Alright I've finished Fairy Tail, and I'm going to try the anime. Can anyone give me an idea of how closely the anime follows?
Well the anime is nowhere near as good as the manga, there are a few little changes to the plot, nothing major, but it seems like they kinda made it for a younger audience or something? I still watch it, though, because I love it so much :P The soundtrack is fair good, too, that helped draw me in
New Chapter of Bleach = Meh.
I bought the last volume of sand chronicles today. I just love that manga so much I cant seem to help myself. And I have been reading updates of oresama teacher.
I've been reading the Gentleman's Alliance Cross, because one of my best friends bought me the first volume for my birthday. And despite how bizarre it is; I'm actually starting to get into it.
^ really? I tried to read that once and it just seemed all over the place and a bit hard to read, so I went on to something else. But it's by Tanemura Arina isn't it? I loved Fullmoon wo Sagashite and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne! Maybe Gentleman's Alliance Cross is worth another shot!...I really hope I got the mangaka right now...
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
just caught up with Bleach... is it just me or is the Destroyer Pig having a bit too much fun?
though, i do wonder what Ichigo's "Fullbring power" is.... and i find it a bit funny that Ichigo's symbol throughout the series has been a swastika... it was on his Bankai zanpuktou and now it's appeared as his "fullbring power" has activated from his shinigami badge.... if we take this as a subliminal message, it means that Ichigo's powers will be to do with "life, sun, power, strength, and good luck", if i interpret the meaning of the swastika properly.
and no- before anyone says it: i don't think Ichigo is a Nazi :| the swastika is an ancient and powerfully good symbol... until Hitler started using it.
Hell; I'm so proud of you for knowing what a Swastika is when unrelated to an outdated fascist cause.
I'm still going 'Meh' about Bleach at the moment.
And I'm back to reading One Piece. I've just got up to the part where Ace first comes in.
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
why thank you- i tend to try to not be ignorant :P
i'm fairly "meh" about Bleach at the moment as well... but i think it's about to get a bit interesting when Ichigo gets whatever he's going to from his shinigami badge... hopefully...
The thing is; Tite Kubo could have wrapped it all up nicely by now. But nooooo, it has to keep going.
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Wanderer Guilden
i know, i know... but i think it's either a case of "we need to make more money" or (what i hope is more likely) Tite just doesn't want to let go just yet.... or this was all part of his original plan and there's something else going on with Aizen... there has to be another enemy now- or else Ichigo's just attempting to get his powers back for no reason.... :P
read the new chapter of 1/2 prince out on mangafox~~
I read it! I read it! There is actually a plot with substance now!
Wanderer Guilden
13 years ago
Tue Feb 15 2011, 11:39pm
Wanderer Guilden
CHYA! [act]dances around[/act] :-}
i can see so many holes, though... but it's soooo good! the Dictator of Life is smoking HOT! :D dead set- if 1/2 Prince gets any more bishies, i think i may pass out from blood loss.
as for Prince doing the whole 'self sacrifice' thing- i spent a whole 10 minutes simultaneously [act]squee![/act]ing (at the picture) and going awwwww (because of what he/she's going to do).
bet you Prince asks Lolidragon to keep it under wraps, gets her to tell everyone that the "special team" from the Company is going to do it and then, as Prince starts acting strange, Gui will ask Lolidragon for the programme as well, step in at the last moment when Prince is about to kill the Dictator of Life and sacrifices himself instead.
then juuuuuuuuust as he's about to be deleted from the programme he confesses his love for Prince, Prince breaks down, goes mopey, logs out after a bit, goes to Gui in RL and confesses.
yosh, i'm a fangirl who means srs bsns
P.S- why must Gui always look so smexy?
^^^ OMG, well, I reaaaaaaaaalllly hope your theory comes into action there. Even if it is prince who is removed from the game, there has to be some sort of RL confession with Gui!!!! has to be!!!!
^I am hoping for the RL confession from Gui, but I'm rooting for the final pairing to be Prince(RL) & Wicked(RL). 'Cause they're an adorable couple.
13 years ago
Thu Feb 17 2011, 06:23pm
Has anyone been reading Are you Alice? It's just getting better and better! (And more and more confusing. ;P ).
I can't believe the Duchess got beheaded! :-{ She was becoming one of my favourite characters.
And I wonder why the Cheshire Cat wants to forget Alice but can't? There's definitely something interesting going on there...
Also, why is the Mad Hatter the only one who doesn't have any regrets? Is it because his time has stopped so he doesn't have a past?
Also, one of the Regrets (the failed Alices) referred to him as 'sensei' and said that he had been in love with her. All of the Alices seemed to be desperate for him to 'acknowledge' them. And also, when Guy!Alice had been swallowed by the Duke and was having that dream about Mari-Anne, Mari-Anne referred to a "sensei" who she seemed to have a bit of a crush on. Could she mean the Mad Hatter?
~Major Theorising Time~
Okay, just stay with me here, but what if the Mad Hatter is actually Lewis Carrol? Think about it - he appears to have the power to either accept or reject the Alices. (When the White Rabbit was talking about 'That Person' who kills the Alices if they're not up to standard, I think he was talking about the Mad Hatter). They're all desperate for his approval as well.
And there are lots of references to useless/discarded scraps of paper, and we see images someone writing/re-writing a story throughout. I think this might be Lewis Carrol, trying to find the right Alice and 'discarding' the Alices who don't quite fit.
I'm not quite sure where Mari-Anne and the White Rabbit fit into this. Oh well, I'm sure they'll slot in somewhere. ;P
Also, just realised I skipped a chapter ~:| ~
So the Cheshire Cat killed the 88th Alice! 8-| And the Mad Hatter was in love with her, and that's why he hates the Cheshire Cat and is constantly shooting him. 8-| But it seems as though the Mad Hatter can't really remember the 88th Alice... (He was thinking that Boy!Alice looks similar (to 88th Alice), and then he stopped himself and wondered who he looks similar to).
And everyone except the Cheshire Cat thought the 88th Alice was the real Alice. I wonder why he was so convinced she was a "fake"? He definitely seems to have his own plan for how the story will end.
Also, the Cheshire Cat says something like - "Her pet can accept it and her little brother can accept it, so why can't her teacher? Alice doesn't belong to anybody. She's..."
First of all - I wonder how that sentence was going to end? If only the Mad Hatter hadn't gotten all angry and shot Cheshire in the middle of his sentence, we might have found out. :P
Secondly - now I'm sure that the Mad Hatter is this "sensei" that we're hearing about.
And thirdly - is Boy!Alice the 88th Alice's little brother? In his dream, he does refer to the Dream!Alice as his 'big sister'. Hmm... Interesting...
Also, I wonder if the idea of the Cheshire Cat comes from Dina? He does seem to be implying that he's Alice's pet...
Either Boy!Alice is Alice's little brother, or he's a nameless character that the author created. Maybe he was made to be nothing more than an image - just a person in the background, with no purpose. So when he gets the chance to have a name and a purpose, he steals Alice's name immediately.
But then, the Cheshire Cat did say that he came to Wonderland of his own free will, so that suggests that he must have had a place to come from...
Gah, this is so confusing. :P (But good).
^I read all of that... and I think that I've not read the latest chapter/s.... so I'll be getting back to you.
waaaah hell I like your linkety link coloured pic! and I agree with the guiXprince.....I like wicked too, but he is not gui....
Kuragehime manga is starting to differ from the anime!! :D can't wait to see what else is going to happen~~ :D :D
I have to start reading the Manga!
So... new Are You Alice? chapters.... squeeeeeee!
To anyone who's been thinking about reading Mahou Sensei Negima, now is a great time to do so, because when you catch up on the 320 chapters already published you will be in the middle of the biggest battle to date, and probably the most anticipated battle of the series.
OMG, Alyse, now is definately the time!!! another chapter just came out.....a really good one.... :D
You know what we need Kel; we need an Are You Alice? anime.
And is it just me; or is Alice getting Bishier(<---should totally be a word... or should it be Bishounener?) the more you get to know him.
OMG. I hope that they dont manage to somehow cover it up................the plot has to develop not digress!!!!!!!!!!
I dont think i have read "are you alice?" what is it about?