[act]A loud tone sounds, possibly for the last time[/act]
Your attention please!
Data analysis shows that the area beyond this complex is now safe for human habitation. In a few moments the air locks will be deactivated and you will be free to leave the complex at will. Please remain where you are while the security system is shut down. Thank you for your attention.Deb: [act]to Meza[/act] That should give us just enough time.
Meza: Should I get it now then?
Deb: Please.
[act]Meza walks off and comes back wheeling in a table covered with small plaques[/act]
Deb: [act]Addressing Crowd[/act] We would like to take this opportunity to make some announcements ourselves. Meza, Ari and I are- [act]looks around[/act] Where is Ari?
Meza: [act]shrugs[/act]
Deb: ::) Okay, Meza and I would like to announce the winners of this years awards. And the winners are!

Meza: And, last but not least. The People's Choice, as voted by YOU!

Deb: Congratulations to all our Award Winners!
Meza: But before we go, there are still a few more announcements. Firstly, thank you to everyone who took parts in the Mystics Ball Apocalypse Competitions. Guild points will be allocated to:
Helena, Arwen, Kay, BlackBird, Meza, MK, Loren and Meriymun. Extra praise and points to Meriymun who was the only person to enter both competitions!
Deb: Lastly, we would like to thank everyone involved in this years ball. Thanks to Min for her work on the images for the rooms, signatures and avatars and the awards. Thanks to this years hosts, Deb, Meza and Ari and to the Mystics guild members who help plot and plan the event. And last but not least, thanks to everyone who participated!
Meza: [act]looking at Deb[/act] I thought Ari would be here by now :-/
Deb: Maybe she got lost in the complex somewhere. [act]Looks back to the crowd[/act] The Mystics Ball Apocalypse 2012 is now officially over! Thank you and goodnight!
All exits are now open. Please leave the complex at your earliest convenience.Meza: I get the feeling INES is trying to get rid of us :S
[act]Everyone begins leaving[/act]
[act]~Meanwhile, back in the Cryo Lab~[/act]
Ari: [act]Banging on cryo pod door[/act] Halina! Let me out of here right this minute! Do you hear me!? Halina! HALINA!! [act]trying to look out the door[/act] Can someone help me? Someone? Anyone!? [act]sigh[/act] Fine, I'll just sit here and entertain myself.
Soonkar: What am I, invisible?.... -_-