It is very much the quintessential Australian novel, I love it. And my Tim Winton loving English teacher from highschool is very proud. ;D
Currently reading Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett, which just keeps making me want to read a whole bunch of my favourite Discworld books all over again.
I'm reading Wild Magic and once again The Floods, Neighbours (book 1).
I'm reading the collection of short fairytales in Tales from the Tower collected by Isobelle Carmody and Nan McNab, quite different and dark.
Just started reading A Dance Of Dragons by George R.R. Martin. Why does it have to be so big? haha I could knock someone out with it!
I've just finished the "the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" series. I just love it. It's clever and funny and just .... AAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!
Just read Animal Farm by George Orwell which was great, now moving on to Picnic at Hanging Rock
I am reading the Shining by Stephen King.
Not long ago, I read Haruki Murakami's 'Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World'. Ahh. I really just want to drop all else and read all of his other books now.
I'm on to American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Gosh it feels good to read again!
Just finished Ender's Game and now I'm reading Chasing the Valley by Australian author Skye Melki-Wegner.
I'm currently having a bit of a Jennifer Lynn Barnes discovery trip. I got two of her books from a friend who liked them but didn't love them and I'm finding that I do love them a little bit. The first one that I read was called Nobody and the one that I am currently half way through is called Every Other Day.
This weekend I had lots of time and finished Divergent by Veronica Roth (improved a bit in the latter half), and The Blood She Betreayed by Chersye Durrant (a new published Brisbane author I met years ago!).
I'm trying very hard to reach 20 books before the end of the year! Only up to 16 unfortunately!
I've been reading The Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It goes into the story of Avalon from well before Arthur is born in three parts: 300+ years before Arthur, when priestesses first move to Avalon; 150+ years before, when Britain is struggling against Rome; and 1 generation before Arthur, when Viviane is a child. I'm up to the last part now, and so far my favourite was the first part, probably as it has the most mystery and focus on Avalon to keep my interest. Having read Mists of Avalon a while ago, I am looking forward to this last part as it also involves a younger Taliesin (Merlin).
Also, I'm reading Arabian Nights, but very slowly because I read it before I go to sleep and only get through a couple of pages at a time. The English translation is very old, so the text is riddled with old-fashioned words and unusual sentence arrangement, but the stories aren't bad. Some are romantic, others comedic, and some a bit adventurous.
When I've finished Lady of Avalon, I hope I can fit in another book for the year.
I'm reading the new Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire); Parasite, it is thrilling and terrifying and wonderful and eek.
Oooh I really want to read it, but the library is taking ages to get me a copy!
I just finished The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse which was OK, but not great. The writing was very ordinary and the plot dithered all over the place. On top of this, the two friends kept falling out over a boy, which annoyed me immensely, given that they had more important things to worry about such as, I don't know, NOT DYING, maybe? Argh.
Now I'm on to Halt's Peril by John Flanagan and I'm starting to worry that I didn't bring home enough books for the holidays.
Well I am reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I've actually never read the series before but I am determined to finish it! I am so close to finishing it, it is currently blowing my mind.
I just finished Wonder by R.J.Palacio, which was a really good read and really easy to read, without being dumbed down.
Next up I will be reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, which I've heard will be made into a movie.
I'm currently reading the Maze Runner series by James Dashner. Currently on Book 2; the Scorch Trials, I'm really enjoying it so far, definitely one for fans of the Hunger Games. It is very Hunger Games-esque.
I'm just starting 'The Wise Man's Fear' by Patrick Rothfuss, so keen after 'The Name of the Wind'!

Wanderer Ward
11 years ago

Wanderer Ward
I am ever-so-slowly making my way through The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. It's got all his poems, short works, and his novel in it (so it has over 1000 pages of small text!), and it's really quite a dense read - although I am enjoying it - so I don't think I'll be able to finish it this year :(