Edit: speaking of which:
i'm up to date with Bleach once more!! :D :D :D :D :D
(yosh, it does require exactly 5 :D 's to express my happiness)
new guy that i can't remember the name of and i will never remember until he actually becomes important to me = compensating big time with random a$$ Cloud-Strife-sized sword.
also, new powers = weeeeeiiiiirrrrddddd. i mean, i can understand Chad and Orihime's powers (generally because they're not a random add-on in a new plot line that seems to be there to extend the series... although... i'm not complaining about Ichigo getting his pow!as back... he looks damn smexy in a shihakushÅ ;) ;D
okies... i'm all good for the moment...
Tite Kubo's continuation of Bleach and the mysterious hiatus of said manga; is only going to end in disaster.
Been reading some new manga lately, I read all of Psyren in two days (one of the best manga's I've read) and now I'm reading Beezlebub (freaking hilarious). I'm thinking I may retry Bleach when I'm done, but I'm not sure yet. I only got through ten chapters last time, and I don't know if I want to go further, I guess I'll find out.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
oh! i've read some of Beezlebub when it first started getting translated on onemanga (my it forever Rest In Peace), but i gave up on it when exams came up... mayhap i'll start reading it again soon :-"
i recommend you do start Bleach again, BD (not only because i'm... well... me :P ), but because if you do, you can stop where everyone else thought the ending would be and just leave it at that. it would have been a good ending, even though so many strings were left untied.

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago
Thu Jan 13 2011, 07:45pm

Wanderer Guilden
i'm taking that as a compliment! :D
suddenly makes a load more sense about the whole 'random humans with powers' thing :nod: the Hollows attacking their parents and all... and WOOT! go Chad for telling Ichigo like it is! ;D
i liked the extra funny touch with the 'you shall have to pay for the floor tiles you broke later' thing lol!
only... the only difference between me and Riruka... is that i probably would have jumped his bones right then and there ;) ;D not just stood there and acted like that ;P
Edit: REREAD! and what better way to start a long-overdue reread than a picture of a half-naked Byakuya as a scanlator's front cover? :D
I agree. [act]swoons[/act]
I've started reading Fairy Tail, so trying Bleach again is out for now. Fairy Tail has a One Piece feel to it, except instead of pirates there's mages, and the character design is similar, I'm not sure how long I can stick with it, I'll give until chapter 30 to make an impression on me.
I haven't really been reading much lately; besides updates. I'm reading the Vampire Knight update and then I'll read the PGE updates. Which are always delightful.
AHAHA BlackDog, when I was watching fairy tail once, my mother walked past me and said "oh, pirates?" tis quite one piece-ish!
KeldaKeldaKelda! Kuragehime episode 11? Thoughts?
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee IT CAN"T BE OVER!!!!! :"( there HAS to be another series!!!
We need to know what happens!!! shuu and ...that woman (dont remember her name) were on the same plane, and kuranosuke obviously has feelings for tsukimi!!! and...there just wasn't much resolution. I love the series so much, I need more!!! :P
what did you think??
I agree wholeheartedly! We need a second season!
Don't give up on Fairy Tail, is my advice :P I nearly did because I hated the way Natsu is drawn and it makes me think of Luffy. But now I'm obsessed :D And the anime was made all...Not as cool as the manga, because it seems more for a younger audience than the manga is T_T
I've kept on with Fairy Tail, I'm up to chapter 104. Very good, and very funny. Just 108 chapters to go.
Also, for anyone who reads it, new Negima is F***** awesome.
Any one read Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler? I really like the new chapter.
Oh. My. LUD. Chad grew a beard!? 8-|

Wanderer Guilden
14 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
those were my exact thoughts when i saw him.
he looks kinda like Kyouraku now TT-TT
I laughed when I saw him.