Um, quick note, the front page says The Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly is out in December, but it's already out...

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Thanks VC and Loren. The first post is updated and should be right now :)
New stuff! Yay! And a new MVS series is coming out soon! [act]squees[/act]
Touch of Power (Healer #1) - Maria V. Snyder December 20
Two Truths and A Lie (Lying Game #3) - Sara Shepard February 7
13 years ago
Tue Dec 13 2011, 02:39pm
A Memory of Light, the last Wheel of Time book by Robert Jordan is out online. I haven't seen it in Aussie bookshops yet, but apparently it was released (somewhere) on the first of November.
Edit: I must have read the site wrong, maybe they were trying to take preorders. I was looking forward to finally getting the next book :(

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Yeah, I thought it was Nov 2012 it was going to be released?
I've been keeping a very interested eye on this....
Me too! Waiting eagerly for Isobelle Carmody and Robert Jordan books to come out seems to be the basic plot of my life...
Heh, it's telling when having to reread a series is going to put you really far behind in writing the next book!

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
I'm kind of glad though! Maybe this will give me time to reread the series! :P
I actually saw a Wheel of Time book in the new release section when I was down the street last. It made me go 'what' but I didn't actually have time to stop and look. /confusion
Kaede. Just found new information that book #8 (Nevermore) of the Max Ride series by James Patterson is going to be released August 2012.
Oh you're right, Kaede. The progress bar on his website has hit 100%!
13 years ago
Fri Jan 06 2012, 11:16am
Just some more release dates I have found recently.
Fury (book #4 of the Mercy series) by Rebecca Lim - May 2012
The Golden Lilly (book #2 of the Bloodlines series) by Richelle Mead - 19 June 2012
Rapture (book #4 of the Fallen series) by Lauren Kate - 13 June 2012
A Million Suns (book #2) by Beth Revis - 28 March 2012
The Rise of Nine (book #3 of the Lorein Legacies series) by Pittacus Lore - 30th August 2012 (UK Release date)
13 years ago
Fri Jan 06 2012, 04:52pm
Not sure if this has been mentioned already but there are two Juliet Marillier books due out this year - Shadowfell (first book in a new series) is out July 2012 and another in the Sevenwaters series, Flame of Sevenwaters, is out November 2012! *squee*
Oh, and there is also Quintana of Charyn (sequel to Froi of the Exiles) by Melina Marchetta due out in October 2012

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
Dreamscape Artist
Updated, thanks for the info guys :) Hurrah for more Juliet Marillier! :D
Kaede. I know you have just updated the list but I have found another release date which I thought I'd post here before I forget.
City of Fallen Souls (book #5 of the Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra - 8th May 2012
And... for anyone who is interested A Million Suns by Beth Revis (book #2) is coming out soon. I know its the 28th March in Australia but I have a feeling it is January in other countries.
For anyone who still holds a soft spot for the Artemis Fowl books, the final one, Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian is due out on July 10, 2012 :D
Also, my memory is like a sieve, what is the exact date of The Red Queen's release??
I was sure I read somewhere on here that it would be March but maybe that was in a dream...
13 years ago
Wed Feb 01 2012, 08:03pm
I know Penguin's site just says that the Red Queen is going to be coming out late 2012 so I would say it will probably be out October or November. I don't think a March release date will be a possibility otherwise we would of heard something by now. :)
I just realised that we don't have IC's Metro Winds with the release dates. It is coming out May 2012.
Must've been a dream then! Oh well, absence makes the heart grow fonder :P

Wanderer Ward
13 years ago

Wanderer Ward
It's a bit late now, but for those interested - Out of Oz, the latest book in Gregory Maguire's series based on The Wizard of Oz is out now!

Mystic Guildmistress
12 years ago

Mystic Guildmistress
For any Garth Nix fans, he is currently working on another book in the Old Kingdom series. If he finishes it by August (which he said he's trying hard to finish it), there will be an early 2013 release date. If he doesn't, it should be early 2014.
Percy Jackson fans who are waiting for the Mark of Athena (Heroes of Olympus books), a Penguin rep at Supanova today told me it should be out in October, along with the Sea of Monsters movie (2nd Percy Jackson book).