Arien: *pulls out a pair of binoculars and watches Helena, wondering what she has in her hand* |:|
Cameo: I wonder what Helena has? Ooh, this is exciting, I've never been in a real battle before, my land was peaceful. Well, in my reign anyway.
Helena: *is walking off with Johnie*
Arien: *is staring after Helena with binoculars*
Helena: *darts back* Arien! *covers binoculars with tin foil* *ninjas off*
Arien: :|
raven: [act]slurps her super super super maxi ginormous monster sized drink [/act]
Cameo: *pats Arien on the haed* It's okay. Why would you spoil such a good surprise?
Arien: :|
Cameo: Okay... *continues to anticipate what Helena has*

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *tells Johnie what she wants him to do* got that?
Johnie: wow, thats one heck of a plan 8-|
Helena: *holds out hand* come on, lets get this over with ...
Johnie: *takes Helena's hand and what is in it*
Both: *disapear*
Kingdocastrians: 8-| o_O
some time later...
Helena: Hello! :D
Kingdocastrians: GAH!
Helena: *laughs* *is still hiding the thing behind her back* no peeking, or it'll all go to waste
MM: *is in a place that doesnt really exist*
Glitter knight: m'lady we know how to get out of this place *grins*
MM: how?
GK: eat some glittery pav :P
MM: wicked *waves hand*
Pav: *appears*
MM: so easy why did i think of before?
All: *eat* *appear int he the middle of a battle..*
MM: huh?
Glitter knights: *surround MM for protecting*
Jasper: Queen! where were you?
Emmet: it was all jaspers fault im sure
MM: im not to sure where i was or how i got there but what is goin on here?
Emmet: a war? lets go find the others
raven's deckchair: [act]has turned into a reclining massage chair which is now situated under a large umbrella[/act]
raven: [act]has a face mask on and cucumbers over her eyes[/act] i'm fine with waiting, wake me when the action starts. :nod:

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: *poke Raven with her free hand* your troops are fighing and you here relaxing?!? move it little miss!!!!
Raven: *gets a move on*
cucumbers: *go flying*

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
opps!! I will just delete my last post then :P Sorry I have been doing Biology all day my head is a bit wacked!!! hey do you think I can still come to mystics ball and just post my sig up when I get it working? It's not working at the moment but I am missing out! sorry wrong place to be asking this question!

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
tis okeis, sure, you can post, just say that you will put up your sig later :) :nod:

Dreamweavers' Guilden
15 years ago

Dreamweavers' Guilden
thanks Helena I just posted!!! hopefully I will have my sig worked out in a couple of days!!!
Arien: *collects cucumber slices* They might come in handy. You never know |:|

Wanderer Guilden
15 years ago

Wanderer Guilden
Helena: yeh they could end up as like ninja stars or somthing 8)
hmm... i'm thinking that its just about time to start a new thread... this one's getting a bit long, don't you think?
Ooo, yes it is. I'll start up a new one. I'll post all the info up on the front page again as well