whoo thats awesome! thanks jossie :D
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
I don't suppose anyone knows if the release date for the US of 28 April 2009 for Bloodhound is accurate? Or is it just Amazon.co.uk making stuff up as usual? I want to pre-order but I'm not going to if the release date isn't certain.
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I've decided that next time I get the chance in town, I'm going to buy SotL. Now that I've decided that, I can't wait! I'll probably have to order it in though. I need more Tamora Pierce! Now! :P
Yay Kaede :D
Sorry maz, i haven't heard anything :-/ have you tried her website?
Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
Maz, I've heard the same date as you for Australian release (well borders release anyway... borders is everywhere). All it says on her website is April this year.
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Kaede: *prods the TP Thread with a taser* :D
TP Thread: 8-|
Kaede: Heh heh heh... *quickly puts taser back in pocket* |:|
TP thread: *totters about on trembling legs*
I've been reading Tamora Pierce lately so I thought I'd resurrect this dear old thread and have a rant! Recently I've read Alanna: The First Adventure, Terrier, Bloodhound, and The Will of the Empress.
When I started reading Alanna, I realised that I'd never actually read that series before, just the Protector of the Small quartet. I was pretty disgusted with myself. I absolutely loved it, but was disappointed at the amount of time it took me to read it. Why can't books last forever? No one needs a break to do uni work...
One thing about the book I didn't like though, was the cover. The red hair/purple eye combination works quite prettily in my head, but it didn't translate to paper all that well in my opinion. Oh well, that's just me being picky.
Next was Terrier, which I think I wrote about it the "I'm Reading..." thread, so sorry if I make this boring and repeat things. At first I was very put off by the language of the book. The first person was different for Tamora Pierce, but it was okay. It took me until I was about halfway through the book to get used to the language, then I really got into it. I wish Beka would just get with Rosto! If that doesn't happen in Elkhound, I'm fairly sure I'll either cry or throw the book around in frustration (and damaging books is something I consider in the same line as murder).
I tried to read another book between Terrier and Bloodhound, just for some educated variety, but I couldn't do it. Beka was calling me! Bloodhound wasn't quite as good as Terrier in my opinion, but i did like how it was set in a different town/city. I was so sad when Slapper died, and I absolutely adore Achoo. I fell in love with her straight away (I'm so dog-deprived at the moment). The next book is going to be different though, what with Goodwin not on the team anymore.
Next I read The Will of the Empress. I didn't even know this book existed, I really must pay more attention to the world. After reading The Cirlce Opens (I can't remember if that's the one I mean, I think it is, when the four find students of their own), I really wanted to read another book about the four being together again. And, months later, it seems I got my wish. When I started reading it, I hated it. It was a chore. Everyone seemed to hate each other so much! It made me sad, but everything worked out well in the end. I can't believe that people with the personality of the Empress actually exist. No one can possibly expect to have everything go the way they want can they?
So, for the moment I've run out of Tamora Pierce books to read. I ordered the other three Alanna books, so hopefully they'll be here soon and I can go into another Tortall frenzy! Huzzah!
15 years ago
Sun May 17 2009, 10:05pm
Ahh, this takes me back. I've been a fan of Tamora Pierce since primary school but it's been several months at least since I've reread any of her work, so this is making me nostalgic. As soon as I get time I'm going to have to read Bloodhound - and probably reread Terrier first, too, just for the hell of it.
Since I haven't read Bloodhound yet, I can't comment on that, but in regards to Terrier:
Initially I was wary of the first-person approach too, since for years TP's been following a particular pattern in her storytelling (i.e. third-person quartets, and all the Tortall ones set within the same general period). I think it's great she's branching out and trying new things, but I do still think the diary approach isn't really her strength. It seemed to me that she was basically writing the same sort of detailed third-person stories she always does, instead of trying to construct what a diary actually reads like. I think very few people in the world actually write daily entries of 30+ pages, especially if they have as exhausting and full a schedule as Beka does. The girl literally writes a novel in a little over a month.
Sorry, I don't mean to rant. That was just one flaw that struck me about the novel. All that said, I do love Terrier (and think TP's a fantastic author), so I'm not trying to be horribly critical. :)
As you said, Kaede, once I got used to the language (and my slight irritation over the unrealistic diary-keeping), I got really into the story, and it's become one of my comfort reads. I like the insight into what the Lower City's like, and also seeing Tortall as it was 200 years before the books we're used to. Solving the mystery was interesting, too. As for Beka and Rosto...have no idea how that's going to work out. I think there's a fair bit of speculation about whether he qualifies as a great-great-grandda for George :P, but I really don't know at this stage. Hopefully Bloodhound'll give me more of an idea where things are going there, although I suppose if she's in another city he won't make much of an appearance.
As for Will of the Empress - possibly my favourite Circle book. Circle Opens (yep, that's the one) was good, but I missed seeing the four together, so I was eager for a reunion. I always want to smack all of them upside the head at various stages of the book, and the scenes where they hate each other are depressing the first time through, but on rereadings it's a lot more enjoyable. I loved seeing them all become close again, relearning the things they liked about each other, and now it feels like they're never going to let that sort of alienation happen again, so the optimism of the ending is sweet.
And yes, the Empress is a...ah, this is a PG board, isn't it? Well, she annoys me, let's leave it at that. :P As do quite a few of the characters at Court. I enjoyed watching Sandry kick the asses of the people trying to kidnap her. :P
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I was so offended when Shan turned out to be an... evil person. I was a bit suspicious of him, just because he was from the court, but I liked him! Poor Sandry!
As to the strange diary entries, I agree, they are totally unrealistic. Not as unrealistic as the ones in Dracula though! Those people have the memories of thirty five elephants all stuffed into one head! That made no sense...
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I'm reading In the Hand of the Goddess. It finally arrived in the bookshop! :D Huzzah! This has probably already been discussed somewhere, but as I was pretty slow in reading Terrier, I'll make my exclamations here.
George the Rogue! George Cooper! That just fits brilliantly! Even though I guess it's not that important, it just seems nice to have recurring characters. And Pounce is in the Alanna books too. Isn't that just dandy?!
15 years ago
Sat May 23 2009, 10:22pm
very dany.
about Will of the Empress the thing i disappointed with sis that there isn't going to be any more Circle books :"( it said that was the last Circle book :"( ":(
i really like it but the Empress was just....erk i don't know what to say and it kind of made me sick that Briar was like all over her, i mean she is like old ebough to be his mother. i know it would displease her if he didn't stare at her but still *shudder* i also thought that
Sandry was a bit of a snob. i mean she was all like i have to look at my lands and such but she doesn't actually look after her people. I'm glad the rest of them sorted her out.
Sandry says she isn't one of the court or anything but she really acted like one of them.
Shan i didn't like the whole way through. he seemed to good and such. i don't know. i just didn't like him.
Daja and Rizu..... i thought Rizu was a little selfishabout wanted Daja to stay (i guess it works vice versa) i mean that how could she ask Daja to stay when the reaso they were leaving was because Finn (i think its two n's) kiddnaped Sandry and he could force her in to marriage. (well its really called rape) How could Rizu even think about askind Dajad to stay.
does anyone think that Tris should go to Lightsbridge? i don't know if she should.
And Briar really needs to get a girl he loves, i mean theres a word for what he is and im not going to say it becasue of the PG rating. althought hes like really nice to women and everything but i think he has a really problem about actually feeling something about the latest girl he has taken 'walking'
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
About Tris and Lightsbridge:
I think she should go. If she enters under a different name it'll mean she'll be treated like a normal student, not like an incredibly powerful mage who got her medallium at thirteen and is capable of war magic. But I don't think her identity would stay hidden for long, I mean, how many mages are there that have their hair as their kit?
yeah i suppose there is Melting stones but that doesn't really count. Sort of, its only really about Evvy i want to hear more about everyone.
yeah sure, i'll do that next time i post
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I really like Evvy, she was my favourite new character from the Circle Opens books. Does anyone know if TP is intending to write more about the other students discovered by Tris, Daja and Sandry?
Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
Here's some book updates from her website:
November, 2009: "The Dragon's Tale", a short story featuring Kitten, Daine and Numair from The Immortals quartet, will be published in Jack Dann's and Gardner Dozois's anthologyTHE DRAGON BOOK, published in US hardcover by Penguin Putnam
2010 TBD: MASTIFF, book three of the Beka Cooper trilogy, the ultimate task set for Beka Cooper, Random House hardcover in the U.S. and Canada - TBD
2011 TBD: untitled Circle universe book, about Briar, Evvy and Rosethorn in Yanjing, published simultaneously in U.S. Hardcover and Australian paperback
2012 TBD: NUMAIR: THE EARLY YEARS 1 (very tentative title), in which we learn of Numair's last years at the university of Carthak, the beginning of his conflict with the newly-made Emperor Ozorne (Numair's best friend), his quick departure from Carthak, and how he survives afterward, in Random House hardcover in the U.S. and Canada
2012 TBD: untitled Circle universe book, in which Tris enrolls at the mages' university in Lightsbridge under an assumed name, in an attempt to become an ordinary mage practicing normal academic magic (spells, charms, potions) with no one knowing her real name or power, Scholastic hardcover in the U.S. and Canada
2013 TBD: NUMAIR: THE EARLY YEARS 2, continuing the story of Numair's life as he comes to Tortall and is befriended by Alanna the Lioness and Baron George, and aids King Jonathan in creating a Tortallan university, in Random House hardcover in the U.S. and Canada
2014 TBD: untitled Tortall universe book, about the coming-of-age of Maura of Dunlath, and how she finds her own unique place in the realm, in Random House hardcover in the U.S. and Canada
So, by the looks of things, we're just going to be hearing about Tris in the next couple of years. But Tamora can always change her mind and add something else.
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Wow! That's loads of books! I wish I was more patient...
Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago
Mon May 25 2009, 04:11pm
Dreamweavers' Guilden
EEE! Cant believe I only just found this thread :P I just found out that Bloodhound has come to Tassie!! Yay! I have been waiting so long for it cant wait!!!! anyhow, just about Melting Stones, did anyone find that they didn't like it as much as her other books? and Lioness, so jealous of your george :P didn't even think of Tamora Pierce when doing fandom :P
I'm a bit unsure of Tris going to lightsbridge - I thought that, as an ambient mage, tris didn't practice academic magic? She was tested when she was little and doesn't have any, so how will she do academic magic at lightsbridge?
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I'm glad it's changed to Mastiff. Having Elkhound after Bloodhound, there were just too many hounds about! And that's all I have to say!
Mystic Ward
15 years ago
Mystic Ward
Twentyfamilies Gypsy
I would have though that any bookshop would be able to order them if they don't have them on the shelves.
Mystic Guildmistress
15 years ago
Mystic Guildmistress
I found that Borders was more expensive than Angus and Robertson when it came to ordering in Tamora Pierce books. And you usually have to wait longer for Borders special orders.
Wanderer Ward
15 years ago
Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I ordered all the SotL books from Dymocks and they seemed to arrive pretty fast. They were all $17.99 I think. I don't know what those prices are like in comparison to Borders and A&R though.