raven: in the mean time care to tell us your evil plan? [act]batters her eyelids[/act]
percy: [act]is flattered [/act]well you see.....
15 years ago
Thu Mar 26 2009, 09:14pm
Kieran: Hey, I ust remember, I found that cage spell in MM's library.
Arwen: Well don't ust talk about it.
Kieran: *gets book out and casts spell* *cage appears around RWs* Now we can interrogate them.
Cameo: Or chat at our leisure as we go.
Kieran: Of course.
Avialle: You really should be scared.
Dirk: Oh!
Avialle: So how did you get hear? We want answers now! ":(
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Percy: Well, I never really left you see.
MM: Then where were you?
Percy: Here, there, everywhere.
Arwen: Where’s everywhere? What do you know?
Avialle: This is getting no-where. It's time to take drastic action. [act]takes out teaspoon and points it at RealWorlders threateningly[/act]
RealWorlders: No! I'll tell you everything! :-/
Avialle: You had better... Or else. ":( [act]twirls teaspoon[/act]
Percy: No! Don't tell them about the Evil Llama that sent us here to kill off the Royals!
Arwen: Ah-huh! :D So there's an Evil Llama involved, is there?
Percy: X:-/
Ravyn: ...maybe it was that same evil Llama who was trying to take our magic earlier? :-/
Avialle: I thought we destroyed him? :-/
Percy: Yes, well, you would think that, wouldn't you? But Our Master has powers beyond your wildest dreams. Powers that -
RealWorlders: [act]glare at Percy[/act]
Percy: ).(
Ravyn: Go on...
Raven: Please do. [act]flutters eyelashes[/act] Your story is sooo intriguing...
Percy: ).( [act]shakes head[/act]
Avialle: Right, this won't do. Helena, where is that torture device you put around here?
RealWorlders: :-?
Helena: You mean this? [act]takes out what looks like an ice-cream scoop[/act] |:|
RealWorlders: Isn't that... an ice-cream scoop?
Avialle: No! It is the Giant Spoon of Death and Desctruction! And if you do not tell me your plan, I will be forced to use it on you. :nod: Beware its supernatural thought-pain power! [act]waves ice-cream scoop under their noses[/act] [act]winks at Helena[/act] XD
RealWorlders: :-?
I was just going to use the dead ones, but sure, I'll add those bullies to the post too.
Dinaria Human: Well whoever this Evil Llama is, he's ruining my wedding! ":(
Jacob: *pats Dinaria on the back* there there.
Avialle: *waves teaspoon* so is it the EL that tried to take our powers?
All: *wait*
Cameo: *has brainwave* Aghh! Avialle!
Avialle: o_O Yes?
Cameo: Not the Giant Spoon of Death and Desctruction! Even thay don't deserve a fate like that! Its worse than *goes on to describe several gory punishments*
RealWorlders: *are starting to look terrified*
Avialle: *grins menacingly*
Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guilden
Bambi: *walks up dragging Johnie who she is now being protective off* *Grabs Ice Cream scoop* Look you lot, You are ruining the perfect wedding here and I am in a meancing mood so if you dont tell all I WILL USE THIS!!!!
everyone not RL: o_O
RL: *now looks extremly worried*
Bambi: * turns around and winks*
everyone: Oh
RL: What?
Helena: We've just wondering how long Jon can keep her from getting you
Jon: *pretends to be straining* Not. . . .Much. . .Longer
Bambi: *is waving the scoop around*
Hope it's alright. I sorta High jacked the scoop :P
Cameo: Evil llama, Dinaria? I thought llamas were all sweetness and light!
Dinaria: Not all...
RealWorlders: *hear Evil Llamas name* *eyes glaze over*
Bambi: Huh?
Cameo: *waves hand in front of their faces*
RL: *don't notice*
Jon: Well that's strange...
[act]suddenly all of the RealWorlders start speaking in unison, in strange, flat voices[/act]
RealWorlders: Ha - ha - ha - ha! Now your world will be destroyed, you evil Kingdocastrians.
Cameo: Who are you?
RealWorlders: I. am. the. walrus. ... I. am. the. egg-man. ... I. am. the. - Wait! What am I saying? [act]cough[/act] I do apologise, the radio tower is interfering with my signal. [act]RealWorlders shake their heads vigorously and start banging at their ears[/act] That is better. No, I am the Evil Llama! You thought you were rid of me, but I can reach you even through death! You will never discover my evil plan! Mwahahahaha...
Avialle: So... The Evil Llama is in the World of the Dead. He must have taken over that world and opened up a hole in the Space Time Continuum, and sent these minions through to take over our world so he can return here and take all our Magic Power! :D
Evil Llama: oh poo. :(
Kieran: Oh my! *mutters scientific and magical mumbo-jumbo*
Others: o_O
Kieran:This raises many concerns.
Cameo: Indeed. Now, what would they be?
Kieran: Well, considering the EL can open holes in the Space Time Continuum, we will have to stop these bullies and travel to the World of the Dead and deal with EL. And how do you kill someone who is already dead and living on after it?
Kingdomers: What in thge Kingdoms - or outside them, for that matter - shall we do?
RWs: Haha!
Avialle: You guys be quite. Remember, your still caged and we have the Ice-cream Scoop of Destruction.
Bambi: not to mention all other scary implements.
Kieran: maybe we can get more out of them
Dinaria Human: Okay, this is your last chance guys! *shapeshifts into the most ferocious beast any of them have ever seen* ":( You ruined my wedding. It had already been ruined once. You bullied me and my friends. You come here to take our powers. You are an Evil Llama, demeaning the status of llama! Tell us everything or they will use their ferocious implements! ":(
Arwen: *raises an eyebrow at Dinaria*
Kieran: ahem.
Bambi: *whispers* beast...
Avialle: *whispers* shapeshifting...
Dinaria Ferocious Beast: :| oh, yeah. I will use this awesome ferocious beast body and powers *thinks: actually, I'm not sure if it has powers that come with the species not with individuals... oh well, they don't know that* to destroy you in a gorry, terrifying way! ":(
All: ::)
Cameo: So, I guess we're off to the world of the dead!
Jost: Where's that?
Cameo: i don't know, but I'm guessing that way.. *points down*
Jost: Shh, I think they need to finish their interrogation..
Cameo: Oh.. Hey Percy! Do you know what a bad prefect would do? They would continue to be stubborn and not tell us anything!
Percy: *sniffs haughtily* Well if you must know, to get to the worl of the dead, you simply summon Hades, the guy with the flaming blue hair and the redundant attitide (Hercules)
Cameo: How?
Percy: Easy...
RL : No! don't tell them how to call Hades!
Dinaria: *roars*
RL: Ahh! Okay, you just call his name!
Avialle: You mean you just say 'Hades'?
Nothing: [act]happens[/act]
Kindocastrians: [act]glare at Percy[/act]
Percy: Oh, I forgot to mention you have to spin around in circles with your shoe-laces tied together, and yell 'Hedes' over and over until he comes. ~:|
Kindocastrians: [act]look at each other[/act] ::)
Avialle: You do it.
Percy: But -
Avialle: [act]waves ice-scream scoop[/act]
Percy: [act]gulps[/act] Yes ma'am. [act]proceeds to tie his shoelaces together and spin around in circles[/act]
Hades: [act]appears[/act] :| What do you want?!
Cameo: We would like to go to the World of the Dead, please. ;D
Hedes: [act]mutters irritably[/act] I'm not a taxi service, you know? What are you going to give me in return?
Avialle: Um... I'll give you this ice-cream sc - I mean, I'll give you this Giant Spoon of Death and Destruction! The most powerful torture device in our Kingdoms! :nod:
Hedes: [act]examines spoon[/act] Reeeeally... It looks a bit like an ice-cream scoop to me.
Bambi: That's the genius of it. It lulls you into a false sense of security and then - BAM with the pain. :nod:
Hedes: Intriguing... I accept. [act]grabs ice-cream scoop[/act] But if I find you have deceived me... [act]trails off warningly[/act]
Avialle: [act]widens eyes innocently[/act] Oh, no, we would never dare do that to you! Oh Great and Powerful One, Who is the Supreme Lord and Master of Everything in the Universe. ;D
Hedes: o_O
Cameo: [act]whispers[/act] Overkill...
Avialle: ~:|
Hades: Well then, I'll open up a portal.. *opens portal*
Kingdomers: *step inside*
Cameo: Well this is downwright depressing!
Avialle: It's the world of the dead? What did you expext?
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *takes out a note pad* river ... *tick* ... flames.. *tick* .... screaming damned... *tick* .... hmmm this all seems to be inorder... oooh! look! tis my daddy! :D *wanders over to the Devil* long time no talk, dad :D
Devil: hey, weren't you banished to the surface because you stood on my precious's tail?
Helena: ::) dad, you know i didn't mean to step on his tail...
Precious: *walks in* *barks at Helena* grrrrrr
Cam: umm... the Devil has a pet poodle? :-/
Avialle: what else would he have? o_O
Arien: *pops up*
Everyone: AHHH!
Cam: How'd you get here? o_O
Arien: Mono and I got stuck on this camel-infested island, so we decided to dig our way out using some of Dinaria's spork guests :D Unfortunately we ended up in here :-/
Mono: They serve great devilled eggs though :D
Devil: Daaaamn straight 8)
Awesome dad Helena! XD
Dinaria FB: so, Mr Helena's Dad the Devil-
Cameo: why not just call him 'Devil' or 'Mr Devil' or something?
Dinaria FB: too easy
All: ::)
Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago
Wed Apr 01 2009, 03:31pm
Wanderer Guilden
lol tis an on-going joke with one of my friends and i, we're both daughters of the devil and our mum was a chowowit (the dog... i can't remember how to spell it, so i'll just say its chowowa :P and a rabbit :nod: a chowowit)
Helena: Daaaaaad??
Devil: ::) yes, princess?
Helena: can i have $5 to go get sone souls from the corner shop? pleeeaase? *bats eyes lids*
Devil: *sigh* *hands over money* kids these days, 'can i have just this?' can't i just have that?' then the next thing you know, your broke...
Dinaira: but how do you get to be broke... you own all the money in the underworld ???
Devil:.......... :| its the principle *makes chopping motion with his hand into the other hand*
It's spelt chihuahua XD
Dinaria FB: hm... I wouldn't mind a soul too...
Cameo: er, Dinaria, you're wedding.
Dinaria FB: :| oh yeah that.
Avialle: [act]looks around in wonder[/act] Wow, I never knew Hell was so accommodating. :D
Helena: Haven't you ever visited the Underworld before? o_O
Avialle: You never invited me. :|
Helena: Aww, I'm sorry! ;P Have a soul to make up for it.
Avialle: Awesome! :D What type?
Helena: Let's see... I've got... human, budgerigar, cat, snake...
Avialle: Hmmm... I'll take the human. ;D [act]steeples fingers[/act] |:|
Helena: [act]hands saoul over[/act]
Avialle: Say Helena... what do you actually do with a soul?
Helena: o_O You eat it of course!
Avialle: ew. ).(
Helena: Just joking! ;P Do what ever you like.
Avialle: Can I make it my slave?
Helena: [act]shrugs[/act] sure.
Avialle: Excellent. |:|
Cameo: Er, wedding, guys, wedding!
Dinaria; Oh yeah. Why did we come here again?
Cameo: To kill the Evil Llama... again. ::)
Avialle: Riiiight, it's all coming back to me now. Can we do some sight-seeing after we've finished with him?
Dinaria: Yeah! I wanna go on the Torture Treadmill and see the Flame Pit! :nod:
Dinaria FB: well you guys can ask Devil about the RL coming back to life, I'm off sightseeing.
Jacob: what about our wedding?
Dinaria FB: ::) *shapeshifts into a Quileute werewolf* call me when we're going back *heads off sight-seeing*
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
15 years ago
Dreamweavers' Guildmistress
Dreamscape Artist
Arwen: Was that Dinaria?
Cameo: Where'd you go?
Arwen: No where |:| I think the Olypus Colosseum may be having a wedding in a while. [act]sniggers[/act] Hercules and Megara looked really cute.
Aragorn: So cute it was getting to being sickening XD
Arwen: They weren't that cute. But they were smitten. So what did I hear about the Evil Llama, who had supposedly gone to try and join the Herders? Did they get rid of him did they?
I'm just going to run with the mixing of underworld concepts considering everyone else is
Kieran: Are you sure that we should asking the Devil, of all people, to locate an evil person so that we can put an end to evil?
Rin: Oh yeah. Good point, the Devil does tend to favour evil people.
Kieran: Perhaps Osiris, Lord of the Afterlife, could help us locate him.
Cameo: How exactly would we find him?
Kieran: Yes, well, that's just a detail. He be in the Underworld.
Avialle: Well isn't that helpful. Let's go find a directory.
Cameo: A directory? In the Underworld?
Kieran: I suppose they do have a gift shop. Let's go shall we?