Love winter. Got my library basically all put together. About to start my two electives and finish up my associates degree. Very excited about those two classes. Literature and Art!
Congrats Meisje.
I hate the potatoes of the Cornish Ghouls Association. No respect for anyone!
I'm so embarrassed by my lack of ability to parallel park properly.
That is a tricky skill, I've done it only when I was doing/practising for the test, though I don't drive all that much
I can't hear you *dpm* over the lovely rain
It's a public holiday and I'm at uni. Free all day parking though!
Where are the Tinglebats? I need those Tinglebats for the Voory Stew
waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#*~~~~ waiting waiting ~~~~*#*#*#
It's NaPoWriMo
this cool autumn; please forgive
me, for I forgot.
10 years ago
Mon Jul 14 2014, 07:55pm
hmmm thinking of adding 'sama' to the end of my name but then there would be six syllables to pronounce.
How difficult is it to legally change your name??
or maybe just change it to a full stop... I heard someone actually named their child 'abcde' how do you even pronounce that?
I'd say that abcde might be pronounced abe because the c and d are both silent :P
Huh, you may be right there. I was imagining more of an an awkward 'abehkehdeh' sound :|
*trips in through the side window* Well, it\'s certainly been a while, Obernet. It seems that I haven\'t deigned to flail about these parts for a while.
*proceeds to touch everything*
*Also proceeds to touch everything because it\'s new and shiny* Good to see you back!
Did someone say SHINY? *cackles*
It\'s good to be back! Except only for a minute, because trials are next week!!!!!!!!! *sigh*
The name abcde is pronounced as 'ab' 'c' 'deee'
You carry the e sound. I had a child in my child care centre named that another weird name is 'la-la' you pronounce it as ladashla.
There are some funny names out there.
But is it really abcde, or abçdé?
Or could it be a simple pronounciation like Joe or Steve?
I'd like to think it would be Steve.
Also - the claw machine has got nothing on me!!
[act]cackles maniacally [/act]
Ah when people audibly complain about how much work they have to do while at uni, and then proceed to spend a good few minutes taking a selfie with duck face and all, then looking at Facebook, then a video, I thought you were flat out...?
10 years ago
Tue Sep 02 2014, 09:24pmlady
I got a haircut today. I feel new. And shiny :D
I mean literally shiny.
The hairdresser put oil in my hair and made it shiny.
Oh and when I originally read the name abcde the 'e' had no symbol above it (I cant find that symbol on the keyboard )
I like mist. It was really misty about 0645 and it was nice. It's like being in a cloud. It is literally being in a cloud. I like clouds.
I like mist.
Footy finals always make a good time to go shopping, less crowded!
Mid semester break, means I can catch up on much needed sleep and TV shows :)
Need to get the latest Season of Bones !!
4 weeks of UNI left !!!!!