Yes, yes it does :nods: (I kid, I kid . . . or am I? |:| )
The movies are terrible though (well they have their moments) so I hope you don't judge the books by them.
Anyway, I honestly have't been bothered to look back at the site in ages. I know of some of the people who do the artwork for the site so I see that through their online portfolios and whatnot and really just can't find myself interested enough to visit the site anymore. Though I hope the new chapter releases are interesting enough for those who still visit the place.
Ha, I beat you Meisje! I have never read or owned any of the books OR watched any of the movies.
For EVER! You will not win this battle, Daniel!
I will trick you into consuming Harry Potter one day, Darga, it is unavoidable [act]flaps arms[/act]
Harry Potter is pretty great. I read it when I was in primary school/beginning of high school. It's one of those series that is compelling not because the characters are exceptionally amazing, but because the of the themes in the novels. There are a lot of sad things that happen, but there are also a lot of great, triumphant moments that makes the series so amazing. You will read it one day, Darga :P
It is a good series to read. And if you like this series I recommend the Percy Jackson series and various spin-off books. They are just as entertaining
I also think that one day that the book will get you pin you
down and make you read it lol
If its of any interest, you can now view Diagon Alley from the Harry Potter films on Google StreetView.
Go to Google Maps and start typing 'Diagon Alley' and the first entry in the drop down list should appear thusly:
"Diagon Alley at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, Leavesden, London"
Click on that, select street view and your in
That's awesome! Wish I was in London to go on that tour....
And pottermore have announced the rest of PoA will be released this 'summer' (so Australia's winter)
Cool. I need to catch up on Pottermore. Haven't been on there in a while
In more Pottermore news, I think they secretly listened to my suggestion of 'give me the new content already' option, because, they've announced that soon you'll be able to view the chapters in whatever order you wish, and there will be icons to point you in the direction of the new content, so you don't have to go through the moments, looking for new content, you'll be able to find it easily!
Alright everyone, Pottermore have dramatically redesigned the whole site and they've released all the chapters for PoA! Haven't gone through them yet (will tomorrow/this weekend probably) but it looks really good right now, and it's got markers so you can find new JK content, and you don't have to go in order!
So having been through the new chapters, I have to say once again the artwork is beautiful as always. There wasn't any new interactive 'games', though duelling has apparently gotten harder to do (though the process is the same, I think the timing has changed, so all the 'elites' have had to figure it all out again).
There were 5 new JK content, which are again all amazing, and you don't have to search for them, because there are icons telling you exactly where to go to find them, and then all you have to do is click on the right image (not too difficult).for Lupin, time turners, werewolves, Secret Keepers and the Patronus Charm
There's more stuff to collect, but what's better, is that it will let you know whether or not you've found/done everything in the moment with a progress bar at the bottom, so no longer do you have to wonder if you've found everything!
And lastly, there are four new moments in the first book, they've added them in as before they were where you got sorted, your wand, so weren't actually images, so that's pretty good!
Well, they have certainly changed a heap since I was on last and I officially have no idea how to navigate at all. [act]clicks things haphazardly[/act] Oh, okay, I get it now.
I actually prefer the previous book set-up. It looked nicer.

Wanderer Ward
11 years ago

Wanderer Ward
I agree with Shonks - I am really not a fan of the new set-up.
My OCD hates the progress bar-thingys on each moment - all the ones I had done before the new layout are at 0%, so I feel the need to go back through it all!!! :(
Yeah I hate that Blackbird! I'll probably do that at some stage. What I hate is that the progress bar stuff blocks off the bottom of the moment so I have to scroll down to see the whole thing, slightly annoying, and I hope they bring back the old navigation page (the gateway one) much easier!

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago

Mystic Guilden
I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose eye twitched at the all the past moments being reset to zero. I had to force myself off the site before I went nuts :P
I can't say I dislike the changes, because I wasn't really all that taken with the old style. I seem to have a kind of 'meh' relationship with Pottermore :S
However! I do like that you can visit chapters out of order, that content is easier to find and (to some extent) that the bar lets you know if you have covered everything in each moment.
I also agree with Daniel in regard to the gateway/navigation page. I had a slight giggle when I first saw it, because it reminded me of the main page of one of the Mystics Guild's old epic Moonfair comps :P
11 years ago
Thu Aug 08 2013, 07:03pm
Just been on there for the first time in ages.
The change to the site takes a little getting used to, though I have to say that they seem to have cleared up a lot of the bugs that made the old version of the site impossible to use sometimes.
I've noticed that some of the bars for previous chapters aren't zeroed on my account (I've decided to go back and try and get a full bar on each chapter just for the fun of it). Looks like the items to collect may have been reset as well
The pictures for each chapter also seem sharper somehow. Its been so long since I went through the first chapters that I cannot remember if these are the original pictures of if they've been replaced
Edit: Just noticed they now got excerpts from the audio books read by Stephen Fry over some chapters
Huzzah, Hufflepuff house won the fourth house cup! And will gain early access to book four, which will presumably be coming out in the near future.

Mystic Guilden
11 years ago

Mystic Guilden
Yay for Hufflepuff! I'll have to remember to drop by the site a little more often to check for book four access :)
11 years ago
Tue Oct 01 2013, 06:21pm
Hufflepuffs can access the first part of GoF in just over half an hour, everyone else will be in a further 24 hours. They certainly have sped up production time, which is good! Can't wait to see what they've done.
Edit: Had a look through the new chapters (there are 10 of them) and they are alright. Some really good new content from JKon the Floo Network, colours, Portkeys. No new game sections. Only interesting this was that in one of the new content things they had a recording of JK reading some of it, so I don't know if it was old audio of an interview, or if they recorded it. It was quite random, and there was a guy laughing, but I don't recall hearing the story.