11 years ago
Mon Dec 30 2013, 10:29pm
I started Kylie Chan's White Tiger the other day and all I can say for it so far is: bland. I don't think I have ever read anything so bland in my life. It's just so . . . flat.
I imagine its the kind of thing you would get someone who doesn't like reading to try. It's just so very easy and simple and basic.
I am reading The Stone Key and I'm fifty pages over halfway! YAY.
I couldn't get into Kylie Chan, either - everything was so predictable!
I'm currently reading Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson.
I'm reading the Silmarillion by Tolkien, gosh so much history he created! And I just read Looking for Alaska by John Green!
Agreed re Kylie Chan - I am ready to give away the book that I have, since I didn't enjoy it very much. It's been a while though - can't exactly remember why I disliked it so.
I am now reading Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier - the chapters are so long, and it takes a little time to build, I imagine, because that's what happened with Daughter of the Forest where it was like BAM and I was engrossed!
Also rereading Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce. My childhood gateway into the fantasy -medieval genre. It's been over 10 years since I last read it, I think!
Currently reading The Assassination of the Archduke: Sarajevo 1914 and the Romance that Changed the World by Greg King and Sue Woolmans - only three chapters in - but it's a fascinating time in history with lots of eccentric (and not so eccentric) royals and politicians...
Didn't read much over Christmas except for Nanny Piggins guide to conquering Christmas by R.A Spratt (which was amusing as usual), Joyous and Moonbeam by Richard Yaxley - which was an interesting book marred by a dodgy ending and the first book in Janet Evanovichs new series - the Heist (which is co-authored - so i'm not sure how much she actually wrote - maybe she's at the renting her name out stage of her career?)

Wanderer Ward
11 years ago

Wanderer Ward
I'm re-reading Jessica Shirvington's Embrace series, because the fifth book came out recently, and the books are just too darn good not to re-read!
I'd have to say that these books are definitely for the older YA readers, because dear Lud can the woman write desire and the accompanying tension well! Plus, her fantasy world is quite cool, and she's a Aussie. :D
I've also recently struggled with Kylie Chan... it did not help that I obtained a copy of her Journey to Wudang series which is not really a separate series but a continuation of the Dark Heavens series which I was not aware of... at all.
As a result, I was dropped into the middle of the series instead of the beginning and I understood NOTHING.
So I have given up and am moving on to Burial Rites by Hannah Kent.
I reading Lost Prince by Selden Edwards. It is interesting but odd.
I'm now reading All Quiet on the Western Front which is just amazing.
Ooh yes, that is a beautiful book! Had to read it for Literature during high school.
I'm reading Son of the Shadows by Juliet Marillier - while I quite like her writing style and the story, I find myself getting sometimes frustrated with ALL the little side tales that characters tell each other that sometimes seem to have little relevance to the overall plot... I kinda want to get back to main storyline for goodness' sake!
I finally finished A Dance With Dragons by George R R Martin. Since A Dream Of Spring isn't out yet (cliffhanger! argh!), I'm choosing between The Great Gatsby or The Perks of Being A Wallflower to read next. Any suggestions?
I am rereading The Sending.
I've just finished reading the Waking Dark by Robin Wasserman. I didn't like it as much as her previous book, but it was still very, very good, and somewhat reminiscent of Stephen King. In content, not in voice.
Just saying I hated Gatsby...
Anyway, I'm reading The Kite Runner at the moment, and I have Moby Dick and Parasite by Mira Grant waiting! So many books to read, so little time...
11 years ago
Sun Feb 02 2014, 10:44pm
Re-reading Brideshead Revisited for the umpteenth time. I always find something new.
Why did you hate The Great Gatsby, Daniel?
I read The Great Gatsby and loved it. I thought it was perfect. I also read The Perks of Being A Wallflower and thought that was amazing as well! They're both such good books! Now, I'm reading Books Of Blood by Clive Barker. I LOVE Clive Barker. I just want to high five him, just once. Then life will be complete :)
11 years ago
Thu Feb 06 2014, 07:26am
I loved the absolute inevitability of the ending of The Great Gatsby - it was just perfect.
At the moment, I'm reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss and Hello Darkness by Anthony McGowan. The first one is too heavy to carry to work, so I'm only reading it at home.
I'm about to start reading the new Brigid Kemmerer which I am very excited about.
I read it for my blog so perhaps better commentary is there. But I just found it boring, and frustrating. I didn't like the writing style, and the characters were annoying, and really I just couldn't care less about whatever was going on.
Right now though I'm reading Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, and I'm loving it!
I just packed all my books and my iPad [act]cries[/act] I can't read anything again until at least Monday :$
I'm about to started reading the Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes, who I heard speak at the SWF2013.